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The Political Compass

11 years ago

An interesting website that I'm sure many of you have come across before - based on a series of questions you are given a result showing where you lie on the political spectrum. The x axis shows the economic scale - whether you are left- or right-leaning; the y axis shows the social scale - whether you are more libertarian or authoritarian. I was reminded of this test after seeing Cov's post asking people to tell him where he stood politically.

Below are the results of some famous people:

Also worth pointing out: Robert Mugabe and the Pope are in the Authoritarian Left section; George Bush and the former French and Italian Prime Ministers sit in the Authoritarian Right; and both Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama are in the Libertarian Left section.

I'm interested to see what everyone else gets. You can take the test here.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

Almost forgot - here is my result:

The Political Compass

11 years ago

Not sure what this means. Not even sure if this is true because some of the questions I was uncertain of.

The Political Compass

11 years ago


Same side, but not quite like yours.

The Political Compass

11 years ago


mine's similar too. Green ftw

The Political Compass

11 years ago

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Our race has many superior qualities, compared with other races

No broadcasting institution, however independent its content, should receive public funding.

In a civilised society, one must always have people above to be obeyed and people below to be commanded.

Multinational companies are unethically exploiting the plant genetic resources of developing countries.

Also retook the test to see if there might be any significant changes.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Those are the questions I didn't really get.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

The first question is asking "do you believe your race (ie. asian, black etc.) has many superior qualities compared with other races?".

Second one is asking whether you think the government should pay for a broadcasting company - for example, Australia has the ABC, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, which is funded by the government and doesn't allow advertising/sponsorship in order to have a non-biased (in other words, the opposite of Fox News) channel. If you think this is a good idea, then disagree. If you think it's a bad idea, hit agree.

This question is saying that in order to be civilised, there always needs to be somebody above you to boss you around and somebody below you for you to boss around (eg. in a company, the employees will be held accountable by their managers, the managers will be held accountable by the executives, the executives will be held accountable by the shareholders). If you think this is true, click agree, otherwise click disagree.

And this one - think about the forests being cut down in Brazil - do you think big companies are being unethical/immoral by cutting down these forests?

I hope I explained those accurately.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
I hope you did too that is really going to change some of my answers for those.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
All people have their rights, but it is better for all of us that different sorts of people should keep to their own kind. O this one too.

All people have their rights, but it is better for all of us that different sorts of people should keep to their own kind.

Is this one just racism again?

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Lol, every time I take this quiz I get more leftist.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Yeah, it's basically racism, but it could also branch into classism or unethical treatment of other nations. Basically it's saying that the upper class should only associate with the upper class (look at the Great Gatsby), that the Irish should stay in the Irish neighborhoods, segregation in schools, etc. etc.

It's basically just saying that different kinds of people whould only stay with their own kind of people.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

So I got this, anyone can tell me what does this mean?


The Political Compass

11 years ago
Well, if I understand correctly the Left wing wants a bigger government that interferes more with the people (healthcare, disability, etc.)

The Political Compass

11 years ago

Put very simply (I'm no expert on politics), the left represents a regulated economy (eg. to make sure we don't have massive gaps between the rich and the poor, to regulate the market so that one company can't have a monopoly, all that sort of stuff) where the far left is communism. The right represents a free market.

For example, let's say you have A and B selling a product. A uses locally made products, whereas B imports products from China because it is cheaper than making them locally, thus lowering their prices. Now, the left might place a tax on imported products in order to balance out the prices and encourage people to buy locally, whereas the right would say "people can make the decision to buy locally or not themselves - if the consumer chooses to buy from overseas that's just the way it goes".

The difference between authoritarian and libertarian is that an authoritarian government wants to control your life, censor things and so on (Hitler and Stalin were very authoritarian), whereas a libertarian government values the rights of the individual (an extreme libertarian believes in anarchy/no government).

Marijuana prohibition or abortion are two examples I can think of. An authoritarian government might say "we don't agree with marijuana and abortion so we are making it illegal for everybody" if that suited their interests at the time. A libertarian government would say "people are smart enough to make their own choices, that's why we are allowing people to choose whether they want to have an abortion or smoke pot".

