
Forums » Writing Workshop » Read Thread

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Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Well everyone's been doing these and they say that it does them wonders so I guess it's about time I make one. This is my in progress thread for my storygame "Guide to surviving the apocalypse: Amnesia."

In this you play as a man who has absolutely no recollection of who he is or where he is. (I know, original, right?) Anyways blah, blah, blah. He is then explained by a mysterious figure (so far so good, eh?) what has happened. Long story short, an unknown virus has swept the globe causing the dead to rise blah blah blah. (This paragraph looked much better in my head.) 

Anyways, you are playing through the story that the figure is telling you. Your character keeps a journal with him which he records his experiences and writes down tips for surviving the dead. This journal is titled "The guide." Also it shows you various stats. What's interesting about this is that you have a relationship meter for every character you meet. Siding with a certain character in an argument may add some points to their meter, but deplete another's. At some point through the story you may need that characters help. Whether or not they may help you is dependant on if you have a good enough relationship with them. So choose who you side with very carefully.

This game is planned to have around 320 pages. So far it has 103.

Pages: 103/320.

Endings: 0/17?

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

A man with amnesia in the middle of a "horror" setting. Hm.

To quote TDPS: "I don't mind that your poem had a simple theme. Sometimes the most beautiful poetry can be about simple things, like a cat, or a flower or rain. You see, poetry can come from anything with the stuff of revelation in it. Just don't let your poems be ordinary." <-- Applies beautifully to stories. 

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Yeah, I know I made it sound super generic. I promise that it's something different.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

I have faith.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

That means a lot. Thanks.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

You're welcome. If you need help, feel free to ask. I can't seem to accomplish a damn thing on my own works right now.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Will do. I do have a page I'm working on that I would like your opinion on actually. When it's finished I'll show it to you.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago
I'm curious about how you came up with 320 pages as a goal. And 17 endings. Were they random numbers, or have you planned that much out in advance?

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

After planning that was the estimate I got.


Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago
So you have the whole thing basically planned out? Do you have all the pathways planned out completely and just have to fill in the story? That would be something else for a story of this size.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Yeah, I basically spent a whole year planning it out. I'd actually written the whole thing on paper before bringing it to this site. But that was more of a watered down version. But I do add some other occurrences or ideas along the way so it may end up being much more than 320 pages. Only the future will tell.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Well that's three pages out of the way. Plus a new chapter I just created.

So far I'm doing okay. I'm trying to maintain a daily schedule of when I write. It's 11 at night and I just completed the last page for today. So you can see how well that's going for me. I've tried using write or die for my first pages I completed today, but it ends up scaring the living shit out of me so I pussied out on that.

+ 3 pages

Pages: 106/320.


Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

You should be able to set the speed on that thing. I haven't used it in a long time. (I might relook it up, lol)

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Huh, well this thread isn't going exactly as I had planned. Noones really replying on it. Though that may just be because I put such a bad summary of the story, that there aren't really any questions to be asked. 

Well, anyways. I'll give this one more shot before I give up on this thread.

UPDATE: Okay, so I've been crazy busy for the past week. There's been a bunch of shit happening at home. And tons of drama in my social/ love life. But I'm still trying to maintain a writing schedule. I've gotten 3 new pages done and have edited/ added on to a bunch of others. I'm currently writing the climax for a few of the paths and all seems to be going well so far. The words are flowing out of me nicely and it looks good. (so far.)

+3 pages +edited and added to a couple other pages

Pages: 109/320 I think it'll be quite a bit more than that now. Maybe something like 360-370.


Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

:P The thread isn't for us so much as it is for you, and even if we're not replying, you can use this to show yourself your progress and keep yourself talking about / thinking about your goals. That's how I treat mine.

That said, I'm pleased to see that you're still going. I'm just absorbed in some IRL issues and some creative debates with myself.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Oh, well in that case I suppose it is working for me. If this thread keeps helping me maintain this writing schedule. Then I'll keep it around.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago
Yeah, I see these threads as more of a place where you can post what you're doing to ensure that you're actually doing something. If the thread goes dead for awhile, it's YOU that need to know it and needs to do something. And this way you get to publish something when you can't yet publish your story!

