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Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Okay I'm still having to deal with a few real life things, one of which is reliable internet connection!

My progress on Eternal has slowed down to a crawl (Still working on it when I can) so I don't know when it's going to be completely finished, however I'm going to release what I have now, because I know there has been some calls for updates and such.

As I've mentioned, the story is technically "finished" (I didn't add the demo tag) as in you will not find any loose ends at all (or you shouldn't anyway) Basically the other two main branches I haven't finished are not even in the story yet and I'm going to add the options when they are finished.

The site is telling me there are 131 pages and 190 links in the story and you've still got 5 epilogues to find so it should be a good length for you to enjoy. (Or if some prefer, to tell me how much it sucks in the comments section!)

Anyway I'll pop up around here when I can and I'll certainly be around when I get this internet situation taken care of.

As a side note, this will be the first story I've created here first (as opposed to Infinite Story, which is going through site revamp right now) so this is a real special occasion!

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

I love you Endmaster.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

WOOT!!#@#!! G0 EndMaster!!

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

I for one am going to wait until you finish the whole thing before reading it. It would be appreciated if you would make a forum post when that happens as well.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
You might be waiting a long time, but obviously if I make any major updates I'll let everyone know here as well as changing the cover page notes on the story. The other two branches will definitely flesh out some possible unanswered questioned that might arise in the current playable branch.

Without giving too much away, the other two branches split the story very early. Namely when Mistress has her boot to your chest and you get two more choices other than begging.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Will the 2 branches end up being as long and full of choices as the begging path?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Hopefully yes, but we will have to wait and see for Endmaster is Eternal's creator. :) 

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
I certainly intend to make the other two branches "life time" long.

The Shadow Guard path I'm working on right now actually splits into 2 different "chapter 2s", though whether they both will take you to a "chapter 3" remains to be seen. Currently the chapter 3 of one of the paths will probably split into 2 different branches as well leading to two different epilogues.

There's going to be a little more mental/loyalty conflict earlier on in that one and you get to see the shadows' side of things, motivations, etc. Though how it plays out will depend on your actions (We know what happens in the soldier path)

The final branch I'm going to work on (True Eternal path) is probably going to be the "whole story" path in that you'll find out most of the unanswered background info, etc. That one will definitely have a couple epilogues, but I haven't decided yet if that branch will end up having a special 4th chapter or not. I have a couple major ideas fleshed out for what's going to happen in that branch, but as always, things can get altered.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Will there be any chance of connecting a bit of Eternal to Necromancer? I really liked the small references.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Lol, if there is, I certainly can't tell you!

The world where Eternal takes place isn't the same one as the Necromancer's world though. So no, this isn't a past tale on that world if that was what anyone was wondering.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Damn, I thought it was a single world with many different landmasses, Mortos sounded a lot like the world of Necromancer.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

That's exactly what I thought! I knew it wasn't called Mortos, but still I kept hoping that the worlds were somehow combined.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Remember the ending of Necromancer? How he walks the plans of the universe? Maybe he stop by and built another dead city before leaving again.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Maybe, he'll make a cameo appearance?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Guess there might be a use for those wannabe eternals after all :P Just send them to attack the Necromancers while you lead a huge army against them!  lol

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Maybe the Necromancer made Mortos... O.o

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Not sure if anyone remembers, but the Necromancer's world only ever contained one giant land mass. There were mentions of ships that tried to find other land masses, but they never existed. Not even islands.

His world is dead, DEAD, DEAD, DEAD! Lol.

The Eternal's world is still full of life. A lot of war and conflict going on, but for the most part there aren't armies of the dead running about.

You might be able to somehow connect Eternal as a story set in the far past for Innkeeper's world which has a slight edge on tech level, but is still a fantasy setting. However, how I have the mental map set up for both of those stories the Empire's location (Or even the Felkan Kingdom) still wouldn't be anywhere near the location in Innkeeper and would probably be taking place on a separate continent or at best on the other side of a large land mass.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago











Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
I know that end. I was just saying you said at the end that he walks the plains of the universe. Whose to say he didn't show up in this world and build a city of necromancers then left it.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Like i said above... Maybe he made the City of Morto's...

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

"I have the mental map set up for both of those stories the Empire's location (Or even the Felkan Kingdom)"

Could you use paint and draw that map along with Ground zero's and Necromancer's map.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Thank god. I thought that was odd.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Yes i thought it was a little odd, Since when does an Eternal beg for mercy?

Oh also who wanted to kill her afterwards for that?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Me, btw what is your favorite Endmaster story at the moment?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Eternal... If you mean to exclude this story from that list then i  would pick Necromancer.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Really, I liked Necromancer more for some reason.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Well Urnam0, the published part of the story is already quite long and it could easily be a story on it's own. But you can wait if you want.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
I can't wait till you get the other story branches done.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Well to bad Cool74, you hhahave to wait another 3,845 years before you get to read the other storybranches now. MUmuhahahaacckk...*cough cough*.. sorry..