Again, I'm not too crash-hot on politics - I'm half expecting Zero or JJJ to come along and wipe the floor with this post. But as far as I know this is correct.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
I was going to post an explination extremely similar to that, but unfortunately the bell rang just as I finished my first paragraph :P

The Political Compass

11 years ago

Here are my test results.


The Political Compass

11 years ago
What browser are you guys using I am using G.Chrome and I cant post pictures, its annoying the hell out of me.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Controlling inflation is more important than controlling unemployment.

I already know what this means, but what do you guys think of it. I chose Agree, but was a little unsure about it.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
"from each according to his ability, to each according to his need" is a fundamentally good idea.

Not sure what this means, though I looked it up on wiki.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
It means asking people for what they can do and rewarding them based on their needs.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

It means that people should work with what they're best at and do their best at their job. And everyone should be payed according to how much they and their family needs, rather than what they work with or how much they work.

IMO it would be a good idea but humans are selvfish assholes, who wont work unless they get something directly out of it.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Would you rather work for money that has little value or not have any money at all?

The Political Compass

11 years ago
I chose agree as well, because runaway inflation pretty much means your country's economy is royally screwed. Even if every last one of your people are working, if you have a situation like Post-WWI Germany where the basket holding the money is worth more than the money itself, it doesn't benefit the worker at all.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

Yea, initially I was tempted to choose unemployeement, but then I realized how much worse the effects of inflation would be.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
I use IE, but the thing is since you use G.Chrome you can't use advanced text editor so you shoult be able to post a HTML code easily enough. I have to upload the pics I want to post here through photobucket then copy and paste the HTML though, so you might want to try that.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Me and Bo the lonely right.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

The Political Compass

11 years ago

While I'm on the topic, I'd like to say I think of my criminal philosophy as Individualism. What I mean by that is basically, if what I'm doing doesn't affect anyone else, it shouldn't be illegal

The Political Compass

11 years ago

The Political Compass

11 years ago
So far I'm the closest one to Hitler despite being for abortion and legalized marijuana.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
I just took it, but Im tool lazy to post the picture. I got left authoritan, pretty close tho the middle line.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Well, according to the rules of the internet, if there's no pic it didn't happen :)

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Never posted a picture here, so I don't know how. However, according to the test I'm very near dead center with a slight lean up and to the right. I disagree, I feel I should be a tad to the left and down, but whatever. (By very near I mean my dot is touching the center.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Upload a pic to photoshop, and then copy and paste the HTML to a non-rich text screen.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

I just linked directly to the image from the website.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
I was able to copy and paste.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

What did you answer for that question about sterilising people who have genetic defects? I imagine answering agree would move it towards authoritarian heaps.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
I answered disagree, because we do not have the right to end anyone's bloodline.

Though I did answer yes on the death penalty because anyone who earns that usually deserves that.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Also genetics are a fickle thing and I don't no much about them anyway, but they might not inherit the deformity.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Their children might not*

The Political Compass

11 years ago

Even if their children don't inherit their disabilities you can't think that they would be fit parents.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

Still, you can't take away someone's bloodline. It's taking away a natural right.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

So? I'd prefer that over the alternative. At best the child would have to deal with the social stigma of having metally disabled parents and being raised by other people, at worst they themselves would have the same defects.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Well we prefer the alternative.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
OK if they had the social stigmas, then if their a strong enough person, they can rise to the occasion and rise through the bullshit. If they have the disabilities themselves their probably not going to reproduce anyway.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

What? Nothing you said made any sense. Why do you magically think they would be a strong person? Why do you think we should willingly put someone through that situation? What makes you think the mentally disabled don't reproduce?

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Succeeding is the good outcome of being under such pressure, if they flop at least we gave them a chance. Because they might succeed and its better then giving them no chance at all and not letting them be born.
Would you want to have children with a retarded person, knowing what could happen to your children? Also I would like not to have to explain this but they are not normal, they are different, and in a bad way, so most people tend to stay away from them.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Also several genetic mutations cause infertility but that wasn't my point.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

Mentally disabled people have children with other mentally disabled people. Only in rare cases do they have children with normal people, and usually that's because they were together already and there was some sort of accident which left one of them disabled.

