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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago
This board's been looking a little dead, so here's an activity related to writing, that does not require actual writing. Some of you guys still seem to not have a real strong understanding of how plots fit together, some of you may simply be bored, but either way this will be good practice. Also, if you screw up badly it will be fun to laugh at you!

Step 1: Go to deletedgames. You will note that many of the descriptions will have you howling, while others are simply pointless and bland.

Step 2: Choose one with a level of badness that appeals to you.

Step 3: Create a full outline of a good story, inspired by the basic idea of the description summary.


Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

Guess I'll start off.

DEL~408~kill my wife


you find out that your wife is cheating on you with your boss it is time to kill her


Plot outline

[Insert name here] is a paraphilic wife-beater who, upon realising his wife has found solace from his depraved ways with the help of friends and family, finally snaps and sets out to kill her. She's been anticipating this for years now, since [Insert name here]'s deviant activities intensified in occurrence and severity - which, despite [Insert name here]'s best efforts at controlling his urges, culminated in him getting off to smacking her around. Although she didn't want to call the cops, out of love for [Insert name here], she is forced to when he attempts to break into the nursery she works in. After being promptly arrested and charged with domestic violence etc. etc., [Insert name here] develops a bitter, self-loathing against his destructive nature. 

Intro + Rise in tension



Short story material, do what you want with it.


Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago
Someone actually posted in a thread of mine. I'm touched.

In typical fashion I got sidetracked by dumb things and didn't finish the one I was working on. (In my defense, it was an impossible task anyhow because cat stories cannot be redeemed.)

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

Just as I suspected, you can delete games forever if you delete them from the admin story list. They won't even show up on the "Deletedgames" list anymore.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

Should also be noted that the "deletedgames" doesn't even show them all. There are FAR more deleted stories when doing a search.

Some of the games pop up a 500 Internal Server Error when trying to permanently delete them though, so some are determined to remain in their "undead" state.

EDIT: DEL~001 through DEL~099 sent to oblivion. (12 undead)

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago
Yeah I notice that list didn't go very far, compared to the number that must actually have been deleted on the site.

But if course there are probably more unfinished stories in purgatory out there than deleted ones. Now THOSE would be fun to snoop through.

Is there any way to access a full member list? Or is happening to catch some obscure account online the only way to find random people?

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

No full member list as far as I can tell. The best you can do is type in a single letter (or number) and all the members with a name starting with that letter will show up.

You can’t get a whole list of the deleted stories doing a search either because an error shows up. You have to limit the DEL~ by number so you can get a range of them.

Typing DEL~ 1 for example will give you all of them from 101 to 199. And you get multiple versions of those numbers. (There are currently 18 DEL~101s alone)

There are no DEL~ that ever seem to end in 0s though.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

Wait, that's where deleted games go?

I thought they went to Oblivion.

Does that make this "account" Purgatory?

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago
Is there a bounty for finding MinnieKing's lost story?

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

Better do it quick since I'm slowly sending everything I can to oblivion.

I found a story by Ogre which was a sequel to Cryo failure. I thought I found a deleted story by Steve that was sequel to one of his orc stories, but it turned out it was a sequel to Beardon's orc story instead.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

I can see about 40 WarriorCats stories on there already (some of which appear to be duplicated by the same author).

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

Wait, what? 

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago
@MinnieKing Better start looking before the Reaper claims his due (the page loads for ages and I have no idea what your story was titled)

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

I don't even remember what it was called either. It had the word Aerial in it I believe, but it's not like it matters much anymore.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

DEL~115~The adventures of mizal

Mizal is my mum

I was sort of hoping there was some story written out, but that's all there is to this one.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago
Curious who the author was...any chance of a name drop?

for no particular reason

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

You can't see the author.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

This is a great exercise for creative thinking, so, why not, I'll give this a go:



You are in prison, but you don't deserve to be here. In fact, very few of your fellow inmates do. The entire town has been imprisoned. Why? Only because of a crazy man who got elected, as mayor. Your town has been abandoned as a prison-town, escapeys now fill these streets, your only hope...unless you can escape yourself. Guards who are desperate for money with the crumbling economy of the united states come here to keep you in, since this is the best-paying job in the country. So, they break their own morals to save their selves and their families and help keep you and other innocents imprisoned. The government has so much to worry about right now, they don't help your town. You are on your own, so what will you do?


