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Dust off a seat and discuss a good book do read, right?

Book Recommendations

3 years ago

I have been doing a lot of reading recently but because I can't just go browsing in the library anymore I have been having trouble finding good books to read. Do you have any good Sci-Fi/Dystopian book recommendations? Thanks!

Book Recommendations

3 years ago

That's a genre I also enjoyed when I was a young adult. Two books (well, one is a series) that pop up off the top of my head are the Insignia trilogy and Rash. I found both of those by browsing through my local library, and their covers happened to catch my eye. Obviously, if you haven't read 1984, that's the prototypical book for that genre and should be read at some point.

Book Recommendations

3 years ago

The Girl with All the Gifts, M.R. Carey

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet, Becky Chambers

Stories of Your Life and Others, Ted Chiang (this is a book of SF stort stories)


Start there, then report back.


Book Recommendations

3 years ago
Becky Chambers does not appear to write about dystopias, but her stuff looks fun and interesting, I might grab it for the Kindle and think stargirl will like it.

I assumed by dystopias she meant stuff like the Hunger Games, so I didn't have any recommendations. When I think of sci fi dystopia The Giver is the only one that comes to mind for younger readers so I am pretty out of the loop. But a lot of older sci fi was dystopic almost by default. Stuff like 1984 is pretty bleak though and I wouldn't recommend it to a kid, I hated that shit in middle school.

Looks like they made a movie of The Girl With All the Gifts.

Book Recommendations

3 years ago

The second book in that series that starts with Small, Angry Planet is set for the first half in a seriously dystopian corner of the galaxy.  It's pretty brutal.

Book Recommendations

3 years ago

I've started to read The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet and am really enjoying it. Thanks for the recommendation!

Book Recommendations

3 years ago

I thought you might!  The whole series is great so far (four books are out with more to come, I'd guess.)

Book Recommendations

3 years ago
Try A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick, I got my hands on it this past Christmas and it really scratched that itch for good Sci-Fi/Dystopian. A Scanner Darkly is simply about a highly addictive mind melting drug, undercover cops, bugs, a government conspiracy and a Household full of paranoid junkies... and if it didn't scratch your fancy yet they made a movie about it staring Keanu Reeves with rotoscope animation.

Rapid fire round of popular Sci-Fi/Dystopian books that I like: Watchmen, 1984, V's for Vendetta, Slaughterhouse five, The walking dead graphic novel series (less popular) House of the scorpion and the limit

Book Recommendations

3 years ago
She's like, eleven.

Book Recommendations

3 years ago


Book Recommendations

2 years ago
Hi there, stargirl, I am also a young reader and have so far enjoyed the following dystopian books.

- The Girl Who Dared To Think, by Bella Forrest
- the Shatter Me series, by Tahereh Mafi
- Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (although that does include mature language, so if you're sensitive to that type of thing then this may not be the book for you)
- Legend by Marie Lu (though this one has violence in it, including plagues, murder, fights, and mentions of torture. Still one of my favorite books, though)

Hope this helps! :)

Book Recommendations

2 years ago
If she's using this site I think it's safe to say she's not sensitive to mature language lol. Legend definitely sounds the most dystopic of the lot, and "Lu has said that she was inspired by the movie Les Miserables and sought to recreate the conflict between Valjean and Javert in a teenage version." makes it sound interesting. But then I get to "June Iparis is a military prodigy, born into an elite family, and groomed for success in the Republic's highest circles. She is the only person to have ever scored full marks on the Trial, a comprehensive test administered at age 10 to determine the child's future role in society. Her parents died several years before the start of the story..." and man, that's a hard sell as a protagonist when all the Mary Sue flags are immediately flying.

Book Recommendations

2 years ago
Hey there, mizal — as someone who has read the book, I'd like to clarify that it is not at all another Mary Sue book. I can't say why unless you don't mind spoilers, but it all happens for a reason and sexism is not it. As for June having no flaws, she tends to be very impulsive when it comes to the people she loves and also isn't gorgeous — she reveals that she is insecure about her weight and the first thing that Day notices about her is her messy hair. As said in a book review, she is " surreal but at the same time, she's very human".
Overall, she was one of my favorite characters as a strong female who fights for the ones she loves. I'd say more, but because I recommend reading it, I'll refrain.

Book Recommendations

3 years ago
Oh no! I didn't know that sorry...

Well for younger readers Id suggest the Maze Runner series and the limit for science fiction dystopia stuff ( I really liked these in the 5th grade through middle school).

Book Recommendations

3 years ago
You didn't know, and those are all the books I automatically thought of too. I'm honestly not sure dystopic sci fi is the greatest genre for younger readers, it's so bleak and depressing by definition. But I think the YA stuff lets you get away with plucky heroes who don't relentlessly get ground down to nothing by the oppressive system.

Anyway, glad Gower had good suggestions since I don't keep up with newer books for that age group at all. But of course he cheated by having daughters.

Book Recommendations

3 years ago

There's a book I really like called "Voyage to Alpha Centauri" by Michael O'Brien. It's heavily Christian sci-fi, so bear that in mind.

Book Recommendations

2 years ago
I really love the work of Ray Bradbury !! He wrote interesting dystopian novels. I read a lot of interesting stories about him on Edu Birdie. I recommend this author as a science fiction classic.

Book Recommendations

2 years ago
Not sure if Bradbury quite fits the theme she was asking about, but you're welcome to make a thread for discussing his work. I like him a lot.

Book Recommendations

2 years ago
Hi, I can also share the recommendations of recently read books. I am interested in studying feminism as well as its history. I recently read We Should All Be Feminists and Bad Feminist. Fairly light and interesting books, pay attention if you are also interested in this topic.

Book Recommendations

2 years ago

If you are not a bot explain what is a "bad" feminist.

Seems rather judgmental if people can go around claiming that their brand of feminism is the only way.

Book Recommendations

2 years ago
Definitely a bot, but hey as long as it stays on topic, we don't discriminate here.

Book Recommendations

2 years ago
For physical books, I liked Definitely Maybe.
For storygames, you should read Paradise Violated.