And are you really going to argue that by denying certain people from having children, we're actually denying the existence of those children?

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Ya sure I'll go with that, it doesn't even matter till I wake up tomorrow. Also we obviously have totally different views on the subject and are not going to convince each other, cya tomorrow!

The Political Compass

11 years ago

Well, we have two completely different views but mine rely on the fact that I think it is cruel and unusual to deny someone their reproductive rights... not much else behind that reason haha.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
I chose strongly disagree because I don't think it's right to strip the right to have children. Little fun fact though: Hitler sterilized many who were not Aryan

Anywho, Killa, a main reason I disagreed with it is because it's not just the mentally retarded that the question is talking about, just those with genetic defects. Yes, you would sterilized the mentally handicapped, but you'd also be sterilizing those with asthma and scholiosis (yes, it's hereditary, I'm unfortunate proof of that), which is just rediculous.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

Yeah you said before that Hitler did that lol.

The question doesn't mention sterilizing, so I don't know why you're jumping to that conclusion. It's possible that they would just make it illegal for them to have children, much like how the laws on incest work.

I have a serious inheritble disease (though I'm not sure if it counts as a disability), and I don't plan on having children because of it. I don't want to knowingly put anyone through what I had to go through, even if there's only a smallish possibility it will happen.

If I ever do want to have a kid, I can just adopt. That option is open for those with serious inheritable disabilities as well, so it's not like you'd never be allowed a child. Maybe you just really really want to continue your bloodline, which while understandable, I don't see much of a reason for, especially when it may cause suffering for your child.

The question for reference:

People with serious inheritable disabilities should not be allowed to reproduce.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Sterilization: Any of various surgical procedures intended to eliminate the capacity to reproduce in humans or animals.

Well, considering the fact that you believe people with inheritable disabilites shouldn't be allowed to reproduce, and sterilization keeps people from reproducing, they're both advocating the same thing. So I really don't know why you're acting like advocating one and not the other makes any difference. Plus, how are you going to enforce the law making it illegal? Watch every single person with a disability around the clock to make sure he/she doesn't engage in intercourse? That's costly in both financial and human resources. Sit in the room whenever someone with a disease has sex to make sure a condom is used? That's just rediculous. Eventually, sterilization would be put into effect.

I'm sorry to hear you have a disease, and I respect your choice to adopt, but it's just that: a choice. Once you start restricting the choices of others to enforce what you personally believe, it becomes an authoritarian society that is based more on the will of the ruling class rather than the liberties of the civilians.

Anywho, how did you answer the question in the survey? Maybe the question isn't as weighted as we thought if you answered agree or strongly agree and you're still more libertarian than you are authoritarian.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

I believe I said strongly agree (again this is when I thought it was refering to severe mental disabilities). Of course, one extreme view doesn't determine where I am on the spectrum lol.

Who is this ruling class? Unless you're simply refering to the majority of the public as the ruling class. I won't argue that it's not more authoritarian, but it's not as though this would snowball into every single choice of ours being controlled by the government. That's just jumping to a conclusion again.

I never made any claims on to how this would be enforced, though I found some of your ideas amusing. In the end I can't argue on how the government would handle it, seeing as I am not a part of the government. I could give ideas about the way I find would be most ideal to go about it, but that would be relatively pointless, as I doubt that you would agree with my standpoint even if I could think of a good way to enforce it.

In the end the question is more about how you feel about restricting the rights of the people. You obviously don't agree with it, and I do. I think that despite the hit to their freedom, in the end it would be more of a good thing than a bad thing, and you disagree (or you simply don't think it's worth it).

The Political Compass

11 years ago
"Who is this ruling class? Unless you're simply refering to the majority of the public as the ruling class. I won't argue that it's not more authoritarian, but it's not as though this would snowball into every single choice of ours being controlled by the government. That's just jumping to a conclusion again."

