Hashtagx, The Reader

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Last Activity

7/13/2021 4:42 PM

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Duel Stats

7 wins / 9 losses





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Needs a name

This is intended to be an old-school, D&D-like dungeon crawling game. It is my first story on this site, so can you use the comments to tell me how to improve?


Edit: I intended to enter this storygame into the 2019 contest as of January 21st, 2019 but forgot about it until September of 2020.

Edit 2: And then I forgot about this site as a whole until July 13, 2021

Notes: This game does not have the exact rules of any one system, rather it uses my own estimations for things. Also, the first half of the game is mostly set-up to the dungeon crawl. Combat and social interactions will be extremely simple, at least until I figure out how to successfully use random variables and if statements.

Summoner Arena

Summon a monster, choosing from a variety of options. You can cast a spell to help in battle. Then, fight another summoner. The winner will move up in rank. Once you defeat the final boss at Rank One, you win and are allowed to escape.


Note: This is a side project that I suddenly had idea to do. It will be fairly basic, and I only created it because I liked the idea.

The Unknown Continent

This is the first story that I will finish and publish, even though it has been over two years since I joined this site. It is based on an idea I had for a D&D campaign, and will not be very long at all.