So yeah, there's still people reading it. Maybe once a week we should post, "Go SonicTurboTurtle!" or something...

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Lately I've been feeling very unmotivated to write. Though I'm still pushing myself to anyways. I'm just at a point in my story which is very difficult to write and I worry I don't have the vocabulary to describe the situation that well. It is a very cinematic story so there's obviously going to be some difficulty getting the proper 'image' across. But, yeah, if anyone would like to share some tips on how they keep themselves motivated, I'm all ears.

+9 pages

Pages: 118/???

Endings: 0/17

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Same, man. Same. My sympathies. Good on you for keeping at it. I recommend talking to other people about your story (like here,) role-playing with characters, taking a long walk or a warm shower to clear your head and relax, listening to music, drawing / using some other artform in regards to the events of your game if it would help you envision things more clearly, exc. Good luck.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Thanks for the advice. And your post just made me realize. I don't really know any details about my main characters appearance. Sure I know his fitness, age, hair, and approximate height. But I haven't really imagined how he looks in detail. Guess I better start working on that, huh.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

You could let it to the readers imagination, I think there would be no problem :}

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Hmm... I suppose.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

It can help. When you care about your characters, I mean, really care, you feel more motivated. When I like a character, I want to know what happens to them and how their story ends, whether I'm reading or writing. And you naturally care more about people that you know more about... and that even, shockingly, includes people you think are dicks. Scientifically proven. xD

Kind of a neat example of a human behavioral test: a chick set up with a towel and a radio on a beach near various families, then they had her get up and leave her stuff there, and an actor came by to steal her radio. When the girl was nice to the family beforehand, they pretty much all tried to stop the thief. When she said nothing, the families usually ignored the theft, but what got me was when she was rude. Even though they complained about her and talked behind her back, the reaction when the radio was stolen in one case was amazing. The dad chased the thief down, tackled him to ground, and refused to let him go until he released the radio. xD

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Great, I can make all of my characters assholes and readers will care about them more. Thanks for the advice Kiel!

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

xD ... Somehow, I think you interpreted that wrong. I said "even," not "especially."

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

I know, I was joking. xD

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Yes. xD I know. I figured you were going to keep going and I was taking the "straight man" role, as I often do.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago



Jeez, I was joking again. Stop taking things so seriously, my gawd!

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago


xD I can't remember the last time I've used that many caps in one post anywhere.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago


Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago


xD ...?!


Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago


I'm not sure how long this is gonna keep going. xD

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Okay, so I'm updating this really just for the sake of updating it so it won't get lost at the bottom of the forums.

I've been taking it steady recently and am not trying to rush myself too much. I didn't get any pages done this past week due to a creative science project I was working on for my class. I guess it was too ambitious because I had no idea it would take a total of 16 GOD DAMN HOURS to finish within 5 days. But yeah, that done with so now I will retain my usual writing schedule.

Even though I didn't write much; I mapped out a whole bunch more of the story in my head. Many, many cinematic scenes. Anyways, feels like I've been rambling on for too long. So...

+ 4 pages

Pages: 122/???

Endings: 0/34

Oh yeah, if your interested in what I was doing for all this time (for some reason) then here's the link to my project. It's an animation I made:

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Taking it slow for a while...

+10 pages

Pages: 133/???



Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

You're going a hell of a lot faster than me.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

I seriously read that as "You're going TO hell a lot faster than me."

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

He could be. >.>

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

I am because I'm already there. And so are you.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Oh yeah, the reason it seems I am writing faster is because my pages tend to be only around two to three paragraphs long at the most.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago
Oh, right...

Go SonicTurboTurtle!

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago
Go SonicTurboTurtle!

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

The reason I haven't been writing anything or being around the site in general lately. [Like anyone noticed :P] Is because my finals are approaching. So i'll probably get back to writing the day after my finals; next Wednesday.

[My school has semesters, so I have two finals. One in the middle of the school year, and one at the end. Shitty system, I know.]


Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Note, this game is on hold for a while. I'm devoting my attention to another, non-story related project.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

I'm quitting writing.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Wait, what? Why?

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Well. I was gonna reply with one of those camp stories, the ones that conclude with someone pulling on someone else's leg in some way. But I'll just get to the end: JUST LIKE HOW I'M PULLING YOURS!!!

*Audience busts with laughter, police force song plays through speakers as fake freeze frame occurs.*

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

You ass. xD 

Don't scare me like that, lol. :p I thought you were serious.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago
Keep writing! It keeps us writers sane!

(I really kinda wanna make one of these motivational pages for myself, but I'm afraid no one would reply or care...)


Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

(I would reply AND care! I can also walk and chew gum at the same time. :D)

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago
Thanks, Kiel!

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

I would.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago
Thank you, too! I might try to post one sometime this week...

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Okay, after giving myself a much undeserved and stupidly long break, I'm ready to start writing again. There hasn't been a day since I started writing this story on the site where I haven't thought about the plot in some way. My absolute favorite thing to do is to think about this story and my absolute least favorite thing to do is actually write it. Go figure.

Since Tuesday I've had the flu. I can't taste most foods which ABSOLUTELY FUCKING SUCKS!!! And my throat's being a little bitch by waking me up every damn hour of the night. Once this flu blows over then I'll get back to writing.


Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

I'm a no good, dirty procrastinating bastard! That's right, no more excuses! I had all the goddamn time in the world to write the past week and I didn't do shit! Sure, I could go on about how hard it is for me to keep up with still being sick and in the process of moving. But the truth is, the letters I am typing this post with could've gone towards writing my story. But no! Instead I'm here, complaining that I need to get my shit together while ironically what I am doing right now is pulling it apart! That's right. Right now, I'm reaching my hand in the toilet for the biggest log and pulling it out. Now, I'm digging the nails of my other hand into the shit. Nice and gooey. It makes a farting kind of noise when I press into it, like silly puddy! And I fucking love silly puddy as much as I love to procrastinate. And now finally, I'm ripping the turd apart with my bare hands like I'm goddamn Sub Zero!

Yes, I made you read that vulgar shit! Why? Cause I'm pissed at my self. *sigh*

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago
Ummm.... okay....

*steps away slowly, then turns and runs away, screaming*


But really it will be okay. We all procrastinate sometimes... *pat*

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Breathe. Think of baby owls. It will be okay.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago


Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

I regret nothing. :3

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

+1 page

134/??? Pages

0/34 endings

Finally decided to force my lazy ass to write. And I enjoyed it! Hell, I might even finish this thing within the next ten years! :P

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Woohoo! Great job Turbo! 134, that's a word I hardly hear when I write.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Yeah, I think I'm finding my muse now.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Haha, good ^_^

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago
Good job! Force yourself and soon you won't be able to stop. I make myself write so that the writer's block doesn't come back to haunt me...

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Damn, I gotta speed the hell up if I want to finish this this year. I'm going to push myself to do atleast five pages a day from now on.

+4 pages

Pages: 138/???

Ending combinations: 0/34

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Woah. Five pages a day!? Good luck, Turbo. Glad you made some progress :D

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Thanks for all the support you guys, I really mean it, you guys are the best!

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Great job, Turbo, can't wait for it. Sounds really exciting, feel free to PM me personally, when it's done. It'll be great :D

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Sure thing. I could send you some samples sometime soon if you'd like.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Awesome! It's so amazing that you can write at this pace. A lot of other members can as well, I don't know how! XD

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

You can do it!

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Crap, having a hard time keeping this up. I need to come up with a magic show for my family's going away party which is in two weeks! And I need to rehearse it all and make it solid/ add comedic bits to it. So yeah, as much as I hate using this excuse; I'm busy right now. Might just change my goal to 2 or 3 pages a day. 

+3 pages

Pages: 141/???

Endings: 0/34


Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

+1 page

Pages: 142/???