The Setting: isolated prison-town full of thieves, murderers, rapists, etc. Or just plagiarize something from The Purge.

The Main Character/Backstory: You were a normal guy, until disaster struck and that "crazy man got elected as mayor." Your entire family gets slaughtered by the evil guards for trying to escape the town, and you want your revenge.

The Plot: You start off fighting and killing your way through the town out of anger and hunger for vengeance. Then, you have an epiphany moment and realize how pointless your actions are because all you've done is contribute to the murders and destruction of your once-beloved town. You decide to, shall we say, cut the head off the snake and assassinate the mayor. 

The Climax: Somehow, you manage to come face-to-face with the evil mayor, who is obviously heavily guarded (I don't know, maybe you gained some skills from the killing spree). But plot twist! You then realize somehow he is your long-lost son from your "other family," whom you'd abandoned, and he wanted revenge on you by killing everything you hold dear. You don't want to kill him anymore and ask for forgiveness, but he doesn't feel the same way... He grabs a fire poker and attempts to beat you to death. In the ensuing fight, you manage to strangle him to death with your bare hands, for the greater good, of course.

The Resolution: You're a hero for killing the evil guards and the crazy mayor, but you're overwhelmed with grief and guilt so you decide to shoot yourself. Well, at least you saved the town. Sort of.

The Overarching Theme: Revenge, sacrifice, or something along those lines.

I really don't get how the "crumbling economy of the United States" fits into all of this, but hey, maybe it'll add to the drama.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago
I think the original author might have been confused as to how the justice system works.

PSA, kids: Typically, mayors don't go around arresting and sentencing people

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago
Apparently Duterte of the Philippines claims he did exactly that. Drove around on his motorbike. For context, Donald Trump respects him a lot.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

DEL~101 through DEL~199 purged. (6 zombies)

Good thing right clicking and opening the delete link in a new tab bypasses the double safety features.

Anyway, a lot more WC shit still lurking about along with a disturbing number of abandoned CYS member shipping stories. (CYS Prom Night, CYS dating, etc)

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

Maybe a stupid question, but why are you purging the deleted games? I actually thought it was nice to keep some remainder of those games.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

You might as well ask why do we have to have evil.

I don’t like clutter and they aren’t supposed to be accessible anyway. It’s not the same thing as an unpublished story. Deleted stories are supposed to be gone completely.

Blame Mizal, by dancing naked in the trees under the full moon and committing an unspeakable ritual, she drew attention to them.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago
dude I do that every night, don't act like it's suddenly a factor here

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

DEL~204~SuperPower Man
Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery weird. If you are allergic to weirdness, do not play. If you hate random and stupid games, do not play. If your name is Robert Shen and you're 19, you suck for making this game. If you think Expander is dumb, don't play. If you want a free point, play. If you qualify for all of those, leave this site. Forever. It is loaded with random, weird, Robert Shen-infested assaults on your mind.

You play as Patricia Shen, a middle aged woman and mother to a 19 year old son. Patricia's son, Robert Shen, has multiple developmental and social disorders. Many believe his greatest problem to be that he acts like a 12 year old girl when he's trying to be funny, relying on only random humor and self-deprecation. Unfortunately for Robert, and even more unfortunately for Patricia, this is not his only problem. Robert believes himself to be a superhero with a vague array of abilities. He calls himself 'SuperPower Man' and is often found roaming around rooftops, trying to decide if he has the power of flight or not. Play as Patricia and try to help her save her son from his own insanity.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

I thought we needed to write plot summaries. This seems like a good premise for a lolrandom story though.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

Looks like you made it just in time.

DEL~201 through DEL~299 annihilated. (9 ghouls)

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

Rest in piss.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

DEL~316~How to fuck?

Here are tips for yu to know that (read title).
I'm the fucking master and I've raped so many hot girls including evagal, applegal, estelwn and bells23. So, start learning (read title)

This one I'm guessing was either Chowhall or TSR.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

DEL~345~Nazi Empire

The year is 1939. You are the fuhrer of Germany. And you must lead the most technologically advanced nation in the world to victory. Will you launch operation Barbarossa? Will you invent the atomic bomb before the Americans do? Can you conquer the entire world?

You have the chance to fix the mistakes of Hitler, and become dictator of the world.

Did one of you have second thoughts? (Nothing really written)

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago
Aww, don't tell me @Sharkworld78 pussed out.

I never even got to request the theater scene of Inglourious Basterds as a potential bad end...

