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I need some major help.

10 years ago

Alright guys and gals, I have mentioned in the past that I'm working on Aeternus: Rise of a Legend. I already know what endings there will be, I've got the character personalities made, the only problem is the beginning.

This story will basically have the main character follow a storyline similar to a Greek Hero and I am stuck on the beginning. I cannot for the life of me figure out how I can start this story. I've already tried multiple times and I always end up deleting it because it just doesn't fit. If you need anymore details such as plot and characters you can ask.

Anything to get my mind on the right track.

I need some major help.

10 years ago

Most Greek heroes are pretty big on how nothing scares them: never retreat, never surrender. Perhaps your opening scene is something traumatic that desensitizes the hero? Or on the opposite end of the spectrum, something awesome that inspires him to hide his fears away. I think either could make for an interesting internal struggle as the hero fights to suppress his emotions.

What inspires/scares you? That could be a nice springboard to draw from.

I need some major help.

10 years ago

I don't know what the rest of the story is about, but I'm assuming military conflict is involved. Maybe it starts in a war that happened prior to the story? or that happened later to the story but it's a flash forward?

I need some major help.

10 years ago

Start with a vision of him at the end of the story.

I need some major help.

10 years ago

This would work great if the story starts us right near the end(with enough story to entertain us after the vision/memory. Since that way the character is just 'remembering' what choices he made. The choices he makes will affect which ending he gets.

I need some major help.

10 years ago

You could do something like making him go to a greek oracle or whatever and have them predict the multiple endings, sort of telling the readers in an off-handed way 'you could either get....' etc. etc. etc.

I need some major help.

10 years ago

Give us more info on the plot and main character.

I need some major help.

10 years ago

Make him do something really manly as a child to show us readers that he's some seriously tough shit. Then make his peasant village get burned by barbarian invaders to give him a deep set of moral values/strong will/mental steel that he'll be using throughout his hero-ing days.