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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Dear admins and mods,

I'm so happy that you decide to put up with all our crap. We should start celebrating a special day for our mods and admins so they don't have to do much work. Let's say....HAPPY FOUNDER'S DAY! Let's celebrate; @DerpBacon , get the cookies!
Thanks, guys. I really mean it.


Thank you, Admins

8 years ago


Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

I agree.

I want to thank all the Moderators and Administrators who keep this site from becoming a horrible shatstorm. I'm glad that you do your jobs without monetary recognition. Thank you for keeping your job up everyday, and genuinley caring for the well being of all the productive members.

So, once again, I give my thanks to you.

Let give them all a nice round of applause!


Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

I'd just like to throw in a happy belated 15th birthday to the site.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago that's something to celebrate!

Happy Founder's Day AND Site-wide Anniversary, guys!


Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Definitely, happy (belated) birthday CYS! :3 And many happy returns!

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago
We're also coming up on the 14th anniversary (birthday?) of cysid.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Aww. You're sweet, AYT.

Haven't been one long obviously, but I'm happy to have contributed to the "keep CYS from sucking" effort.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Oh, lil' ol' me? 

Yep, keep doing what you're doing. I'd give you a cookie, but I ate it xD

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

*intense applause intensifies*

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Get your cookies here, folks! 50 cents apiece! Get 'em right here, when they're baked hot n' fresh!

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago


*Gives quarter*

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Half of a cookie for you.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago
*hands 100 dollars*
I haven't had cookies in ages. Gimme.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

*I cart in a shopping cart filled with gold bars.*


Here you go, don't ask where I got them.


*In the background, police sirens blare*


In all seriousness though, indeed. I know I'm an absolute newbie to the site, or at least, one of the newest, maybe, but from what I've been told of the WC fandom horrors, the trolls, and heck, just maintaining a site in general, would be much more than I, or most people I know could handle.

Thanks, admins!

now gimme da cookies i broke into fort knox to buy these

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

How many times to I have to tell you fucking noobs that they ONLY LIKE CHOCOLATE CHIP!?

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

They also like kk adorbs animals.

Eh, Seth's accepted Snickerdoodles before.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

They've accepted these cookies before.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

G17 R3K7 5CRUB CHR15

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

lol i'm so late.


I want the cookies.

(Hooray, site anniversary!)

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago
No, keep your money. You can have half of mine. That's 100 cookies. *hands sack of cookies*

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago


But I wanted you to take my money.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago
Nah. I'm good. Got lots in the bank. *hands $20*

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Can't enjoy these cookies without some granny's peach tea.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago
Nah. The only tea I drink is sweet and green tea.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Nah peach tea is bomb, bear grylls sponsors it.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

That Superman v Batman reference.....*dies*

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago


Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

*reaches to steal a cookie*

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

*Smacks hand*

Do you own a BanWish, child?!

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago
I'll drink to that!  You guys are doing a bang-up job!

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

It's admirable that they are able to do such a good job with things. 

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

How appropriate that someone who's nickname is Throaty  start this thread. 


Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Yes, all of our mods deserve much more praise than what they receive. They battle daily with weirdos trolling the forums with utter nonsense, delete comments in storygames that say things like "Imma eatin cheezzboogers" throughout the entire day, and ban users who often come back with a vengeance. Plus, they probably have to deal with a turdload of people trying to contact them in the PM's. Oh, they are also among the greatest writers on our site.

I give every one of you a standing ovation (even though you cannot see it).

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago
You're welcome.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

The mods and admins in this site did a good job. Their judgements are always good.

And to Kiel: I appreciate you for being one of the few members who care about umm... helping or advising  noobs like Bevan, Brennon, etc.

At Bevan's thread, I saw you giving legit thoughts to him while I was just looking for fun. Yeah, he annoyed you... but you still gave him one last piece of advice while everyone seems to not give a shit.

Thanks, Kiel :)

And if we're gonna need new mods if you're no longer active in this site for some reasons, I think Will11 is the only good replacement.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

*blink* Thank you for the acknowledgement. But, well ... of course I gave him advice. (xD I'm also talking him through one of my games at the moment, lol.) I've never seriously wanted to see any one of you fail, no matter how funny it was, just like I've wanted peace in this community regardless of our differences, no matter how entertaining our wars / fights were.

Hell, that's... why I wanted to be a mod. I wanted to help, I want to see this place continue to grow (hey, if a community isn't growing, it's dying) and succeed because I respect what it's about: Writing, reading, sharing ideas, encouraging creativity. We came here because of that common ground, because we share a love of those things.