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

Looks like I just found the sequel (or prequel).

DEL~355~Fuck Them Jews!!!!

You are part of the KKK, the best organization ever to established by man. Kill all the jewish invaders with guns, crobars, and anything else you can find thats deadly!!!

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago
The featured Edutainment piece that could have been.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

Am I weird for thinking that actually sounds kinda fun? I like alternate history stuff.

Kinda like Hearts of Iron 4 or that one mod for Civ V.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

Since you reminded me of Civ V, someone please make a storygame where you play as evil Ghandi.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

DEL~301 through DEL~399 destroyed.

13 Walkers and Zag is among them

DEL~395~Cystia: The Rising Hero

The realm of Cystia was a glorious one.

He wasn't always a hero. Zag once was set on a darker past. But, soon enough he saw the light.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago
Is @ZagHero going to claim responsibility or was this the work of one of his many admirers?

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

Dunno, Zag hasn't been around lately.

Found another couple stories "Book of JJJ" which apparently was a project he was going to work on every now and then (Had nothing) And "Stories from the Swift's Mind" which was going to be something similar, but again nothing done with it.

Oh and apparently someone wrote "porn" with the description that it was for him only. (Again, nothing written)

Anyway DEL~ 401 through DEL~ 499 wiped out. (14 Biters)

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

DEL~526~Gay Porno

IN my game (the best). there are two faggits, eduardo and pedro. They go on an adventure to aquire the legendary lube of the gods.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

Why the hell are there so many of these stories?

DEL~588~Romance with CYStians!

Hello everyone! This is "Romance with CYStians!" We pair you up with CYStians and you choose what you say! Who is your ideal match?

Scripts and variables by DerpBacon~

At least we know who to blame for this one.

EDIT: Great, it's a zombie too.

DEL~501 through DEL~599 disposed of. (11 rotters)

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

Well well well, the things you find...

DEL~617~Eternal (Edited)

Personal edit of EndMaster's AMAZING epic "Eternal".

I've made some very slight tweaks to some of the game's scenes (mostly just adding detail) and have fixed up any spelling mistakes I've found.

This is purely a personal preference alteration. All credit still goes to EndMaster, and if you're reading this he has been kind enough to let me post it.

Classified as Fanfiction.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago
Hahaha, this is even better than I thought.

Somehow I'm betting all the 'added detail' involves a certain dark elf...

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

Well as I said in the Villain Lair, it was only 3 pages and consisted of the original first page and two looping links of "The Empire (Lies).

Sadly there was no 200 pages of graphic sex scenes involving the protagonist and Semra.

So yeah, boring.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

I don't get why Semra was the runaway waifu. I mean, I guess since a lot of the Eternal's relationships come much later into the game and can be missed altogether, she'd seem like the "default" fuck option, but that doesn't exactly change the fact that she's a creepy, child-abusing twat.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

People like their dark elf fetishes. (And dominatrix fetishes as well)

Plus she also seemed like the “evil girlfriend” option, so people figured she should be obtainable given how much of a villain you can be in the story.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

It also counts as incest, and when combined with the dark elf fetish, you have yourself best love/hate interest. 

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

Do you think people with a dark elf fetish go on dating sites looking for people with that really dark skin tone that can look purple when they're shining low light off their skin? Like, the Super duper "instagram's monochrome filter literally does not affect how I look unless my mouth is open or my hands are in the air" kind of skin. I mean, I guess it's really racist to say, but at the same time, isn't it kind of racist to fantasize about being hatefucked by a universally evil race of only the most literally black people ever?

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

They might go for the Warhammer Dark Elves, they got the pale skin vampire like coloring. Same cruel dominatrix personality though.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

If they're just pale, then where's the novelty in that? Were vampires or Nazi chicks too plebian for them? Hell, I never got the appeal of Dark Elves in general. They're just sociopaths who get to be tall and shiny with their other spritzing knife-eared cousins and they don't get along. Ooh spooky. Cool race my ass, they're like an evil pallette-swap that drinks blood and shit. Like, their only physiological difference is the fact that they have a darker skin tone and tend to be beefier than regular elves, but that's usually due to cultural differences and attitudes toward laborn and warfare. Aside from the occasional Drow with a spider for an ass, there's practically  no difference other than the fact that they have darker skin, commit crimes and play sports more often than their "noble" peers... Oh shit, we're back to Black people racism again...


