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Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

Once again it’s time to ring your big bells and throw rotten fruit at these folks as they walk naked through the streets, because it’s SHAMING time!

Yes, once again we mock those that failed the simplest of tasks. Keep in mind, SHAME never goes away just by ignoring it! You MUST redeem yourself if you ever hope to get rid of it, so we go through the current list of the SHAMED from past contests as well as this one!

Prepare yourself, because this list seems to be getting longer before it’s getting any shorter!


SpartacustheGreat (Coins)




CallMeFriend (Boringfirelion)


And that’s it for this contest’s SHAMED list.

Shit, you lot are fucking terrible.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago
Wow there are even formerly respectable people in there now.

Lol poor TCount though, that's some very unfortunate company to be keeping.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago
Sucks to be you guys lol.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

Christ. We're wastes of fuckin' oxygen.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago
I believe Plelb submitted 2012, so he should have crawled his way out of there.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

I don't think that met minimum site standards.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago
broke when I died and I couldn't finish it. very torturous to play too

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago
oh yeah your discord ban is up by now. it was temp until the contest was over because you said you came back just for that so I wanted to ruin the satisfaction xD

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

He didn't make it in time and he took it down now anyway.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

When do we get the bet payouts?

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

You, Ford and Wibbons have to wait because you guys are competing for a whole different PRIZE.

Whoever wins the CHAOS mini-contest, is getting ALL the points that were bet. (Including that slacker Bannerlord's)

Losers obviously get nothing, which isn't going matter much in Ford's case anyway.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

Holy sh*t. That's better then the prize for winning the contest. A mention in a thread and 100 points.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

Wow. This will *possibly* be very lucrative for WIBN. 

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

Wait I didn't enter that one though. I just wanted you to pick how many points I was betting.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

Yeah, I picked over 125, which means you entered the Chaos Seeker Contest since you didn't make a normal bet like everyone else.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago
Didn't we all enter the chaos contest? :3

hue hue hue hue hue

Edit:: You and your mod editing powers e-e

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago
I'm gonna be so fucking salty

If I knew I could get +6k I would've fucking killed someone.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

"Wibbons the chicken"


Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

Seriously, everyone making crazy bets has nobody to blame but themselves. Lol.

Banner, T-Count and jep, just fucking failed to even complete the task at all.

Beta, you were insane enough to let me of all people pick your bet for you. Be glad I didn’t take ALL your points and was fairly generous.

Ford, you got blessed by the Founders and even had some people rooting for you and STILL cocked it up.

And the kicker in all this? Wibbon’s story wasn’t even that hard to beat. Seriously, she is probably not going to win the main contest since I had her in last place before Ford and beta submitted their stories.

However, she put in the work to at least do better than everyone involved in the whole Chaos Seeker thing. So yeah, she’s probably going to win that due to everyone else involved in it being lazy.

But again, this is all very chaotic, so who knows maybe Bucky and the other judges will like your stories better and you'll win after all.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

To think, if i'd bet a few more points and didn't delete my entry while I was half asleep like a fucktard, I may have gotten all those points.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

At least you unlocked an achievement.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

My first achievement, hooray for me.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago
I'm kicking myself for playing it safe now but as of last week I wasn't sure I'd be finishing a story at all.

Well, 'finishing', anyway.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

Hm, this is an interesting mini-contest. I'd be rather giddy if I win the 4950 points wagered (especially since I have 50 other points as well).

Also, I would like to thank Banner, T-Count, and Jep for not submitting anything. 

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

Wait, didn't I redeem myself at least a little bit by winning the previous contest? 

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

I think you should be. I mean winning a contest should probably take you out of the pit, let alone the fact that you swept the two top spots. 

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

What other contest? Last contest Rom was in, he didn't submit anything.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

He won the Flash Fiction contest in February.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

Oh, that other contest that occurred that month. Honestly I forgot all about that one.

Ugh, what a damn nuisance. Fine, Rom is out of the pit.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago


Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago
Is the pit even big enough for so many people? If they stand on each others sholders, some might actually climb out ... nah, too much effort.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

They can't, it's a very deep and wide pit. The floor of the pit has the consistency of shit so even when one of them tries to climb out on the backs of others, they all just sink down. Not to mention it's on fire and whenever someone tries to escape, demon crab like creatures shove them back in.

So it's deep, wide, mushy, constantly burning and infested with crabs.

It's basically coin's mom's girl parts.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago
This was art.

Contest SHAME 3: The SHAME that wouldn’t die!

7 years ago

Why must you torment me so