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Dust off a seat and discuss a good book do read, right?

Versus Book Club

8 years ago

A short & simple reading club:  Every week there will be two contestants, linked by a theme. Read them both, vote for your favorite, discuss.  (You don't have to have read the whole thing to have an opinion.)

All contestants will be free & web-based. (Since the #1 issue with the previous club was ppl saying they couldn't find the book.)

If you have a suggestion, PM me. 



Versus Book Club

8 years ago

Versus Book Club

8 years ago

I thought we were going to read books and then pit characters against each other, (Atticus Finch would hand Perry Mason's ass to him any day.) But I suppose this is just as well. Time to do some reading...

Versus Book Club

8 years ago

While I'm waffling on reading this week's selection (horror is nnnot my genre), overall I love the idea. I'm thinking I might want to nominate/vote for the Hugos this year, which means I want to be reading way more short fiction. I'll keep an eye out for thematically linked pairs as I do!

Versus Book Club

8 years ago

Versus Book Club

8 years ago


Limbo of the Lost. Man... viciously mocking things for being bad isn't something I think is a cool thing to do, generally speaking. But sometimes? People do shit that renders them a legitimate target for said mockery. (Also: lawsuits. But that's a separate question.)


Versus Book Club

8 years ago

Aw. It's less "vicious mockery" and more "what is this, I don't even?"

Just when you think it's achieved the pinnacle of absurdity, somehow they come up with something even more bizarre.  

Versus Book Club

8 years ago

Heh, well. I only dimly remember the thread. Did not reread. But I remember it as being... a well-deserved critique, let's just say. XD