Player Comments on Airport
Want a game that simulates all of the fun of waiting for a flight but with 50% less cavity searches? This is the game for you! Not sure why I played this game to the end, but I did. It seems as if many of the options are telegraphed in that it's actually better to not run off and do things in a hurry and the right answers are intuitive. That is until it's time for a snack. Want a sandwich? You're screwed. Want a pretzel? Your whole struggle is futile. Want chips? Sure you get the idea. That was oddly the most entertaining part of the game.
The grammar and style of this game are lacking. The plot is hardly coherent as this game as most of the plot is essentially the premise.
If you want to make a game like that and have choices be meaningful, you ought to try having the player react to external forces that cause misadventures, like an irrational customer or a brain dead customer service clerk, or even a runaway baggage cart that threatens to run you over.
As it stands, it's hard to get truly excited about a game that has you look at your ticket, wait in line, and get something to eat.
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on 3/31/2017 8:33:42 PM with a score of 0
Wish it was in an actual airport.
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on 3/31/2017 9:19:06 AM with a score of 0
I enjoyed this game in a strangely limited fashion, although it is rife with spelling and grammar mistakes throughout which will certainly put most people off (including in the game description itself).
It's also very linear in that most wrong choices will make you late. Actually, it started getting amusing for me in that respect. That's probably why I liked it.
Get in the wrong queue? Too bad, you missed your flight. Went to the wrong terminal? Too late, your plane has already taken off and you lose. Want to have a snack before your flight? Oh sure, you can have a snack alright. Want to eat it in any location other than your departure gate? Nope, sorry buster, you lose! The mere act of eating has now made you direly late. Your plane takes off without you, you miss your mum's birthday, all life is doomed, all because you opted to consume this simple Chinese noodle in the incorrect location as required by the game world.
There aren't any characters or plot, other than the pressing need to get on the plane on time. You probably wouldn't expect a game like this to have either, but there is a goal to aim for. Kind of.
Anyway, the spelling and grammar definitely need work, but it did keep me playing for at least 30 seconds. Maybe it's the pictures. Maybe it's the bizarre feeling that I definitely don't feel like I'm in a real airport, not even for a second. I guess we'll never know.
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on 3/31/2017 4:41:27 AM with a score of 0
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