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Is it weird if I just wanna kidnap Endmaster and lock him up in my basement with only a computer and force him to write for me?














Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Well depending on if Endmaster;s personality is anything like his story's... You might just lock a deranged cultist who has his dogs kill mailmen. But he could also be a guy possesed Unicorns. >.>

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

lol effective trap there Joyless.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
I am pretty sure he would kill you first.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

What if he's just a normal guy with some weird fantasies and fetishes?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Then he is not normal...

Also what is a normal person anyway? What is an average life? Please define it :o

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

It's not a definite thing. It is a very broad context, and, just like things like right and wrong or good and evil, it's more of an opinion than something that can be referred to as a fact.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
a normal person would be a person who's actions and/or thoughts are similar to the actions and/or thoughts of the society he lives in. The perception of normal varies from society to society.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

I think Endmaster is just your average person. I mean just because he wrote a slightly awkward novel, doesn't mean hes different from everyone else here, we all have our fantasies about mutilating and torturing mormons don't we?

You wouldn't just be the average person living in suburbia would you, Endmaster?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Why pick on the Mormons? From the one's i've meet they seem to be nice people.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

They're very persistant when it comes to trying to get you to change religions. I learned that the hard way (a forty-minute walk from the main street of my town to my aunt's, they didn't get the message that I was agnostic (and my cousin was Christian) for almost the whole trip home).

They were nice people, sure. I don't hold anything against them for being religious, I treat them the same as I do Christians and Scientologists, I just don't like their conversion tactics.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Alright then, just tell them to stop. Usally that works cause thats what i did. They might pop up the question once and a while tho

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Enough with the religon stuff tho...

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Exactly! so really nobody is normal and every society is weird right? :P

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Normal never has or will exist.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

I disagree, I just think it is a very large category.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Nope we all have things that make us non-normal.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Being normal means certain things can only have very small changes and everybody must know what these standards for being normal are. If it is such a large category then normal isnt possible...

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

I know people that are: of various religious backgrounds, originate from different countries, speak different languages, are differently capable of speaking their languages, do different things in their free time, which can vary from playing video-games to picking potatoes (yeah, I know someone who does that for a hobby). I know people of different age, and even someone so old, that I don't know anyone else that has reached that age. I considers everyone I know to be normal, even though none of them are the same. However, if I met someone that had three eyes, or came from a different planet, I would probably consider that to be abnormal. But then again, if it was acknowledges that people had three eyes or sometime came fro Mars, then I would most likely end up considering that to be normal as well.

I remember thinking once that normal didn't mean anything, and no one was normal, but I've changed my mind since then.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

I agree that everybody is normal in their own way and yet we are all diffrent. Telling somebody that they are unique is just nicer way of saying your weird. :)

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Another masterpiece by Endmaster, Can't wait for the other two main branches to come out. Wonder if you'll be able to save the Empire

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

I suspect that one of the branchs will allow this and the other branch might have something to do with Necromancer.  Just a theory tho

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Currently, the best way you can save the Empire is achieving the Eternal Patriot epilogue. It's about the closest you can get without the government changing too radically since you even attempt to copy the whole undying ruler system as well.

The second best would be Eternal Warrior. Even though you don't rule anything in this one your actions alter how the Felkan Kingdom operates so much that it starts emulating the Empire.

Third best would be the Eternal Couple ending since you ruled something much smaller, but it still maintained a few Empire trappings.

Bane and Savior do nothing to save it in any way, other than Edgar's failed attempts.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Bane & savior do save the memory of the Eternal guy which was part of the Empire. so that means part of the Empire was saved right?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

I think he meant the Original Empire.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Yeah in those two endings a small part of it still survives through you, but you still weren't actively trying to preserve or save it in any way. With the Felkan Kingdom you sort of do it by "accident" and then on purpose when you start gaining more responsibility.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Will there be a way to save the original empire in the new branches? I didn't like how you have no way to save or rebuild the empire. You supose to be this huge bad ass but not being able to do anything as your home falls apart makes the chacrter look weak and the impressive things he does after feel unrealistic.

I mean if he can't rebuild when he has a comaned of entrnals how he build a empire from scratch?If Edgar the dumbest of eternals was able to do it why can't you?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Wow, way to miss one of the major concepts in the story.

If you remember, by the time the Empire is crumbling your character's faith in the Empire isn't as strong anymore and you're ready to chuck it in mainly because you're frustrated with how things aren't like how you were raised to believe in.

It's not so much that you can't save it, it's more like you don't want to be bothered to do it.

