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Tales of Arabian Nights Test Run Game

8 months ago


Quick rules

You’re going to be traveling around the map and having encounters CYOA style. This will typically result in me asking what particular action you want to do and you choose it. The results then follow. Sometimes your traits, treasures or statuses will come into play, altering the usual results.

Results typically include loss or gaining of destiny/story points, traits, wealth and statuses.

Traits are exactly what they sound like and can assist in various encounters. Your wealth can go up and down, though the richer you are, the slower you generally travel. There's usually a happy medium of wealth where you're going fairly quick on land and sea. Oh, you generally travel slower on sea unless you got the Seamanship trait.

Statuses can be good or bad, these are generally acquired through encounters. Bad ones you'll want to try to get rid of as soon as possible. Statuses can include things like Blessed, Insane, Imprisoned, Married, Respected, and a whole lot more.

Winning condition

Alright so normally the winning conditions of the game are gaining a certain number of Destiny and Story points and then returning to Baghdad. (Where you start) This is always a combination equaling 20. So if you want to take the middle of the road approach, you’d do 10 story 10 destiny. But if you want to do something extreme like 1 destiny and 19 story, you can do that too.

Both of these points go up (or down) as you have encounters. Also your points goals are kept secret from the other players (Obviously you’ll just PM me what your points goals are)

Now there’s also Quests and normally you’ll get one at the beginning of the game, but you actually don’t have to finish it. It’s sort of just something to give you a goal as you have encounters, but completing a quest typically reaps rewards. You then pick up another quest after you complete one, though sometimes you can get quests in other ways.

There is another way to play which is you get three quests and after you complete all 3 you return to Baghdad and the game ends that way instead. (Shorter or longer games involves more or less quests)

So you guys decide if you want to do the points win condition or the quest one (If the quest one, then pick how many quests you guys want to complete)

But while you’re also doing that, you’ll want to pick your character’s starting traits. You get 3 to start with, but you can gain more as the game goes on. You might even upgrade a trait to a master class version which gives you more of an edge during encounters where you use the trait.

Here’s the traits.

Acting & Disguise
Bargaining & Evaluation
Courtly Graces
Enduring Hardship
Piety (Place your faith in Allah foul infidel)
Quick Thinking
Seduction (Awww yeah)
Stealth & Stealing
Weapon Use
Wilderness Lore

Now keep in mind, if you pick something like magic, you are not going to be throwing fireballs all over the place. It’s a trait like any other that may come in handy during an encounter.

I’m also give you a choice of the quests available rather than randomly giving them out. There’s actually a few more than this, but these are more basic ones to start with.

A Dream of Riches
Contest For A Marriage Mizal
Merchant Mizal
Purchase Slave Peng
Seek Adventure
Seek Knowledge TCat
Seek Lost Relative
Seek Love
Seek Treasure Peng
Slay Creature
The Call Of The Wild TCat
The Gourmet Mizal
The Pull Of The Sea Peng
The Story Of Stories TCat

That’s about it for the basics to start with. Obviously I’ll explain stuff as things go on. I’ll take a picture of the map (Or better picture) so there’s a basic idea of the layout, but if anyone needs a close up of their location or text description of exactly where they are, I can provide that, along with answering any questions.

Tales of Arabian Nights Test Run Game

8 months ago
Do the characters we picked have any specific abilities that we aren't choosing ourselves?

And I like the idea of playing for completed quests rather than just points, makes it all a little more story driven that way.

Bargaining & Evaluation
Courtly Graces

The Gourmet sounds like a good quest though, my dude is just going around being a fat and rich old hedonist.

And if we're doing three quests, Merchant, Contest for a Marriage, and Gourmet all sound like the path to retiring a rich and respectably old fatass.

Tales of Arabian Nights Test Run Game

8 months ago

Nah, the characters themselves have no specific abilities, they're basically just an avatar for you to move about with.

Tales of Arabian Nights Test Run Game

8 months ago
I don't mind either quests or points.

Bargaining and Evaluation

I like the sound of "The Pull Of The Sea" for a quest, "Seek Treasure" also seems pretty straightforward if I can't get the former.

Tales of Arabian Nights Test Run Game

8 months ago

I'm good with either a set number of quests or points, I have an inability to make important decisions anyhow.

I'll be going with Piety, Quick Thinking, and Wisdom for traits. As far as quests go, The Story of Stories seems interesting. Seek Knowledge would be my other choice if someone else wants the first.

If there's three quests, I'll also add Call of the Wild. I've always wanted to be a hermit in the woods far from society.

Tales of Arabian Nights Test Run Game

8 months ago
I'm not sure if there's a rule against people having the same traits, that'd be something useful to find out.

Tales of Arabian Nights Test Run Game

8 months ago

Yeah there's no rule against that.

Tales of Arabian Nights Test Run Game

8 months ago

Looks like we'll go with quests. TCat and Peng have sort of already picked two out (All different) so I wasn't sure if you all want to do 3 or leave it at 2 quests. (Or hell just 1 and it being the first one you picked)

Tales of Arabian Nights Test Run Game

8 months ago
If they could each pick one more, three seems like a good number to aim for, although I don't know how long that would make the game or how generally difficult that would be to achieve.

Anyway, I edited my original post and listed three just in case. If we're only doing two I'll probably switch them around.

No idea if the traits I picked are a good combo to actually win, but they fit how I want to play him.

Tales of Arabian Nights Test Run Game

8 months ago

Oh should also point out, all of you start out as POOR on the wealth scale.

(Just like in real life!)

Tales of Arabian Nights Test Run Game

8 months ago

Pinning this for now, just so it doesn't potentially get buried.

Tales of Arabian Nights Test Run Game

8 months ago



Two or three quests? If you guys want 3, then pick another quest each.

As for if the game is running too long for anyone, you all can just decide to cut it short and I'll also factor in stuff like wealth, points and such to determine a "winner" though with a game like this there's more of a fun journey thing rather than a win/lose death match.

EDIT: Oh wait, TCat picked a third quest.

Tales of Arabian Nights Test Run Game

8 months ago
We'll do... "Purchase Slave" then.

Tales of Arabian Nights Test Run Game

8 months ago


And thanks, no point in playing this game without at least a few pro-slavery references for the lols.

Tales of Arabian Nights Test Run Game

8 months ago

Alright, looks like everything is in order. I'll write up the intro in the CC forum where you guys can get started at your leisure.