Well, your government is willing to sterilize those with disabilities, so I'm not exactly going to rule out the option that you'll embrace other extreme policies :) The "ruling class" in this context is the political body that made procreation among the disabled illegal.

Haha, the point of how you would enforce it was more aimed at your saying sterilizing the disabled is jumping to conclusions. If you don't sterilize, there's simply no way to gaurantee that the law is enforced. It will simply turn into a prohibition-esque system where it's illegal, but it still happens all the time. Although I'm a little amused that you thought that was actually suggesting that I would agree if you could answer, especially when you're so critical of "jumping to conclusions".

The Political Compass

11 years ago

There's no way to guarantee that any law is enforced lol. Weed is illegal, yet I know plenty of people who do it and don't get caught. Murder is illegal, yet not everyone who commits murder is caught. The law would prevent some people from doing it, but you're always going to have those who don't care and do it anyways. Again, I'm not sure why you feel for this one law, they would go to the extremes of sterilizing people.

You're jumping to more conclusions :P

The Political Compass

11 years ago
No, I'm being practical :P

You can't take an action to keep every person to prevent murder, you can't take an action to prevent every person from smoking pot, nor drinking alcohol, nor stealing, etc. etc. However, you can take an action to prevent every person from having children (or only those who you deem neccesary) so why is it an "extreme" to assume it would happen if made illegal?

The Political Compass

11 years ago

Sure you can, it's just impractical and would be extremely expensive to do.

It's extreme because it's unnecessary. You've already made a law to prohibit it, there's no reason to go any further than that.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Woah woah woah... what?

You're saying that you made a law to prohibit it, so therefore it will be automatically acomplished? That's just... wow. I thought you actually didn't want the genetically disabled to have children, but I guess you just want to SAY the genetically disabled shoudln't have children.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

I never said if you made a law it was accomplished, I said there was no reason to go further than that. The question says "should not be allowed", not "should not be able". Making a law that says it's illegal for them to have children, makes it something that is not allowed. I'm well aware that short of sterilization or constantly monitoring them it's not possible to completely stop them. I've said in pretty much every post since I've started talking to you that it wouldn't be possible to completely enforce, and in the one that I didn't, I mentioned that sterlization is not how it would be done.

It's not as though I'm suddenly changing what I'm saying lol.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Well from "should not be allowed" you can infer, that someone who makes such a rule would actually try to enforce it.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

I don't see how sterilizing is enforcing the rule, given how if you sterilize people there's no point for the rule to exist to begin with seeing as they can't accomplish what you've made illegal anyways.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

Should be "how sterilizing is the only way to enforce the rule".

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Well the law would be inplace, even after sterilization to make it legal to sterilize anymore people who are suddenly born with genetic deformities.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Mutations can happen to anybody, not just people who inherited them.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
I don't of any other way it could be enforced.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

By making a law and arresting those who break it? Like how every other law is enforced.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

ok, i guess I was thinking along the lines of,  if were talking about a governent that is willing to actually strip the right away from certain people to produce they must be quite authoritaian and would take extreme action, so any other possibilites didnt cross my mind with that line of thinking dominant in my head.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

I kind of figured that was the case.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Oh, that's a very valid point. I didn't get that "should not be allowed" was teh same as "Should be not be made able to"

The Political Compass

11 years ago
"You're saying that you made a law to prohibit it, so therefore it will be automatically acomplished? That's just... wow. I thought you actually didn't want the genetically disabled to have children, but I guess you just want to SAY the genetically disabled shoudln't have children."

Just echoing what you were saying.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

Pretty sure he knows what he said.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

Just a bit annoyed when I dont know why people are disagreeing with me and their not explaning why I am wrong.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Well, from what I've seen, we tell you exactly why you're wrong, but you are either just incapable or unwilling to comprehend it.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

For anyone interested, here are the positions of Obama, Romney, Paul, Gingrich and Santorum.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

Obama is towards the right?! Most U.S. politicians are almost entirely authoritarian?! o_O

I will be perfectly honest in saying that I find that hard to believe.