In all seriousness, though, I still don't understand why Elves are all these different rainbow colors, and why Dark Elves aren't just Elves. Or why Elves have to go around shooting bows and shit instead of making toys like nature intended. I forgot where I was going with this, I guess I'd fuck Semra as long as I got to keep my dick afterwards.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago
I've never understood why dark elves are dark in the first place when they live underground and never get sunlight. They should be albino and regular elves should be darkly tanned from all the frolicking and flower picking they do.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

Pretty much why I didn't have my dark elves (Or Svelk) living underground. Made more sense for them to live above ground if they were going to keep their dark skin.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

If Elves really are "blessed by nature" enough that they don't ever/don't need to eat meat or take down many trees, and they live in such open-air environments like they do in LOTR, it's possible that Elves are photosynthetic. I mean, that's how leaves work- plants that grow in dark places have dark leaves to absorb more light, and plants that grow in bright places have lighter leaves, sincendiary light is in abundance and they don't need so much. I'd imagine living deep underground with only spooky, eldritch sources of natural light and the bioluminescence of other creatures would lead to a very dark, very abnormal leaf color to absorb the light there.

They might also be feeding off their torches and other artificial light sources, considering the fact that the opposite colors of blue and purple are orange and yellow, which are the colors of fire, so they'd be absorbing energy from their light sources and possibly feeding off the act of pillaging itself. In a similar manner, bronze/gold-looking Elves probably live off the light reflecting off of or passing through the leaves of the trees they live under, making fortifications and such that other races build a logistics issue since they need light flow and green canopies hence all their viny, open-air tree houses and whathaveyou.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

Found a story called Bucky Explains It All.

I was disappointed to also find that Bucky did not in fact explain it all.

Anyway DEL~601 through DEL~699 exterminated. (10 reanimated)

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

DEL~725~Royal family incest

The young prince has to have a bride before taking the throne. Who will you choose a very sexy sister,mother, cousin, aunt. Or will you choose a person outside you blood line to have you heirs?

Dis Gon Be Gud!

(It’s blank)



EDIT: DEL~701 through DEL~799 eliminated (13 revenants)

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

DEL~853~Bucky's Zombie Apocalypse Readiness Quest

WARNING: This StoryGame is Geared for Extremists, politically incorrect, insensitive and does not necessarily reflect the author's personal opinions or views. What does this mean? Well, if you're easily offended, overly sensitive or a no good, god-damned dirty hippie, then you should probably pass on playing this one.

If I have to elaborate on the title, we both need to commit suicide. Actually, I like living. So do as you please.

(Public Service Announcement: If you're seriously considering suicide or other methods of self-harm, please contact your local police department or hospital and request assistance. There are people and resources available to help you in your struggles.)

Another one Bucky aborted before it had a chance to shine!

DEL~801 through DEL~899 snuffed out. (11 draugrs)

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago
I think this is the one he trashed back when he was planning to leave the site.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

And the end is finally in sight. I’ve deleted enough that I can actually do a DEL~ search without a number and all of them will pop up.

Including a bunch of previously inaccessible DEL~ stories with no assigned number at all.

EDIT: All DEL~ stories with no number slaughtered.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago

Nice, congrats. There must've been nearly ten thousand of those on deletedgames. Appreciate the dedication.

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago
Commended by EndMaster on 6/9/2017 11:27:44 PM


There are some very gruesome scenes, be prepared for that if you decide to play this one. There are X proper endings. You can leave a comment once you reach one of them or you die later in the story. No commenting on early death endings, just to prevent the trolls who leave 1's on top story-games for no reason.

Any positive score means that the commenter got a proper ending. A score of zero indicates that the commenter didn't get a proper ending. No positive score is better than any other positive score, they just indicate different endings.

Special Thanks

- Endmaster for continuing to open my eyes to how to write proper CYOAs.

- The play-testers listed below.

- The CYS community.

Play-testers- October (easily the best play-tester I've ever had)

The Dossier Challenge

If you can name every character, group and place in the dossier, you will get a prize.

I believe this one was JJJ’s last attempt at writing another story before he abandoned it.

DEL~901 through DEL~999 laid to rest. (15 Zeds, including Tristan)

And it is done.

(For now)

Deleted Games Threadjacking

7 years ago
Great job, give yourself a commendation. And if you start to miss putting down the undeleted hordes, just say the word and I'm sure we can all oblige you with some bizarre title/description titles to sort through.