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Real Time Scripting—Possible?

8 years ago

  Once again, probably a stupid question, but is it possible to do real time scripting? AKA: an actual timer that when reaches zero it cancels out a certain option.

  I'm pretty sure I already know the answer (it's a turn based story-game. Why would there be real-time events?), but I'm still a noob when it comes to scripting.


Real Time Scripting—Possible?

8 years ago

That would be bonkers cool. (Of course the "go back" button would kill it) Still, I hope there is a way to do it, though finding that way is far past my paygrade.

Real Time Scripting—Possible?

8 years ago

  I know exactly what you mean. LOL!

Real Time Scripting—Possible?

8 years ago

That'd be very interesting and great to use, but I don't think it's possible.

I suggest posting this in the Feature Wishing Well.

Real Time Scripting—Possible?

8 years ago

  I'm not so sure it would ever get in due to how weird the language on this site already is. The only way I can imagine it working, with the code already in place, is to have a sort of dynamic link (I'm not talking about a DLL) that automatically clicks itself over and over again, sends you to the exact same page, and just changes a few variables until it reaches a certain pre-set number.

EDIT: After reading what I just wrote, I'm going to go put this in the feature wishing well.

Real Time Scripting—Possible?

8 years ago

It has been suggested at least twice already (1, 2), and the general consensus is that with varying reading speeds and the back button, it's not really a good feature for the medium. It is possible to do with JavaScript, though.

Real Time Scripting—Possible?

8 years ago

  I understand why, with a normal story game it's a bad idea; reading speed. But, if we made this a possibility, it would open up a whole new category of interactive fiction—video games. For example, somebody could make an ASCII game using CYS code. HOW AWESOME WOULD THAT BE?! @_@

Real Time Scripting—Possible?

8 years ago

It could be really good for a game with recordings instead of reading.

Real Time Scripting—Possible?

8 years ago

  This is also a good idea.

Real Time Scripting—Possible?

8 years ago

No, I don't think that's possible or even a good idea.

How does that even relate to reaction-time?

Real Time Scripting—Possible?

8 years ago

  Use your imagination. Any scenario you can come up with where it works is a good idea.

Real Time Scripting—Possible?

8 years ago

Nah, I'd rather read, not hear. This is a writing site.

Like I said before, there's no way alexp could implement such a thing.

Real Time Scripting—Possible?

8 years ago
I vaguely remember playing a story game that had a variable score counting down...I remember getting frustrated cause I couldn't click the right options in time. Basically it was an animated countdown from a minute or so where I had to click a link before the time ran out or I'd die or something.

That was a while ago, I don't know what it was, but I know it existed because I spent a good hour on it.

Score: X

where X would continually count down in real time and I could watch it get to 0, and once it got to 0 the link would change to a restart link all on one page without me clicking anything.

Real Time Scripting—Possible?

8 years ago
Might be possible with JavaScript.

Real Time Scripting—Possible?

8 years ago
Indeed -- with JavaScript it might be possible to put the counter on the page, then use the JavaScript to do something like hide or unhide a choice on the page. It would be a bit complex, and I imagine frustrating for many users (because of the whole reading speed thing from above).

Real Time Scripting—Possible?

8 years ago

Ehh. You could have it only on a choice page. It could work for puzzle games, I suppose ... I'm not crazy about the idea, though--in spite of the fact that, were it easily possible, I'd totally use it for the "behind the fireplace" puzzle in GOLAD.