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EXP, level up, and combat!

6 years ago

  Hey there! _H3X_ back again! I just wanted to ask you guys a few questions that i need for making my story game. Yes, it is an RPG and i need a combat system, EXP and level up. I have thought awhile and i got a decent idea how to do it, but it is impractical. So i just wanted to ask you guys how. 

So, any tips appreciated. Thanks!     

EXP, level up, and combat!

6 years ago
First, you type 250 pages of scripting in MSWord...

EXP, level up, and combat!

6 years ago


EXP, level up, and combat!

6 years ago


EXP, level up, and combat!

6 years ago
Yes, if you like things complex (unfortunately).

EXP, level up, and combat!

6 years ago

The EXP system is pretty easy.

And this is for Combat.

Hope I helped! And if anything didn't make sense, just PM me the specifics and I can help out.

EXP, level up, and combat!

6 years ago

Thanks man! 

EXP, level up, and combat!

6 years ago
Man, I must have done it all wrong then haha!

EXP, level up, and combat!

6 years ago

Probably not x'D if you have a better one, you can share. I just grabbed the articles and went "there ya go."

EXP, level up, and combat!

6 years ago
BZ, show us the Delve scripting.

All of it.

EXP, level up, and combat!

6 years ago
Due to the limitation of the IF/THEN process in CYS, a script grows exponentially the more you want it to do. I'd share some of mine, except that they are way too bulky.

Roll a dice and see if you hit - easy.

Roll a dice, see if you hit, roll damage if true, apply damage, check for kill, route to appropriate results page - significantly more involved.

If you add variables like damage reduction, you need to put checks in to prevent someone gaining HPs from a lousy damage roll.

EXP, level up, and combat!

6 years ago
That's some fun stuff, right there!

EXP, level up, and combat!

6 years ago

*remembers trying to do something like this*

*cringes away from memories*