I admit I might be a bit hot-headed sometimes, but just because I've had an issue with someone in the past doesn't mean I want to keep having it. Besides, now that I really am responsible (not just as a normal member) for helping people here, that's how I should act, honestly. I have no problem ridding us of trolls or people who genuinely won't contribute / act in a way that is harmful to the site, but if someone shows the desire to learn and change, they should get a chance. 

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

I admit that I can be headstrong and reckless sometimes. But you always still have the patience. I think you'll be a good father.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Thanks, Raven. 

Dammit, Ford. :P That's Kiel_Possible! Or Quiller. Or Seth. Or James. Or Senpen...

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago
We have so many moms in here it's starting to be like the laundry service on the corner where you have to kick the dryer doors closed with an illegal kids daycare in the basement.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Thanks for not banning me.

~ Chris.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Isn't this, like, your fourth account?

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

This is actually my third, my fourth was TheDickReviewer. Plus, I was only banned once (on my second I was stuck on basic text editor and on the fourth I forgot my password [or I was banned, I forgot]).

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

You were banned on the 4th.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Yeah, especially with that shitstorm they had to clear out just a minute ago. Hehe. Worth it.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

You bet.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

I'm so sorry for that, beeteedubs, Kiel.

Didn't know it would evolve into that.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago
you are to blame for ALL of it. ALL OF IT!

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago



Thank you, Admins

8 years ago
I'll let you have that one if it calms you down a bit :3

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

No duel-cheating, you two.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Whaaaat noooooo

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Of course! Neither would I!


*Sees post was edited*

*Checks points to find penalty*


Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

... The lucky duelist trophy has been screwed with a lot--to the point where I'm seeing bans for it now. And some mods are far less shy with that hammer than I, so I'm not joking when I say to knock it off.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

I'm just pointing out about how much this needs to be fixed. I don't know how, but still, something should be done, whether going hard-reset and take out the system altogether for a sec to reset any dual ratios, or somehow fix the bug.


I apologize.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

I'm aware, but I'm not Alexp. xD I don't have the ability or the authority to fix it.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

K den.

Gotta go to the local Alexp shrine and pray for a quick return.

still waiting on that trophy as well... dang, Alexp has a lot on his hands, both IRL and here.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago
Duel cheating isn't worth it when you get over 2k points :P and by further extension, points aren't worth anything... ever

In any case we dindu nuffin - ain't no cheating going down between us two cheaters.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

True. xD

Yeah, I believe you. (If I didn't, you would've seen a point deduction from me for it. As it is, Tim's is for a different issue. :P)

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

I'm special.

I don't duel cheat. I TELL people how to! :D

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago
In a way, that's worse than just doing it yourself...

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

In another, completely opposite way, I'm getting would-be cheaters in trouble!

Tim Thomas:

"Having dirty cheaters penalized since 2014"

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago
I'd drink to that. *attempts to have everyone raise glass*

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Nobody touches mah beautiful trophy! I kiwl joo good! angry

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Because you're usually to afraid to accept my duels :P

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Screw that, you always beat me sad

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Yet you still have the stupid trophy :(

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Ha! I win ^_^

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Just for the record, I let you win this time to not not discourage you any further, or something like that...

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

 Image result for we got a badass

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Yes, his ass is very bad ^_^

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Weeell, this took a quite sudden turn in a different direction. 

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

If I agree or disagree with that statement, it'll sound like I'm personally familiar with Rom's ass, sooo...  I don't really know what to say.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Please just don't say anything...

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago
Briar, how the heck would you know this kind of sensitive information? XD

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

She gropes people on the subway as a hobby, and thus, has developed a keen sense of butt quality.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago
Has she groped you too?

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago
She's groped anybody who's ever played her storygame Tower of Fiddles.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

I laughed harder than I should have.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago
Damn, we're dealing with a serial groper here.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

I'm not...

I'll just be in my house eating my can of Pringles, thank you very much. :)

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago




Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

No ^_^

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago


Don't be like that.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Nuh uh. I dun wanna lose my super awesome trophy. ^_^

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Over 1 duel?

That's not how it works, is it?


Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Okay... I win. ^_^

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago





... damnit... -.-

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

May the 10th be with you!.....hehe no?

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago
Maybe the hundredth?