Endings: 0/34

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

I know two pages doesn't seem like much. But the two pages I did, move the plot forward the most. I've figured out a way to write everyday now! It isn't about how many pages I write, but for how long I write for. 

+2 Pages

Pages: 144/???

Endings: 0/34 (But getting really close to a couple)

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Progress is progress. Keep it up. :)

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Go Sonic Go!

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Did these pages about four or five days ago, just forgot to update. Jeez I'm lazy af.

+3 pages

Pages: 147/???

Endings: 0/34

Edit: Just realized. 46 pages in six months. Holy crap, I'm bad. Hopefully after this story is published and I get feedback, I'll be more motivated to write.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Go go go!

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Correction. That was 2 and 1/3 pages done. I'm adding onto that last page currently.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

:P Lazy! No, I'm not a total hypocrite, what are you talking about? >_>

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

I'm saying that I wasn't done adding onto that page yet. It ended up being a pretty long one. But now I am!


Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Yay. Now do more. :D

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Well, I'm no @Kiel_Possible. But i'll try.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

xD My femme fatale super-spy alter ego thanks you for the shout-out.

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Wow, that's what you get for responding to a post right after you wake up. Lol, I thought you were asking for clarification on what I meant by 1/3 of a page. XD

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Past the 150 mark. Woohoo! XO 

+4 pages (and they were some large pages aswell)

Pages: 151/???

Endings: 0/34

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

FUCK YEAH. Go Sonic!

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Oh God no......

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Ok, so... some bad news. Can't update now because I got grounded from my Ipad until the 10th of June because of my low grades in math. So now, I'm stuck using this shitty samsung tablet which is absolute hell to write with. (This post has taken minutes to write)

So yeah, might be a while until I update again, that is, unless I find where my parents hid the damned thing. /:

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Dang. :(

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

+ 3 pages

Pages: 154/???

Endings: 0/34

Sonic's motivational thread.

8 years ago

Keep it going.

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago



Pages: 155/???

Endings: 1/34

Yay! First ending done! Now I just need to add a ton of shit into the middle of the story!...

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

+9 pages +Redid a page

164/??? Pages

1/34 ending combinations


Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago
Nine pages in two months? This is going to take awhile... I mean, oh yeah! Go team! Keep it up!

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

Glad to see this thread hasn't died! Keep going dude, you'll finish the story sooner or later!

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

Props! My recommendation is to tone down the number of endings unless they'll be similar enough to not take a whole bunch of work. That sort of lofty goal is really hard to achieve!

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

Oh, yeah, it seems like a lot but there are only 2 big endings really. 34 is actually the number of possible combinations of different choices in the story. The reader is able to see all the choices they have made at the end so I prefer to keep the final page branched. 

You'll eventually see me completing clumps of endings at a time once I develop the middle parts of the story.

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

Getting back into it. I'm now back to writing everyday. My goal is to finish this game before November 15th. (The supposed day that Telltale's TWD season 3 will be coming out.) Hopefully I can be able to get myself to do 2 pages each day.

 +9 pages

Pages: 173/???

Endings: 1/34


Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

+10 pages

Pages: 183/???

Endings: 1/34

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago
Keep it going! Each page gets you closer to completion!

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

I know it seems like I'm slacking off a bit, but it just so happens that one of these pages is about the length of three normal pages, so it took me longer to complete it.

+6 pages

Pages: 189/¿?¿

Endings: 1/34

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

For the first time ever, I'm going to show a section of a page I wrote. Only because it is supposed to be a powerful scene in the story and I want it to be as good as possible so I encourage you to critique it and also ask questions for some backround information. The setting is a forest, close to sunset, and you and your fellow survivor, Larry, have encountered a looter next to a dead gravewalker (zombie) and dead deer on the ground. (You'd have to read up to this point to see why)


Open the bag," she says to Larry. Not taking any chances, he pulls his backpack up to his waist and begins to unzip it while still cramped in the chokehold. He stares at you the whole time. You cannot move, as the woman has her eyes on you aswell. For a second you spot a shift of movement in the corner of your eye from behind the two of them. The spot where the deer and gravewalker lay dead. Or so you thought.


