Can't catch a break

Shin: "We are on course to Tatooine and should be entering the atmosphere in a couple of minutes. Prepare the landing sequence."

You obey shin's commands and head over to the control panel and starting pressing the necessary buttons. While you do that, Shin leans back in his chair, closes his eyes, and sits very still.

This doesn't surprise you in the least. When Shin was deep in thought, he would meditate for a couple of minutes. You finish preparing the landing sequence and sit back and wait for him to speak.

Five minutes later he opens his eyes and looks at you while saying, "This isn't right."

You ask what isn't right.

Shin: "For the last three missions that you and I have gone on we have been attacked when returning home." Shin gets up from the seat and continues talking while walking around, "First in Subterrel, then Kessel, and now Kashyyk. Each time we were either attacked by locals, bandit. But now we are being attacked by siths."

Shin stops pacing and looks at you right in the eye and says: "This shouldn't be happening. We are only doing reconnaissance missions on planets that are supposed to be our ally and yet we are being chased everywhere we go. That's to much to be coincedence. I think that..."

Suddenly your master is cut off midsentence as the ship suddenly is hit. Both you and your master fall to the floor as the computor system says: WARNING!! SHIP IS BEING ATTACKED!! THREE HOSTILE CRUISERS INCOMING!!ship 2.jpg

Shin gets to his feet and looks at the control pad. He only needs to look at the screen once know what is happening.

Shin: "Sith cruisers incoming!! Buckle yourself in!!!"

You do so and look at the screens to see that sith cruisers were coming in quick, blasters primed and ready to kill you.