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago



<3 u bbz

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

It was funny, I admit--at least for a while, but I am at my limit of alt spam for the day. (And yes, that's a warning.)

@Ford - Goes for you, too.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago there an actual limit though?

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago


Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

I swear, I didn't make a single other alt besides Hail_Farren during that whole thing. Well, and Piss113022.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

I agree, great job guys!

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

I haven't been here long but I would still like to say thank you, and seeing how amazing this site is you guys must have done an Awesome job! :-)

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Yes, thank you all.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Founders Day? I don't think any of the founders are around any more... But a huge thanks to the mods that are still around who have to constantly ban the same trolls over and over because there's no option to IP ban and get rid of them for good. I don't envy your job mods, I really don't. >.<

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Despite any and all of the shit I happen to lob at any one of you, you guys are alright.  yes

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago
Thank you all. *high fives each mod plus AYT*

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Thanks Guys! You kick the troll's asses and chew bubblegum.

And you are all out of gum!

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Happy Kiel Day!


No really, that should be a thing >.>

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago


Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

It already exists. It's 23 October.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

*chuckles* You actually checked? (And I appreciate the thought, fellas.)

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

What made you think I didn't know it off by heart? :P

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

That is a good point. Even though you could be messing with everyone.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

*Sigh* Love is such a beautiful thing.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Because it was surprising enough to me that someone looked, period. No one here has any obligation to memorize my birthday, so I wouldn't expect anyone to do so.

... >\\\> Wait. Did you seriously have it memorized?

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

It only took me three clicks and two ctrl+Fs to find your birthday from your points history.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Well, yeah. I didn't say it was hard to find, just that I didn't see why anyone would bother. xD 

(Guess I underestimated the power of random curiosity.) 

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

I feel the urge to kill everyone. But I think I've aged and become disenchanted. 

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Hey look, can't come here and say stuff like that , it's it's you can't, I'm gonna have to give you a yellow card for that. 

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

I'm just playing, lol

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

:( Aw. Everyone?

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

But, you want to kill me the most, right?

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

How masochistic of you.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

The best friend always gets murdered first.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago


Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

I thought it was the token ethnic guy, but I might be confusing CYS with horror movies again.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

I'm the token non-anthro fox, so I should be like double-dead right now.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

If I'm the token mixed-race, non-anthro dragon, does that make me more or less dead?

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

It depends. Are you best friends with madglee?

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

I'd like to thank the admins/moderators for putting one of my storygames on the front page of the site, as one of the Top 5 Advanced Storygames. This was one of my big dreams a while back! Well, I feel there are other storygames that are objectively better, but I am very happy to see people out there enjoying/valuing my work a lot.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Thanks, mods. You put up with a lot of shit. I can't imagine yours is an easy job in any way, shape, or form. So props to you.

Special shoutouts:

JJJ-thebanisher is an excellent moderator of the site. As well as having excellent and prolific writing capabilites, JJJ has been a wonderful help to many members (as well as being one of the oldest active members, site-wise). 

madglee for being a great mod and, from what I've seen, a writer with a very interesting and compelling style.

BerkaZerka is one of the most funny people on the site. Many people have said this many times, but that doesn't make it any less true. An additional salute for having the determination to write a full, novel-sized CYOA game.

Sethaniel is the mod-el mod. Always displaying a strong sense of integrity, always bettering the community in many ways, and always keeping a good sense of humor about. 

And, of course, Kiel_Farren, who, although having only been a mod for quite a short amount of time, has already displayed excellent qualities as a mod and made the community a better place. He's also an excellent writer, a precise and helpful critic, and a very funny individual to boot.

Once again, props to all of you. You're the reason why this site's community has flourished as such for 15 years.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Thanks, GMB. ^^

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago


Thank you, Admins

8 years ago


Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Just realized that I never actually said a formal thanks.

Hey, mods. You guys are pretty cool. You guys get rid of trolls and such. You do contests. You give out free points sometimes for reasons. You get rid of crappy storygames.

You do all kinds of amazing stuff. Thanks.



Thank you, Admins

8 years ago
Very formal, Timothy.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

I mean "formal" as in "direct".

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

I thought it was beautiful.

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Yes, thank you guys for not becoming cops and further contributing to the grotesque societal tumor they are with your own lack of discretion and personal responsibility.

Also, thank you for not raping anybody that I know or salting my goldfish.

But, in all seriousness, you guys aren't too bad. :)

Thank you, Admins

8 years ago

Founder's Day...a reference to City Of Ember?