However, training and mindset are still present, so you can't just do a 180 and leave ALL your beliefs behind. Besides, you just answered your own question. Edgar wasn't able to save it for the very reason you stated: He's a dumb ass (Though he got better) and it doesn't matter how big of an army he had, he just didn't have the skill.

You on the other hand ARE that much of a bad ass (Your words) so you ARE able rebuild the Empire (Which you do in the Patriot branch) from a smaller base and with regular humans as opposed to a bunch of magically engineered freaks.

So yeah, his achievements are still realistic. Well as realistic as you can get in a story like this which isn't very realistic at all anyway.

As for if there is going to be a way to properly save it, everyone will have to find out later.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Update on the other branches?

I love your writing endmaster!!!!!

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Currently still trying to finish up one of the chapter 2s. Still debating on whether to make it a little longer though.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Was wondering if the other branches will have more interaction with gnomes,orcs,giants, gnolls or the elves?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Most likely some more interaction with dark elves and Mistress will definitely be more involved in one of the branches.

Orcs are a possibility in one branch, not sure how much meaningful interaction though. Same for regular elves.

Probably not giants or nothing meaningful anyway. Same with gnolls or gnomes, who are more located near or in the Felkan Kingdom and I wasn't planning on repeating a similar storyline.

However, a race called the Derro will be popping up in the next two branches in varying degrees. The Derro are basically this world's dwarves though a little nastier. Trolls will pop up a few times in one as well.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Is there a way to save the empire in the other strands?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

I was starting to wonder where all the dwarf's went...

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Finally completed an entire "Chapter 2" for the Shadow Guard path and added one background page for it.

Next step: Work on the 2nd Chapter 2 of the SG path, followed by Ch3 of the SG path.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

So when do you think you will have both of the other paths finished?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Um.. Update?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
I didn't have a major update. Last one I had was a couple posts up and like I said before I don't know when the other two branches are going to be finished.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

The story is much too long! I can't read it in one sitting and will have to continue later, maybe tomorrow. I even gave up on trying to explore more than one path simultaneously but even when concentrating on just one possible way, I could only make it to age 55 or so before needing a serious break.

What I've seen this far is making me a little angry... The Emperor gave us so much and only asked for our loyalty in return but what do I see? Treason everywhere! PLEASE give me a branch where I can be completely honourable and slay all the traitors and burn down their villages without any mercy ever.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Lol, okay okay I’ll give away one branch arc I have planned.

Yes, in one of the branches there will be a way to “properly” save the Empire. There may even be two and I’ve already sort of written one of them, though I’m not sure if it’s what you had in mind…

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
What was your inspiration for this story?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Originally it was a scifi concept I had a few years back, in fact I was going to make it part of the Paradise Violated "universe" (There's a nameless Empire in that as well) It probably would've been easier to write it like that, but there are a lot of scifi "super soldier" story stuff already, so it got switched to fantasy.

Original title was going to be "Trained for Hell" and it had a similar beginning page.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

(coughEmpirePuppetcough) Anyway's, I have a question for you. Would you rather have this story super short to fit your likeing? or just to have one of those annoyingly long stories that you can't put down till you have finished because it's just epic?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

sorry bout the harsh tone

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

It's okay, I actually like long stories. I don't mind a "harsh" tone but I think I can hear another tone in your voice that's.... well it's hard to pin down, maybe a little treacherous? My friend, don't forget that The Emperor is Father, The Emperor is Mother. Speaking, even thinking treason is just as bad as commiting it and you certainly know what the only just punishment for such actions is.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
DEATH to the Emperor DEATH to the EMPIRE!!!

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

I agree with Cool74, the emipire had a good start but it had already started to break down before the Eternal Project. You never see this all powerful Emperor. Even if he is real and is immortal (dosen't age) he does a sucky job at maintaining his empire. Still i'd like to save the empire if i can turn it around to a brighter path. For now i will stick with the EP ending.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

I LOVED IT! I'm assuming one of the two story paths you've yet to add includes when he saves the empire? Either that or I somehow missed thast branch...

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Umm..... The comments above are already talking about this.  Did you read the thread or just post your thoughts?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

I wonder if Endmaster has an update for us?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Most likely not.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Update Endmaster?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
I have now thoroughly gone through the Eternal branches, finding all three epilogues and reading most of the other sprouts. This is my favourite closing in the entire story, including the epilogues.


You look out at the battlefield from your horse and get off of it. This is it. The time is right. The major is screaming at you to take cover and asking you what do you think you’re doing walking forward into the battlefield like you’re doing, but you ignore him.

No sooner have you taken number of steps forward and large explosion occurs behind you causing you to fall forward. You push yourself up and look behind to see a small crater where the major and your horse once stood. Your head hurts and seems to be bleeding, but you shake off the cobwebs and crawl into the nearest trench.

