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Is there a way to download storygames?

6 years ago

Read title. I can't tell if I'm just an idiot and can't find where I can download storygames or if it isn't a feature offered.

I'm looking to download Eternal specifically because it's such a masterpiece and I would like to be able to read it without internet connection. Hell, I'd probably pay good money for a download.


Is there a way to download storygames?

6 years ago
No, there's no way to do that. We've had several people who wanted to implement such a feature, but nobody cared enough to actually do it.

Is there a way to download storygames?

6 years ago

That's a shame.

I suppose if I really wanted I could copy-paste every single thing from the story and somehow make it work but that would take a while. A download would be a lot easier though.

Anyways, thanks for the answer.

Is there a way to download storygames?

6 years ago
Exporting games is one of those pipe dream things I'd love to see, but the site and the editor was designed like fifteen years ago and all tied together in such a way it may have made that impossible unfortunately, and there's no one active anymore who can mess with the coding stuff.

Is there a way to download storygames?

6 years ago

Is no one here capable (or cares enough) to just update the site and make a new one? Make it more accessible, maybe?

they probably would want money for their effort, tho

Is there a way to download storygames?

6 years ago

It's because of people like you that we're getting a multiplayer Fallout. 

Is there a way to download storygames?

6 years ago

Fuckkkk no. I'm not excited about that game, like, at all.

But wheeeeeres the correlation.

Is there a way to download storygames?

6 years ago
Sure I'll get right on that. Somebody inform Alex I'm taking over.

Is there a way to download storygames?

6 years ago

Just saying, a lot of people have been on this site for a long, long time. Thought that it would be in somebodies interests.

Is there a way to download storygames?

6 years ago

Is there a way to download storygames?

6 years ago
Is there anyone here who is capable and cares enough to create a new one?


Is there anyone here who has the time and is able to spend the effort to build a new one, then work to drive traffic to it and continue to fund it?


Is there anyone who meets both criteria above?