Also, here's mine:

The Political Compass

11 years ago

This was the reasoning:

"The Democratic incumbent has surrounded himself with conservative advisors and key figures — many from previous administrations, and an unprecedented number from the Trilateral Commission. He also appointed a former Monsanto executive as Senior Advisor to the FDA. He has extended Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, presided over a spiralling rich-poor gap and sacrificed further American jobs with recent free trade deals.Trade union rights have also eroded under his watch. He has expanded Bush defence spending, droned civilians, failed to close Guantanamo, supported the NDAA which effectively legalises martial law, allowed drilling and adopted a soft-touch position towards the banks that is to the right of European Conservative leaders. We list these because many of Obama’s detractors absurdly portray him as either a radical liberal or a socialist, while his apologists, equally absurdly, continue to view him as a well-intentioned progressive, tragically thwarted by overwhelming pressures."

The Political Compass

11 years ago

So did you go through and answer the questions as he would, or did you just manually place those dots there?

The Political Compass

11 years ago

It was done by the people who created the website, who I'm assuming went through and answered the questions based on the party/candidate's policies.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

Hmm... Strange. I went through and answered as Obama would most likely do (judging by what he has vocalized and what he has done about said vocalizations) and got almost the exact opposite:

The Political Compass

11 years ago
lol Politicians are all silver tongued snakes.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
(very convincing liars)

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Haha, two differences doodled
1.) The people who made the site are clearly intune with politics, you're just a guy who happened to take the survey. We also have no idea if you falsified answers, or if you're an Obama supporter and wanted to portray him in a good light or a Romney supporter who wanted to portray him in a bad light.

2.) The makers of the site made the survey based on what Obama ACTUALLY DID while you based the survey on HOW HE PANDERS TO LIBERALS. (Caps for emphasis, not yelling)

The Political Compass

11 years ago

But how do you know the makers of the site based it on what he actually did? What if they were the ones who acted as he would while biased? What if we're all biased? (Hint: We're all biased.) Try taking it yourself, based on what you know that he thinks, and see what results.

Not only that, but a lot of the questions on there were just... weird. The astrology one, for example. Who actually believes that astrology holds all the answers? If someone did, I highly doubt that would affect their political alignment. (Unless I misread it and it really said "astronomy"... in which case I still don't see how that would affect political alignment.)

The Political Compass

11 years ago

yeah, I was kinda confused by the one about art in the middle of the criminal justice questions. Noone knows what politicians think about that kind of stuff, and I'm pretty sure Obama is to the right, though I'm not sure how much.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
I believe the art one was referring to Hitlers hatred towards the modern art that was being expressed at the time he was a artist, he painted more traditionally. Basically, more authoritarian if you answered agree to that question.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
1ST PARAGRAPH: "The Democratic incumbent has surrounded himself with conservative advisors and key figures — many from previous administrations, and an unprecedented number from the Trilateral Commission. He also appointed a former Monsanto executive as Senior Advisor to the FDA. He has extended Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, presided over a spiralling rich-poor gap and sacrificed further American jobs with recent free trade deals.Trade union rights have also eroded under his watch. He has expanded Bush defence spending, droned civilians, failed to close Guantanamo, supported the NDAA which effectively legalises martial law, allowed drilling and adopted a soft-touch position towards the banks that is to the right of European Conservative leaders. We list these because many of Obama’s detractors absurdly portray him as either a radical liberal or a socialist, while his apologists, equally absurdly, continue to view him as a well-intentioned progressive, tragically thwarted by overwhelming pressures." You should have payed attention to October's quote as to why they did it rather than blatantly assume it's not based on anything.

Of course I'm not going to take the test for him, that would completely defeat the purpose of what I typed. Anywho, the guys (notice the pluralization, a lot harder to let individual biases leak through with multiple creaters) who made it based it on what he actually did, and so did it in as unbiased a way as we can.

2CND PARAGRAPH: ... and what does that have to do with anything?