The stench of death fills your nose immediately. You see several dead soldiers with various fatal wounds. A few living ones are looking for their next opportunity to crawl forward to the next trench. They see you and are quite surprised.

“Gen..general?” one of them says.
“What are you lot waiting for? There’s a great big war out there just dying to be won!”
“Uh, well the enemy cannons are…”
“No excuses! Come on, follow me! I’ll lead you to fucking victory!” you shout excitedly and crawl out of the trench.

The soldiers are a little reluctant to follow you at first, but they do so anyway. Explosions and gunfire are all around you as you crawl forward. The danger you’ve put yourself in right now is giving you a rush. You make your way to the next trench where you encounter even more of your soldiers who are in close combat with the enemy eternals. You help out with your own superior swordsmanship.

“That’s how you do it!” you shout as you run your sword through the neck of an enemy. “Eternals my fucking ass! Back in my day, a single eternal could’ve killed the lot of you! And that Eternal would’ve been me!” you tell your men who are a little unnerved by your remarks.

“But fortunately I’m helping!” you shout with a slight giggle and motion them to follow you forward.

You crawl from trench to trench through mud, blood, guts, bodies, and all around nastiness and you love every moment of it. The soldiers you’ve “picked up” along the way believe you’ve gone completely mad, but they continue to follow since you’re actually making progress and your combat abilities still surpass their own.

You don’t even know how many eternals and “regular” soldiers you’ve killed so far, but you aren’t keeping track. All that you do know is that you still haven’t reached your goal. Along with completely disregarding your safety, you start to become a little delusional as well, you end up shouting at your men that they need to watch out for possible wendigos in the area confusing the hell out of them.

“Why isn’t there snow? There’s usually snow in Rask.” You mumble to yourself.

You see the enemy camp in sight and there is already some fighting going on there, but by the Emperor, you are NOT going to miss this fight!

“For the Empire!” you shout, which at this point your soldier aren’t even surprised by whatever you yell about now. They’re too busy thanking their gods that you managed to lead them to the enemy camp with no losses.

Camp Conquest is in chaos. There is fighting everywhere and you jump right in the middle of it. You proceed with your bloodthirsty adrenaline crusade. You suffer several wounds that probably would’ve stopped a normal man your age in their tracks and even you’re starting to feel the effects. Fortunately you’ve still got your small personal troop behind you to take up the slack.

“Look general there’s the commander’s tent!” one of them shouts. It would appear your enthusiasm has finally rubbed off.

With sword cuts across your face, a bleeding gash on your left arm, your armor half destroyed and a bullet in one of your legs, you continue forward. You’re starting to feel a little wobbly though.

“These Eternals will pay for their betrayal of the Emperor!” you mutter.

The enemy commander with some of his own staff stands around several dead bodies and upon seeing you he pats his mace in his hand waiting for you to arrive. As you get closer, there’s something somewhat familiar about him. Like you knew him, but he’s older now.

He bashes the face in of one of your soldiers before clashing with you. He starts to babble about how he’s wanted revenge on you for killing his friend twenty-five years ago. He kicks you to the ground and tries to crush your skull, but you roll out of the way.

Your head is really starting to hurt, and you’re feeling a little dizzy. Images of the past and present begin to mix together and you have a moment of clarity of where you are, and it isn’t Rask and you aren’t serving the Empire.

The bleeding from the back of your head was actually caused by shrapnel from the explosive cannon ball that nearly killed you at the beginning of the battlefield. You’ve been suffering from a mild brain injury the entire time, hence your delusions. This fool that’s trying to kill you now is one of those eternals that was under your command when you left the Empire and killed private Felding in the process.

You dodge another mace swing as you try to regain your wits. You’re stating to feel your strength really ebb. This is what reality feels like and it sucks, you were enjoying yourself up until this point.

You don’t know if you’re actually going to survive this, but you’ll be damned if you’re going to give this asshole the satisfaction of getting his revenge. You hack at his foot causing him to fall to one knee. You then strike out against one of his soldiers trying to sneak attack you. Before the commander to get back up, you hack his arm off at the shoulder. Blood spews from the stump and he screams in agony. He stops screaming when you kick his teeth in and sever his head from his body.

You look around and see that your soldiers are winning the day. You know that the Eternal Dominion presence is still in Nalin, but it has now been greatly reduced with this victory. The war isn’t over yet, but maybe it is for you.

You stagger to the asshole’s tent you just killed and lie down on his bedroll. You head hurts something fierce and you’re starting to feel like you’re about to pass out. One of your soldiers says he’ll go find a medic or healer, but really you don’t care anymore.

You’re going to die here and that’s okay. You’ve had your last win and really even if you did survive to see final victory; you’d rather not go through the drudgery of ruling alone anymore. You’re too old and too tired and now that Brenda’s gone, you just don’t have the motivation anymore.