Now focused on it, you realize the supposedly killed grave is still moving slightly. You watch as it gets more and more awake. "You better have food in there," the woman declares.


"We don't," Larry responds boldly, now quite annoyed.


"Now that's not what I wanted to hear..." The grave slowly gets up, now standing about two meters away from them. You see its cat-like pupils shift from brown to red in a blink as it suddenly notices them.


"Larry! Duck!," you shout just before the grave snatches ahold of the woman letting out its infamous, vicious growls. In panic, she frees Larry of his chokehold and he immediately ducks down. The woman fires a stream of bullets into the air by accident, and you barely duck down in time. The grave grabs her by the arm, biting into it so deep, her jean shirt fabric tears, allowing the gravewalker to bite a massive chunk of flesh out of it. Vains and tendons hang out like an overflowing bowl of spaghetti. The pain, so rich, that it causes her to drop her gun. The gravewalker bites pounds and pounds of flesh from her as if she were a buffet. Blood pouring out, trickling down her face and soaking into her shirt underneath her vest. She collapses, still screaming. Forced to watch as her own organs are stripped from her abdomen by its sharp, claw-like nails. The screaming only stops as it grabs ahold of one of her intestines and rips them inhalf with its teeth.


Larry and yourself watch in horror from a safe distance. That is until you realize that many lurking gravewalkers had been attracted by the commotion. It's hard to count how many, but you could safely say a dozen. Enough to get you to leave. Larry quickly snags his backpack and you grab your satchel before quickly exiting the area. Just in time to miss this dinner gathering.



Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

Wow, that's pretty powerful. My only critique would be to make sure you get your pronouns right and polish the grammar/word choice a bit. Other than that, this snippet was pretty good. I look forward to reading your final product.

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

Would you mind giving me specifics of where I got the pronouns mixed? Reading over it, I can't notice anything.

And thank you. :)

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

Okay, quick question:

Anyone know the name of those sort of blurry windows. The kinds that are often used for window art at churches or are on some bathrooms that allow you to see shapes through it and stuff but not any details. What are those called?

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago


Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

Currently rewriting some shitty pages that I wrote back when this was still a shitty story.

I've extremely busy lately. Holy shit! Getting through the 10th grade while rehearsing for two magic show gigs! Uhgg... What a horrible combination. After my first of the two shows is done (October 8th) then I should have a little free time to write. And I swear, I will use every goddamn second of it to write this story! I'm starting to have doubts that it will be finished within my goal, but I'm not giving up. I will trench through 5 pages a day if I have to!!!

Goooooooooooo crunchtime!!!

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

For the next while I won't be displaying the page count due to there being a cluster of useless fighting pages I need to clear out, so it will be hard to keep track of the actual page count. My story currently says I have 240 pages. And I technically do atm, but I plan on removing about ten or more fighting pages so it won't be as much as it says. 

I've been fixing up some old pages and adding new ones throughout the game. I'm working on the second path and I expect to finish it by the end of November. Those pages are still in my notepad and I have yet to add them to the story.

All right, I think that's everything. I hope everyone has a happy Halloween.

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

It's been a while and I've been working for a fair amount on this story in the past couple months. I'm a little over halfway through with the second -and last- main path. Still gotta fix the shitty beggining and add a ton of pages in general though. It's coming along.

Oh. And if anyone's wondering why I'm on a different account, well... it's a long fucking story. 

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

Here's the short version:


Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

We have a rehab center? xD

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

Of course! I've been there!

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

+15 pages 

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago
You started out with 17 endings for your first published game, and then spiraled upwards to 34, and mentally put a page count of over 300. Would you consider revising the scope downwards?

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

It's either go big or go home with me.

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

Are you at home right now?

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

Damn! You caught me redhanded!

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

So, now your new saying is:

"Go big or stay home."

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

I think I'll stay home regardless, but sure.

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

Sounds like Sonic just propositioned Stryker.

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

You bet your ass

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago

His Panda clearly eats, shoots, and leaves

Sonic's motivational thread.

7 years ago