The Political Compass

11 years ago

There being weird questions that have little to do with politics?

Those could definitely alter the results. Greatly, in fact.

So can the questions that are obviously one-sided morally regardless of alignment. However, those are somewhat equal in numbers, so I suppose the difference that they make isn't huge.

Also, what exactly is the "central point" of the chart? Isn't everything relative?

The Political Compass

11 years ago
1.) Granted, there are weird questions, but I supposes finding answers in astronomy over real science would show you willingly dictate which sciences to study whether than letting research progress freely.

2.) You have a point in that some are one-sided, but that's the point. Like the sterilization question. When answered agree, it boosts the authoritarion side, and when answered disagree it boosts the libertarian side.

3.) I honeslty don't know if it's relative. I would assume that each question progress your dot in a certain way along the chart, with the dot ending where the net amount of distance your answers provide. However, I don't know, so I
m not able to properly answer the question.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

1. *Astrology. Also, they could have been a bit more hypothetical than essentially saying "Do you fully believe in something that almost everyone, regardless of alignment, agrees is not an actual true thing?"

2. Yes, but that's the point I'm making. There shouldn't be so many of those questions, because then it makes the final results biased. However, I will say that it does seperate some political dictators of history from modern-day people by including those extreme questions. However, unless those extreme questions are scored in a way that the more extreme answer causes more "points" in a certain direction than the other answer would in the other direction, then I find it impossible to buy the whole thing as a whole.

3. This sort of goes along with both 1 and 2. We don't really know precisely how things are "scored", and what is listed as the "left" or "right" or "authoritarian" or "libertarian" may not correspond to how individual societies use those terms in real life.

I implore you to at least give "answering those questions as various politicians would" a try. You don't have to take your final result seriously, if you don't want to, but at least realize that the people who placed those dots where they placed them have opinions of their own, and even if they are perfectly unbiased, they can still make big missteps.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
1.) Why? The point is to find how you're politically aligned, and so when you answer biased questions it shows where your political bias lies.

2.) Like I said in the last question, I don't know how it's scaled at all, but I can agree that the more extreme questions should be scaled more extremely. However, the final results are SUPPOSED (sorry, no italics in non-rich text editor) to be biased, because the whole point is to find your politcal bias :P

3.) It doesn't matter what word you persoannly use, they're all synonyms. So when you see the term "libertarian", subsitute it with "anarchy". I don't use the term libertarian in that light during normal conversations, but I do when dealing with this survey. They even put another term in parentheses for each alignment if you don't want to use the original term.

I might eventually, I'm not ruling oit out, but I'm not going to expect it to be a proper rebuttal :P

The Political Compass

11 years ago

1 & 2: But the problem is that a lot of these questions do nothing to determine political alignment (like the astrology one) and/or are so very extreme that it calls into question the reliability of the point system.

3. I'm not talking of the terms themselves, I'm speaking on how everything is relative to the observer's position, not on the chart, but also in other aspects as well. (This is because politics is too complex to even divide into a 2D grid. Maybe a 4D grid would work, if possible.) If somebody was very authoritarian, but less authoritarian than, for example, Hitler was, then Hitler would claim that that person "cares far too much about human rights," even though by the charts standards that person would be quite authoritarian.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
1 & 2: I've adressed this very thing before, so I'm just going to assume your'e not paying attention

3. ) Well, yeah. Precisely. An authoritarian fanatic would find anyone less authoritan as he as caring "far too much about human rights:. That's pretty simple.

However, this chart is actually a pretty good representation of political alignment, and it's not saying where your every single choice will lie (nor does it claim that it will), it simply shows where in general you are. So if you're looking for an in-depth psychological evaluation about how people think, then no, this isn't for you.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

Allow me to re-word a bit more concisely one of the things I said:

Think of it this way: Compared to other governments of history, Western society as a whole (especially in the U.S.) is definitely towards the right, and actually (in terms of society itself, not neccessarily the government [which is rather unfortunate]) somewhat towards libertarian (because of so many human rights being outlined in base constitutions and whatnot).