“Brenda, I’m coming to join you.” You say and close your eyes.

You never wake up.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Your not Endmaster so i do not belive this is a spolier. :)

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
It's been really busy, so I haven't been able to work on anything substantial.

I have been generating some ideas for the "Save the Empire" branch though. I've sort of jumped ahead a bit and written some of the pages for that bit so I don't forget them. Also trying to make an outline of major events of how that branch is going to play out, again so I don't forget them.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
You don't make sense. Stop not making sense.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Endmaster, how many pages do you expect the final edition to be?

Besides, any estimates on when it will be finished?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

If i ask for an update will my soul be sent to oblivion after my body get's eaten by Wendigo's?


no answer? Alright...

UPDATE PLZ?! ^(O_o)^

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Busy. No meaningful update other than I've been able to at least start on the other Shadow Guard branch yesterday.

Like I said, it'll be a while.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Well you're getting a small update despite my previous post though it'll still be a while for the next one. This is more of an outline.

Probably three epilogues for the Shadow Guard path and two separate "chapter 3s". Finally came up with some good ideas for the conflict in both chapter 3s. Designed the outline of certain events to occur. I think syncing up certain events in chapter 2 will probably be more time consuming than making up the new Shadow storylines in chapter 3.

I pretty much already know how the True Eternal branch is going to play out and have two epilogues already planned for it. Not sure if I'm still going to add a 4th chapter that one, it'll depend on if one particular storyline is looking like its going to run over the normal 101 year limit.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago




Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

(19 day's later) Update?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Skyrim. (And Saints Row 3)

Though if you want to keep the faith, I did start working on it again to a very minor degree.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Hey Fireplay, stop being obnoxious.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

lol I can't help it, but i promise to stop asking for update's. Alright?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Blargh, the Shadow Guard path is proving to be really damn annoying to write.

Scraped an idea because of certain information that pops up in the story which makes "branching" from that path a lot smoother. I guess the idea might not be completely scrapped but it's going to play out a lot differently if I still use it.

Had another idea which might've worked, but I had to scrap that one too, because I'm trying not to repeat myself as far as how the character spends his life in chapter 3 which I'm trying to at least make a little different when compared to the soldier path.

Slowly starting to finish off one possible branch to chapter 3 which is still good considering all the changes I've had to make on this path alone.

In other news, taking a semi-break from Skyrim. Saints Row 3 is disappointing compared to the 2nd one (Hell I still like the 1st game better than the 3rd one). It's still fun, but it's really a step back.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
In the words of Fireplay "update?"

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Lol, yeah no major update, recently the laptop I was using got hijacked/fried/virused and all that other nasty stuff, despite all the protection I had on it. It's done, but quite frankly that laptop needed to be fixed for a long time anyway.

Fortunately I was able to save the story and the work will continue on my older laptop.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Looking forward to this. A "Save the Empire" and a possible partipication in the ED are two areas I'm keen to explore as a reader.


And a bit more of Alison

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago



Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Still slogging through a shadow guard branch for the second chapter.

It's insane, the moment I think I've got the story down, I have the urge to tie up loose ends and possible plot holes to tighten up the story. I really do hope to have at least this part of the story branch finished before New Years. the second chapter itself won't be finished, but one of the main branches leading to chapter three will at least. If I get this ONE path finished before New Years I will feel like I accomplished something.

Despite the setbacks, the upside is I think I'm writing enough content now for it to stand side by side with the soldier path. I was sort of wondering if it was going to be as interesting, now I'm confident that it will be.

Anyway, I'm currently wondering what dialogue it was that caused groaning since I got that as a comment recently on the story. (He still liked the story though) If I had to guess it might be some of the dialogue with the Eternal talking to one of his potential girlfriends/wives. (Mainly Brenda or Dawn) Anyway I've got to get back to Eternal since I'm writing some groan inducing dialogue at this very moment. Lol.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
I thought that was pretty funny too hahahaha

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
He said "Language" not "dialogue"

I assume he was referring to the heavy profanity, especially at the beginning of the story.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Well that would still have to be dialogue to some degree considering I don't have any swearing unless someone is actually speaking.

Swear words causing groans and "Really?" would be a new one to me though. Usually something causing that is due to corny "romance" dialogue or something similar.

If someone is groaning because someone like Captain Gruz is swearing a lot in his dialogue, well I can't see it. He's an orc and a grizzled battle captain, it's actually amazing he's not swearing a lot more.

However, I could understand someone reading some of Dawn's dialogue and groaning because she's sort of worshipful of the Eternal and the entire relationship is a bit "master/servant" (Edgar's mistress is the same way in her one scene) rather than true equals. Though I sort of did that on purpose given that Dawn had some family issues in her background.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
It was clear to me that the person is obviously a Mormon Prick who should murdered with extreme prejudice manner.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Since you used my name Cool74, you must pay me a total sum of $50.000$...

