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Very Excited

14 years ago

I've been writing short stories for a while as a hobby and am about to attempt my first "Choose Your Own" style story.  I was considering developing my own web site to facilitate my attempt.  I'm so happy I discovered this site!  I can't wait to read / play others stories and when I'm ready, submit my own.

From what I've seen so far, this is a perfect design and it looks like there is a decent community here!  Needless to say, I'm very excited.

Very Excited

14 years ago
Awesome! I'm 3J, an admin, I'm glad you like the editor. I highly (highly highly highly highly highly highly) thing you should explore the advanced editor and skip the classic editor altogether. There are lots of articles under Help & Info on the left.

Welcome aboard, good luck and have fun.

Very Excited

14 years ago
Great! I'm mage, not an admin, and its swell you like this site.
Anyhow, you said you were attempting a story here, care to give a us a spoiler, or is it top secret? I can tell you're not an idiot, so you'll definitely be welcome here! Your writings polished and you've got great potential. Normally, I'd tell you stick with the basic editor, but you know how to make a site and it seems you've already browsed around. Welcome aboard Purin!

Very Excited

14 years ago

Hey there, Purin! I'm Anubis, and I'm a sex machine! It's great to have another member who isn't a dumbass and who takes writing seriously...unlike a lot of us. lol Enjoy your stay and good luck with your stories. If you need an editor, I'd be happy to help!

And Mage, here's a spoiler for ya: General Shepherd betrays and kills Roach and Ghost.

Very Excited

14 years ago
Lol my friend just told me that about an hour ago. Im never one for campaign if there's multiplayer.

Very Excited

14 years ago

I  remember when  I was looking for my first CYS site, It took me 2 1/2 hours to find this one but I was glad that I did.