
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 5/11/2022: This is a browser-based feature, no website enables this explicitly

Add "Search google for" in the editor.

2 years ago

Right now, when you highlight a word in the editor and right click, there are only the standard "cut"/"copy"/"paste" options.

I'd like the ability to also just do a google search for the highlighted word (like you can on the rest of the website, outside of the editor). Both because I wanna look up the word for whatever reason and because the "WebSpellChecker" takes like 5 seconds to highlight a misspelled word and it'd be quicker for me to just double click to select and then "search google" which will correct me if it's wrong.

Add "Search google for" in the editor.

2 years ago
I might suggest that this is a function of your browser and not the web site.

Add "Search google for" in the editor.

2 years ago

I'm aware it is. I'm asking for it to be in the editor, if at all possible. Consider my sentence changed from "like you can on the rest of the website, outside of the editor" to "like you can on generally any webpage".

Add "Search google for" in the editor.

2 years ago
This is actually browser behavior that no website implements themself. It's better to see if the spellcheck integration can be turned off, so browsers with native spellchecking can work (edge, chrome, maybe others).

In the meantime, it's as simple as Ctrl+N, Ctrl+V, Enter.