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
*Pulls out a wallet* will that be cash or credit mam?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

How bout you just give me tha wallet befor i kill you!

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
because you can totally kill someone over the internet.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Internet dating is always fun until someone gets a virus. That's why you always use Trojan hardware protection.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

When somebody uses Trojan Hardware just call for the Arie's Virus. :P

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Thought about giving an update today anyway...

Yeah, I'm almost finished with Chapter 2 of the Shadow Guard path. Already finished one complete branch leading to one of the Chapter 3s. Still working on the other one. I'm guessing about nine or ten more pages before I can move on to both of the Chapter 3s.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Good job Endmaster,

 So do you think you will add on the shadowpath to Eternal or wait until the 3rd path is done?

Also can i ask for update's again?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
I was going to add the Shadow Guard path when it was finished, then work on the True Eternal path.

I wasn't aware that people had stopped asking for updates, considering cool just asked for one. I just might not have any meaningful updates for long periods of time, so its pointless to ask most of the time.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
that's why I ask every 2 weeks or so.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Can i have the job back?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Still working on the second chapter, but if anyone wants a good laugh in the meantime, I highly recommend reading through the most recent comments for Eternal. You might have to scroll through the "more comments" at the bottom to get the full enjoyment.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
I probably go a little over the top with the responses, but oh well it makes it more fun for the rest of the lurkers reading out there. Lol.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

We should all just kidnap Endmaster and force him to write for us. That way we won't have to ask for an update every week.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

And then an army of undead will burst down the door and kill us all... I don't second your opinion.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

So how long have you been working on this story now?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
A little less than a year. Not the longest time I've taken to complete story just yet since Legend took around 3 years on and off.

Anyway, I'm slowly creeping up on completing chapter 2. It ended up taking yet another story change again and it'll alter two of the epilogues I had planned for a Chapter 3 quite a bit.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
One of the more time consuming things about writing the shadow guard branch is the whole fact that I have to line up certain events to co-incide with the whole rebellion phase of the story which existed in the soldier path.

In the Chapter 2s I've written, they cover the 3 possibilities.

Basically I have one branch where the shadows win the rebellion and the Empire falls.

The other branch is one where the shadows lose completely and the Empire still stands.

The last branch plays out similar to how things went in the soldier path. The shadows lose, but the Empire ends up eventually falling anyway due to all the damage being done.

The Hopefully the Chapter 3s might go a little quicker since I won't have to worry about "lining up events" anymore since the timelines are essentially different from the soldier path.

Anyway a brief list of some of the things you can expect in the Shadow Guard branch

Deeper info on the shadows and their god
Personal interaction with said god
Dealing with Cyrus and Talia who was another Eternal that had also been picked to be a shadow
Introduction of the Derro (dwarves)
A whole new perspective on the rebellion side of things
Brief mentions sometimes in passing of the other Eternals who were in the soldier branch (Like what happened when you weren't there to lead them?). Perhaps even direct conflict.

And more!

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

So do you have anymore update's for us Endmaster?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Chapter 2 B1 and Chapter 2 B2 are complete for the Shadow Guard path.

Due to yet more story rearranging there will now be 3 separate Chapter 3s for this path. (3B1, 3B2, 3B3)

That's all for now.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago






Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
update plz.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Still keeping the faith eh?

Had to take a break from writing for awhile, but I started working on path 3B1 a couple day ago.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago





T                                                                                            _\_/_\_/_\_/_

E                                                                                         /~~O~~~O~~ \

_                                                                                         |___/\____/\__|





Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

He just gave one a few days ago.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago


Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Will there be more endings where the Eternal actually becomes a likable human being? I enjoyed the mercenary one.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

In a life-long war and being bred for combat? That's about as likable as you could get. But to your original question, yes there will be two more storylines with several endings. The "True" Eternal storyline & the ShadowGuard storyline.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
The Shadow Guard path might qualify in some ways since it will primarily be fighting against the Empire, however fighting against the Empire doesn't necessarily make the character any nicer since there is the chance to do some questionable things in order to overthrow it. There is even one branch of staying with the Empire despite being part of the Shadow Guard.

In the True Eternal path, he will probably be even more ruthless than the regular soldier. I call it the "True" Eternal path not because it leads to the "real" ending (There aren't any, it is more like Ground Zero in that respect), but because in that one you get singled out and display the qualities that the Emperor wanted in his Eternals (Hence a "True Eternal"), so you continue your training under Mistress directly and then take orders directly from the Emperor.

The current plan is to have five more endings. Three for the Shadow Guard and two more for the True Eternal path.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago NEWS: This just in...

