Player Comments on Steven peacocks adventure as a convict
I already did longer reviews on some of your classmates stories and frankly, I could basically be copy and pasting the same one around because these all suffer from the same issues.
Spend more time proofreading, get a better grasp of punctuation and the like, and write a longer plot with more choices. 500 words is nothing.
The writing itself is also kind of...not great, but it's been the same with all of these stories and I'm not sure how old any of you are.
When all of these get unpublished, you and your friends need to put them in sneak peek and just give the link to your teacher. (That's what you all should have done in the first place tbh, your teacher wasn't doing anyone any favors telling you to publish these. No offense but readers are looking for more serious writing efforts here, not class projects, and not everyone is necessarily going to hold back on criticism just because you guys are kids.)
Oh, and publishing these again after an admin removes them for not meeting minimum standards will likely just end with the whole thing being deleted, just fyi. So don't do that.
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on 3/16/2017 1:00:35 AM with a score of 0
Another person from the class, I assume. I wish one of you would make a decent storygame. This was short and not well executed.
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on 3/15/2017 9:01:00 PM with a score of 0
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