So, what could be considered "towards the right" according to the chart, could very well be "towards the left" by (even unbiased) modern standards.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

Wait, no, but then the chart makers themselves missplaced the...

But then how could...

Argh! I'm confusing myself. :/

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Although I agree that most Americans are more right-wing than that of other countries, we also tend to be more authoritarian, especially the Republican Party. Just look at the primary debates on abortion "I'm a devoted Christian, and the Bible tells me that abortion is wrong. Therefor, when I'm elected president, I'll make it illegal for everybody." Ron Paul is the only Republican that didn't make that stance, and it's not because he's not Christian (he's actually a very devoted Christian), it's because he's the only one that realized he didn't have a right strip others of their liberties.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

But then that one stance places them as more authoritarian than Obama?

And I'm still pondering how in the world Obama could *actually* be as far to the right as the site creators say he is. Yes, yes, you've posted their explanation, but I still highly doubt it, judging by the sheer weirdness of the questions.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Yes, Doodled, one hypothetical scenario is my basis for every standpoint Obama has -_- (please pick up on the sarcasm)

Easy, when Obama was elected 4 years ago, he promised many things to get the liberal vote, but how many of those things did he actually do? He brought the troops home from Iraq, but it wasn't actually his choice, it was part of the treaty Bush signed. Each election cycle he just tries to appease the liberals with empty promises, but we have seen he doesn't actually follow through, and he even appoints conservative advisers. Look at his current campaign speeches, where he says "WHen I'm elected I'll do X, Y, and Z", when X, Y, and Z are those same things he promised 4 years ago. The only difference is he changed "elected" to "re-elected"

The Political Compass

11 years ago

But then if you look at the stuff that he HAS done, you'll find that he still ranks pretty far left on the spectrum. At least, further left than the people of the site have said.

Also, abortion is hypothetical? And I didn't mean your basis, I meant the site people's basis.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Alright, show me the liberal stuff he has done. There's the healthcare bill, but not much else.

*sigh* do you really not get what the abortion scenario was used for at all? I might have overestimated your intelligence.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

Yes, I do. Because if you put controls on what other people do with their bodies, then you're a lot less libertarian, and thereby more authoritarian.

I was, however, confused as to why you refer to abortion as "hypothetical," and why you assumed that it was your basis that I was pondering over.

Also, there's also the stimulus plan. Honestly, the stimulus plan and the healthcare bill combined spent so much money in an effort to "right social wrongs" (which is essentially the basis of being "towards the left," is it not?) that it's seriously difficult to portray him as "right-winged."

Also, I'd prefer not to bring my own intelligence into the matter, thank you.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
I wasn't saying abortion itself was hypotheitical, I was using the Republican candidate's positions on it as a statement of how Americans are traditionally more authoritarian than libertarian. You took it as me saying that Obama is conservative because Republicans support anti-abortion legislation, which is why I questioned your intelligence.

Congratulations on bringing up the stimulis plan (no sarcasm intended) even though it failed, because that is a liberal action. However, when he also vows to defend Isreal by 'any means neccesary' and promises to intervene in Iran's nuclear program, it shows how he also delves in to american Conservative territory.

Don't show a lack of intelligence, and I won't bring it into the matter ;)

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Plus I just remembered one aspect of his Health Care Bill, which requires every citizens to buy into health insurance. That would be an authoritarian move, even though it's not listed in the survey.

The Political Compass

11 years ago

Even though he sta-...

Wait, yeah, that's actually a valid point.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Ever since the patriot act, we have been on a slippery slope when it comes to liberties.

These "safeguards" against terrorism are just controlling the population. September 11 will never happen again, because people won't allow terrorists to gain control again. You just have to look at examples such as "The shoe bomber" and the recent crazy pilot. Where people took them down.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
haha, we haven't exactly been pro-liberty since before then, but i get your point.

The Political Compass

11 years ago
We are on a slippery slope

The Political Compass

11 years ago
Haha, I just fully realized that my liberty stance is almost exactly on the line between Authortarian and Libertarian haha. I wonder what that means...