The Emperor in Eternal actually Exists! This is amazing, I mean really who thought that such a person existed? We will keep upda.. uh oh... (sound of a door crashing down and screams/ camera falls to the ground and flickers on... off... on... A swordsman walk up to it and crushs the camera with his boot.)...

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Well that's what I had planned, who knows though I could change my mind by the time I get to writing it as I've found out with the Shadow Guard path I'm currently working on. Depending on how I decide to do it, I might very well end up with an extra epilogue. (Bringing the planned total to 11).

I even had another idea of how to go about the last chapter in the True Eternal path too.

Still early yet though and I could alter some other things too, so it's still all subject to change.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Didn't you release this story like a million times? I don't anyone is going to beat that novella.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
No, just once on here in its current form.

Eternal's not the biggest story on here though, I think the biggest is The Cave: Survival at Most. I think the author wrote over 1000 pages.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
even though most of it is nonsense.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Isn't Legend bigger than that?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
And then there's HOID. . .

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Hall of Infinite Doors

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Legend is 1,313 pages, but I was just counting the stories on CYS.

I think the only two bigger than Legend over at IS is Another Monday Morning (2,198 pages) and Hall of Infinite Doors (4,122 pages).

AMM and HOID do have the advantage of having several contributors, open ended and completely random though!

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
For some reason, I thought HOID was over 10,000. But yeah, multiple contributors changes the scope significantly.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Yeah I notice there is a certain point when a story becomes random.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

I don't know how much random I could stand...

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

I mean, certainly not a 1000 pages worth...

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago


Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago


Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Got side tracked with having to attend a wedding and bunch of other boring crap this week.

Anyway, I'm nearing the finish line of one of the epilogues of the current Shadow Guard branch I'm working on. I'll still have to go back and finish up all the premature ending branches, but the end of this one is actually in sight. Hopefully I'll get to work on accomplishing this tomorrow.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Okay so it took a few days, but I'm finished with another epilogue. Just have to finish up the premature ending branches and one storyline for the Shadow Guard will be complete.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
I am so happy.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

I am giddy with excitement. :)

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

So will you add the ShadowGuard path once it's finished or wait and put in the True-Eternal path with it?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
I'll be updating the story when all shadow stuff is finished.

The True Eternal path will be added later.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Funny, I attended a wedding two days ago...

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Second epilogue for the Shadow branch completed. Six more minor endings to go back and complete for it (So six pages probably) and then moving on to the last major branch in the shadow storyline.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago


Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Yeah, no major updates other than rearranging stuff again.

Basically I still have 3 epilogues planned for the Shadow Guard branch, but the path to one of them has been altered so it is no longer a completely separate branch. You know how like you can achieve Eternal Patriot and Eternal Couple within the same branch? Well now you get that with two of the epilogues for the shadows.

The main reason for this is to avoid some overlap of "darker paths." One of the shadow paths is going to go a darker route with the whole terrorizing business and the way I had it before it was going to go the "Sauron route" and took place mainly in Rask and I've already got a Sauron route planned for the True Eternal path. I also wanted to move away from Rask since I already focused on that area with the Merc path.

Plus I'm trying to do something a little different with the shadow stuff since religion is playing a bigger role. The shadows are also never the giant organization/government like the Empire or other governments so I need to make the darker path for them a little different. They aren't really "conquerors" in the traditional sense.

The other benefit to all this is I won't have to write as much and this entire section will get posted sooner. (It's still long enough so no need to wonder about that)

To sum up:

Deleted the "Shadow Supremacy" branch possibility at the end of chapter 2.

I still have one of the epilogues finished, I just altered it a bit to make it a little nicer.

Plans for the second darker shadow path are currently being worked on.

Plans for the third shadow path (Which is still a separate branch) are still going to go according to my notes.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Tied up three minor endings for the first branch. Not a lot of major progress, but at least that one is now completely finished so the second branch can get full attention.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Hurray! So just 2 more major branchs and countless minor paths for the shadowpath...           right? o.o

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Basically. I'm hoping the current branch I'm working on won't take too long, since I've already "written" half of it.

I have to remind myself NEVER to do any major story-line related with any sort of religion again, it always takes me a long time to sort things out for some reason.

When I did the "priest path" in Legend, it took me like a year to get motivated to finish it and was the last path I worked on. Probably explains why in most fantasy settings I write I'll only make brief mention of the "gods" and their actual affect on the world in general is minimal or just not important in the scheme of the story.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Update? (o.o')

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

He just gave one six hours ago, chill out.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Can we ask for an update now? (O,_,o)

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Getting close to the epilogue. Still have to go back and do the minor endings, but after that the second branch will be finished.

Luckily for those waiting I figured out a way to NOT have to go back and rewrite several pages again (including the branch I just finished!). I just added another background page link to a previous story page and it'll clear things up without having a sudden event pop up with no mention of it before.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Ugh, this thread is getting cumbersome, I'm re-posting this here. (The original didn't appear at the bottom where I wanted it to) I might just make a new thread soon.

