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12 years ago
Is it Grey or Gray?


12 years ago


I use the two interchangeably.


12 years ago
It is a cultural thing. Kinda how color in Canada is colur.


12 years ago
Don't you mean colour?


12 years ago


12 years ago

America=Gray European/Canada/Australia=Grey


12 years ago

What Bo said. It's grey just about everywhere in the English-speaking world except the US. I remember getting really confused by the name Graymon in the Digimon series as a kid and it took me until I was twelve to figure out that it was just the US spelling of the word.


12 years ago

America is the hipster nation. "Metric system? Too mainstream" :P. It seems like every time there's a system in the english-speaking world, America finds it a good idea to do the opposite.


12 years ago

Yeah, I've always imagined it would be so irritating to do science in the US and having to learn a whole new measurement system for distance and temperature.

Some of the spelling is a little confusing too. Like everywhere else, metre is a unit of measuring distance and meter is a device used to measure something. In the US, both are spelled meter (as far as I'm aware).


12 years ago

I didn't know metre was a word, so I'm assuming they are both spelled the same. Meter is both used for distance (mainly Kilometer since it's so easily converted with miles) and for how long something is. The spelling isn't really a problem for me since it's normally pretty easy to figure out what others are saying (like gray and grey or color and colour), but learning the metric system every year is a bitch :P. I wasn't even taught the conversion factor (simply adding or subtracting a 0 every level) untill this year in chemistry.


12 years ago
Wait.... Wait.

Americans change the spelling of the unit of measurement they don't even use?? How does that make ANY sense?!

Also, to explain what a metre is: A kilometre is 1000 metres.


12 years ago

Yeah, the word Kilometre looks extremely weird to me, we call it Kilometer. Like I said, the Hipster nation...


12 years ago
In Ebay Escapist, I used gray and grey to lead the reader to a death by chainsaw ending if they weren't paying attention to the spellings.


12 years ago
Is it color or colour?


12 years ago

Actually read the threads you're commenting on.


12 years ago
I think grey looks greyer. :p


12 years ago

Gray is the only way.


12 years ago

Looks better that way :)


12 years ago

I'm Canadian and I use gray lol.