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New Story Idea

13 years ago

I wanted to get your guys' opinion on a new idea for a story. One of my friends recently had, er, bad luck in the religion department, but it's all good now. I wanted to use what happened to him for a new story.

Though it's not for CYS, how would you guys feel about a story where a young boy gets attacked by demons and is determined to find out why. He does investigating and finds out it's connected to a death magic (necromancy) and lord Cthulu. If you don't know who Cthulhu is, here's a link:

So, what do you guys think? I don't want to start a story most people would think is a dud.

New Story Idea

13 years ago

Your friend got attacked by Lovecraftian abominations? Man, I hate it when that happens.

Anyway, sounds like a pretty cool idea for a story...though why are you asking us? If a plot is interesting enough to you to want to write it, then you're going to write it. Not singling you out personally, but I've seen these kinds of threads here before and I never understand them, because to me, if an author needs a certain amount of approval from random internet strangers before they go ahead with an idea it makes me think they must not have been all that fired up about it in the first place, and if they can't even get excited about their own story than I probably won't either.      

New Story Idea

13 years ago
Sounds interesting to say the least. I know of an anime that uses a similar idea.

New Story Idea

13 years ago

Well, mizal, I wanted to see what you guys thought of it because if it turns out to be a good story, I might make it into a CYS story. Just consider this a sneak peek. ;)

And, my friend didn't get attacked by Lovecratians, I just incorporrated Cthulhu into the story. But it freaked us out when his hand wrote out "Maron" on two seperat pieces of paper like so:

MAR(       )N

The two parenthesis mean half an O. It was really creepy. But, it's all over now.

New Story Idea

13 years ago
Where is the creepy in that story?

New Story Idea

13 years ago
Yeah, I don't get what is supposed to be creepy either. Was some ghostly force forcing him to write or something?

New Story Idea

13 years ago
Mizal is 100000000% right!

New Story Idea

13 years ago

yes, a force made him do it. He was eating at the same time with his other hand and was staring at his food. By the time he wrote "MA" and half the "R", i asked him if he was all right. He didn't know he was writing. Furniture moved several times, a religious drawing I gave him once was torn apart, he heard knocks on doors when he was alone . . . you get it?

New Story Idea

13 years ago
Ohh no your friend is being haunted.

New Story Idea

13 years ago

It's over now, though.

New Story Idea

13 years ago

Yeah, that happens to me every other Tuesday :P

On a more serious note, that sounds interesting and I believe it could have happened, I have always believed in the supernatural. If you want to make a story about that go for it, send me a link if it is online  because I would like to read it when it is done


New Story Idea

13 years ago

I will be sure to inform you all. ;)

New Story Idea

12 years ago

I am sure that Cthulu have little to do with Necromancy. Necromancy being divination using the dead (communicating). Cthulu have little to do with magic overall, but his Cultists might employ magic, but if magic is central to the plot, my suggestion would be to use Nyarlathotep the Crawling Chaos (Satan, the Black Man, the Black Pharoh, Hermes, Thoth, etc) for magical activities and Cthulu as the ultimate doom for Earth. (although Nyarlathotep is responsible for destroying the universe when Azathoth awakes).

New Story Idea

12 years ago

The only thing to do with necromancy is to awaken Cthulhu and cast curses is all. Nothing too factatious (i know it's not a word, but you know what I mean)