Before you make your game, I'd say plan it out and define your constraints.
I'd suggest using placeholders and making a working prototype first before you start commissioning artists, just so you know what you're capable of doing it and to figure out if you have the coding expertise to see through your project.
If you feel you're missing some key knowledge, go out there and watch tutorials and ask for help! I do believe that you CAN make a GOOD game. Hell, maybe a GREAT game! Other people have done it before and there's no reason you can't be one of them. It's all a matter of trying, learning your limits, and pushing yourself to improve those limits.
So yeah, tl;dr, I'd suggest making a prototype first with placeholder assets just to make sure you understand the technical side of everything and to learn where you could improve in order to make the most high quality product possible. Get your technical chops down first.
Furthermore, once you're ready to start making assets, maybe you could ask a relevant subreddit on reddit for where would be a good place to find pixel art volunteers. I don't think chooseyourstory has many qualified people, but hey, I might still be proven wrong. ;)
Best of luck,