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Looking for help and encouragement

2 years ago

It's really no secret that I'm incredibly bad at finishing things. Procrastinating is far too easy for me. And I get bored with things far too easily. So I figure that if I'm to have any hope of actually finishing something, I need a bit of 'nagging'.

The storygame I'm currently working on is going to be a prequel to an original novel I'm also working on, the details of which can be found on my profile. The storygame itself will be titled 'New Year's Massacre' and here is the (current) blurb for it. It may change.

The Carnell's New Year's Party is the event of the year. If you want to get anywhere in Red View, the Carnell family is your way in. And what better way to rub elbows with the most influential family than by attending their biggest social event?

As Thaya Mendez, the last thing you want is to go to yet another boring New Year's Party. But you've promised your brother you'll keep him from making a fool of himself in front of his crush, Kel Carnell. And so you attend.

But no one could have predicted the blood sickness. No one could have predicted that residents of Red View would turn on each other. No one predicted that some would be murderers; some would be victims; and some would just be the bystanders who stand by and let it happen.

And now you have to get out alive.

Like I said. Just the current blurb. I'll probably end up changing it. But thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc. would be helpful.


Looking for help and encouragement

2 years ago
Will this be similar to Alice's Restaurant Massacree? I mean, uh, go team!

Looking for help and encouragement

2 years ago
I am also interested in the magic spell for finishing projects. People say things like "just write, just do it", but pretty much only very situational spite or the threat of losing a contest to Ford or Ace or someone can make me do it in any significant amount.

The only thing I can say is that I have had at least limited success with setting timers and such for 30 minute periods where I HAVE to write and do nothing else. Being a little time pressured helps you get into the mindset of "just write" without worrying about second guessing yourself over whether it's perfect or even good, and the usual difficulty for me anyway is definitely an inability to focus.

I will say I think the premise you have is interesting, although the title might be a little generic. It gives the idea of a slasher story or something when the vibes seem closer to a (temporary?) Rage virus type thing.

Looking for help and encouragement

2 years ago
Funnily reading this message provided me with some encoruagement to get back to writing my contest story lol.

As far as motivation for myself I find myself stressing over my story to the point where I never start it, and then a few days before the deadline to a contest writing something completely different. So my advice, though I can't follow it myself, is to not worry about perfection.

Looking for help and encouragement

2 years ago

Why the fuck are you telling us this? Get back to work, you lazy bum!

... Helpful? ^_^

Looking for help and encouragement

2 years ago

It's still weird to me how much time has passed since I remember your profile at Infinite Story mentioning that you were a 21 year old Christian.

Anyway, you've always had talent Cat. Not sure if that's the nagging you need, but there's my encouragement for you to finish your story.

Looking for help and encouragement

2 years ago
I hope you get it figured out, but I think a lot of the advice given to me in my thread on almost the same subject could be useful to you:

Which is to say there is no real "advice" except to encourage you that you've got this if you want it badly enough. There are things in life that everyone has to find their own method and motivation for, and writing is one of them. It's just purely words from your mind to your fingers on the keyboard, there's no middle man or secret technique there. Other people can wish you good luck but that's about it.