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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

He is now trying to get the site deleted, he just told me, he says he also made a new account.  Yesterday, an the day before I was at home on here, so my IPs are different.  His IPs are the same.  He said at 2:30 it will be gone.  Please try and stop this, this site actually brings me happyness.  Hopefully it doesnt happen, and if it does, Thanks for the memories guys.

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago
o noes!

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago
Just accept that your friend is a doing good and impressing their teachers and family any morning they get their shoes on the right feet and their underwear facing the right direction. You don't need to humor their claims of supervillain cyberhacker powers. It's really best just to stop speaking to them, sounds like you've got enough going on without letting some weirdo troll you over these things.

From: RyRylie27 To: mizal Date: 12/12/2021 9:13:01 PM Please listen to me Mista_Moose said for me to make alts so they don't focus on you I don't know what he means by that I am telling the truth please believe me.

For instance I have no idea what the fuck this is even trying to say. We're dealing with a person who after 14 years has not even mastered basic communication in their native language. Somehow I don't feel threatened.

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

Yeah, his name is jack donpeirri, he's salty he got banned and is pinning the blame on me.  I told him to stop making alts cause it would get me banned, because we have the same IP because school.  But, you can check rn because I'm at home currently

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

Your name is [Horus Lupercal] and you should be the one to blame for showing me this website bye bye asshole

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago
I should probably edit out these doxxing attempts at some point.

But, meh.

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago
Lying bastard ain't even a real moose! He's an caribou!

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

you're a caripoo

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago
You a flightless puffin, bitch!

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

If I'm mista moose, and youre mrs moose then does that mean... no.... or...?

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

Well you're a bitchless puffass, hoe!

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago
I'll have you know, I've got plenty of bitches, and moose lady like me needs a puffy ass to keep warm in the winter. Gonna be nice and snug while all those bony ass deer freeze their titties off.

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

Guys omg no this so scary their gonna delete CYS!!!

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

Deleted by who? How? What exactly does he believe he's doing? This is fascinating

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

We've been backtraced.

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

His dad is the CEO of the internet.

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago
If you keep putting stock into this ridiculous bullshit, you're taking a risk on contracting his retardation. Just lol at him and move on.

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

Please Cuteanimegurl, spare the storygames! 

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago
Commended by mizal on 12/13/2021 6:44:08 PM

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

I hope you're ready for the bill. I told you I was going to double my hourly rates for turning into a replacement left leg whether the next time was an emergency situation or not!

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

Hol' up... Is that me in the background holding a skull? ^_^

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

Is it over? Have we survived the site being banned forever? How can we hope to rebuild!?

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

Ladies and gentlemen, we survived

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

Glad to hear the long national nightmare is over.

Carry on.

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago
We may have survived, but at what cost?!?

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago
Well I wasn't going to say anything, but the reason I haven't been on the forum much the last week was because I was part of an elite team sent in by Alex to hunt down the "Cuteanimegurl" threat.

After tracking his IP to his compound we shot and hacked our way through his cyber-clone army, but right as we busted in to confront him, we found Ninjapitka standing over the body, having entered through the skylight and struck him down just as he was about to hit the 'DELET CYS' button he'd installed on his keyboard.

However it wasn't over yet; a sensor attached to his heart detected the proximity of Hanzo steel, and set off a two minute countdown timer taped under the desk. Fortunately, this was defused with two seconds to spare during a tense scene, and all is now well.

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

Mizal and Ninja were actually kind of the spoilsports of this team, as they were the only ones whose consciousnesses weren't uploaded into cybernetic primates during the mission. Fortunately Malk's nimble marmoset fingers were able to pick out the right wires just in time, and there were victory hoots all around. That's what I remember anyway... I actually never finished the training simulation that keeps you from going more than 60% monkey, I may have just been hooting and slapping security cameras the whole time. I may not have been at the compound.

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago
*monkey noises*

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

Ooh ooh.

Ahem, the effects haven't quite worn off yet.

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago
The program took one look at my knuckles, noticing they're as dirty as the underneath of my feet, and decided with a shrug of indifference, "close enough." We're all just lucky our foe, for whatever brain-dead reason, tried to destroy us using a Mac. I think the site-ending hack requires Windows 11.

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

Hopefully the only thing either of you will be 'tying' is a noose. 

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

Probably the greatest comment in this thread. Actually had me laugh out loud.

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

I actually spat from how much I laughed at this comment lmao. Wish I had the power to give out commendations, I'd give this post like 10 of those.

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago
Aside from the piece by MHD, this whole thread is just sad.

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

I just wanna know who the fuck's skull I'm holding.

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago
Probably just a random noob skull from the pile in the back. Does anyone even keep track anymore?

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

Alas, poor Random Noob from the pile in the back. I knew him, Horatio! ^_^

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

Read that as "I want to know whose skull I'm fucking."

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

I am not surprised in the slightest.

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago
Would it have improved the situation, or made it worse if I hadn't forgotten to mention the blood grooves in Ninja's sword?

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago
Oh, I thought that was just a given ;)

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

People are still replying here? damn, I gots to incude this in my video, which is almost done with the script ;) (My youtube is maybe clownish)

Cutenimegurl is tying to get the site banned

2 years ago

Yey! Exciting! ^_^