Anyway second epilogue for the Shadow branch completed. Six more minor endings to go back and complete for it (So six pages probably) and then moving on to the last major branch in the shadow storyline.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

i just have  a Q and A:

with this much preparation and time, when do you think this branch will be complete?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
Well like I told Fireplay, I'm hoping this branch will be finished sometime this year.

I'm still working on finishing up 3 more minor endings before moving on to the last shadow branch. I actually had more finished, but my damn computer died on me today and I had to rewrite stuff I hadn't saved on my thumb drive.

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago

Can you tell me how many pages are in the new branches?

Eternal released...sort of!

12 years ago
For the Shadow path, 317 pages on Word including background pages (Which is about 30 of that total).

Still have one more branch to write (Which I just started), so I have no idea what the total will be until its finished. Could be anywhere from another 40 written pages to 100.

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago

So when may we recieve an update?

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago
I'm working on the last branch for the shadow guard path. I'm just doing the main branch right now and I'll go back and do the minor endings when its finished,

Right now I'm on "Year 50." Still not sure if I'm going to have one or two epilogues for this one. I'll see how it pans out.

Without giving too much away, so far its playing out slightly different than the typical "old age" storyline. It's closest to the Bane of Rask path, but there are still quite a few differences.

I didn't intend this, but I'm finding as I write, that it does have a few similarities to the experimental shelter path in Ground Zero. Obviously still much different given the different setting though.

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago

:D Waiting patiently...

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago
Wow, someone OTHER than Fireplay or Joylessbrute asked for an update?

Anyway I'm on "Year 55." Some stuff came up and I had to add some more background links because the pages were getting way too long. Had to account for things like:

Making sure to keep the storyline different enough from the other ones.

General references to the reasons why things are the way they are and/or how they came to be.

Keeping certain aspects of being a shadow relevant which is slightly harder in this storyline due to certain events leading up to it.

Continued motivation of the protagonist, this is also been proving to be a little harder than I thought, but I figured out a way to do it along with solving the shadow relevancy as well.

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago

I ask for updates too...

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago
Yeah but Joy and FIre ask for them a lot more. Or at least Fireplay does, Joy sort of disappeared after a while.

You and Cool are probably next in line for frequent update requests.

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago

Just doing more testing with the new forums, but here's a minor update.


Done with year 55.


Jumping ahead to year 65 and probably adding some more background links.

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago

Estimated time to completion of "Project: Deat.. I mean Eternal"?

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago

Do you have an update for us EndMaster?

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago


Not really, since its only been 5 days.


The only thing of note is I jumped ahead to year 70 instead of 65 and I'm finishing up that year now.

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago

Chapter 3B2 is nearly finished. I have completed the main branch leading to the epilogue.

All I need to do is go back and finish up all the minor branches and I can finally post the Shadow Guard path in its entirety.

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago

Alright I promise i will let 7 people ask for an update before i ask again.

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago

You kind of remind me of the little kid in the back seat that keeps asking "are we there yet?"

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago

I was going to wait an entire week, but I can't help myself.


Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago
The Shadow Guard path is complete.

All that has to be done now is to look over everything and possibly make any last minute additions if necessary. Then its just a matter of up loading everything on to the site. Might take a day or two, so Eternal might disappear within that time.

I'll create a new thread when its been done.

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago

Is the Shadow Guard path the final section of Eternal, or are there still other parts you have to add to complete the entire story?

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago
The True Eternal path is the last one to be written afterwards, but that won't be for a while. I'll be taking a break after I add the SG path.

The TE path wasn't initially planned actually. I was originally just going to have the two, but I came up with the TE idea a little later on.

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago

I ask because I'm still sticking to my original promise to myself of waiting for the entire story to be published before I read the story. I still haven't read any of it yet. I'm curious to see just how patient I can be.

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago

I've been thinking about waiting until the TE path is completed before i start reading Eternal again. 

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago

Lol. After all those update requests you're going to wait even longer?

Anyway, someone named Zeke left a comment saying they tried to do the "right thing" and got punished. I sort of wonder what part they were referring to.

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago

I am sitting on pins and needles waiting for this next branch to come out and now that it's so close it seems almost impossible to wait any longer lol.

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago
Chapters 2B2 and 2B1 have been uploaded, I'm taking a break before I continue with Chapters 3B1 and 3B2.

Still might get around to finishing it tonight.

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago

Update please?

Eternal released...sort of!

11 years ago
Like I said in the shadow thread, real life stuff to deal with along with currently unrealiable internet connection so no update. I haven't been able to work on the last path much anyway. It's still in the 1st chapter.