Mizal, The Grandmaster Procrastinator
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Last Activity
3/28/2025 4:58 PM
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You harvest in the Arena.
Every machine needs a function, and that is yours.
Written for the Tiny 'Topia challenge.
You are a man on a mission. The cats, they must be stacked.
A puzzling math and logic game I made just to put some of the scripting practice I've been doing to use. Have fun and please let me know if you encounter any bugs.
Should be solvable by middle schoolers, or those with same basic level of intelligence as a middle schooler.
A puzzling math and logic game I made just to put some of the scripting practice I've been doing to use. Have fun and please let me know if you encounter any bugs.
Should be solvable by middle schoolers, or those with same basic level of intelligence as a middle schooler.
Orbiting a barren planetoid in a system full of nothing just past the edge of the frontier, The Last Outpost is just another refueling station. Strategically important, true, but on a routine stop you never expected to spend longer than a couple hours there, let alone a couple of days fighting for your life...
There are five epilogues, but some may be difficult to discover. Note that actions have consequences, but not always immediate ones. (And if you just need an End Game link, go play around with the probe.)
There are five epilogues, but some may be difficult to discover. Note that actions have consequences, but not always immediate ones. (And if you just need an End Game link, go play around with the probe.)
A compilation of some little known facts about the solar system, as well as the debunking of a few myths.
In addition to the scientific explanations, there's a small story dramatizing it all.
Hopefully young readers will find this fun as well as educational. :)
(Might not be the greatest story ever written, but consider this: it got me 200 points.)
In addition to the scientific explanations, there's a small story dramatizing it all.
Hopefully young readers will find this fun as well as educational. :)
(Might not be the greatest story ever written, but consider this: it got me 200 points.)
It doesn't matter what they say...
The bean, it must be found.
For MHD's Fairytales contest.
...and the squirrels. Sort of.
Written in six hours, for no other reason than to avoid consignment to the SHAME pit after my other Romance contest entry didn't want to cooperate.
Written in six hours, for no other reason than to avoid consignment to the SHAME pit after my other Romance contest entry didn't want to cooperate.
A tale told in verse. A text from your sister requesting a pick up from a party leads to a night of strangeness.
Inspired by Bucky's ballad contest. Though...I wouldn't call this a ballad. I'm not sure what I'd call it, actually, other than exceedingly stupid, and fun to write.
(Don't pay any attention to the scores, they're just for me to track which endings reviewers get.)
When the weather is fine, you've been coming to this grove to drink from the pool for centuries now. Today, you meet a stranger and hear a story that changes all that...
A fairy tale adventure.
A fairy tale adventure.
Another Damn Wolf Story
I have no idea why I wrote this. All I can say in my defense is that it seemed like a good idea at the ti--wait no that's a lie, I said, repeatedly that this was stupid and shameful every time I mentioned working on it.
The truth is I needed to publish something before the end of the year and there is CLEARLY a burning need for wolf stories in the psyche of children using the internet. But then they write them badly, or make their wolves behave like clans of cats. So here is a simple straightfoward story of a young wolf leaving his pack in search of a better life. Maybe no one will ever feel the need to write another one now, or if nothing else maybe this will give them ideas for how to do it in slightly more minimum-standards-meeting ways.
Final conclusion however is that writing about some dumb animal with no agency is not something I'd recommend.
The truth is I needed to publish something before the end of the year and there is CLEARLY a burning need for wolf stories in the psyche of children using the internet. But then they write them badly, or make their wolves behave like clans of cats. So here is a simple straightfoward story of a young wolf leaving his pack in search of a better life. Maybe no one will ever feel the need to write another one now, or if nothing else maybe this will give them ideas for how to do it in slightly more minimum-standards-meeting ways.
Final conclusion however is that writing about some dumb animal with no agency is not something I'd recommend.
Character Creator
If you don't know what this is for, then it isn't for you.
Articles Written
A List of Storygames for People Who Like to ReadA list of storygames with substantial effort put in, all written in the last couple of years and sorely in need of ratings and reviews.
CYS Forum Advice and Etiquette
A modernized guide to the forums. The path to internet popularity and happiness, and a few CYS specific do's and don'ts.
Recent Posts
Interesting comments 10 on 3/26/2025 9:05:13 PMMale protagonist having sex? Never in all my days has this occurred in any form of media, is the author demented?!
Romance in RPGs (again) on 3/26/2025 9:01:08 PM
Good to know CoG has been rejected by the youth.
What subjects do you like to read? on 3/26/2025 5:18:11 PM
Honestly it's always a little weird when people ask these kinds of questions. If you don't have an idea hooking you right now and keeping you awake at night driving you to nerdy distraction, you don't NEED to write. This is not a school assignment, and you're not on a quota.
Whatever you write, for better or worse you'll get some thoughts on it when it's published. But just write what you want to write. It can be a lot of work to finish a storygame, it needs to be an idea you're excited enough about personally to see through. Nobody else can give you that.
This week's reviews on 3/25/2025 11:25:24 PM
Eventually these are going to have to reach their final stage of evolution.
Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules. on 3/25/2025 2:19:16 PM
There really wasn't any point to the list, I fed the line in quotes into an AI and spammed enter. At some point it got really hung up on fucked up babies, and once all the context was filled with babies it just repeated itself forever. There's waaaay more of that than what I quoted
What should I do for a prequel? on 3/25/2025 10:55:37 AM
You being the one that knows what the story is are also way more likely to have a preference for one format over another, I really doubt anyone else is going to have a strong opinion or the context to know what would be a better fit.
And your first storygame seems to have been written with AI. Avoiding doing that for the next if you're going to post it here is really all I do have an opinion about.
What should I do for a prequel? on 3/25/2025 10:27:34 AM
Wow what you want to write. Not sure anyone else would have any particilar opinion about this, or why what anyone else thinks would matter to you either. You either have a particular way you want to tell your own story, or you don't particularly feel an urge to write it either way. In which case why not wait until you have something in mind that does interest you instead.
Do men hate reading? on 3/25/2025 1:02:45 AM
Can't believe this has been sitting here for hours and no one hit the commend button. Or were we just lazily waiting for Hatter to do it herself?
TSR Comics: Comics with a free game inside! on 3/25/2025 12:54:52 AM
Very good post about....boobs?
Questions about activity, copyrights, and rules. on 3/25/2025 12:46:41 AM
"Twisted human beings, experiments gone wrong"
In 1934, a 22-year-old girl was born with six arms, six legs, and a twisted torso. Her father was a medical student who had been performing illegal experiments on animals and humans, and his efforts had finally borne fruit. The girl lived her life as a normal child, but at age 16, she developed severe epilepsy. She was eventually diagnosed with schizophrenia, and she died at age 20. A boy was born with a head three times larger than a normal person. He grew to be over 6 feet tall, and he had a muscular body. He was extremely intelligent, and he was able to communicate with animals and plants. He was eventually institutionalized for mental illness, and he died at age 22. A man was born with three legs, two arms, and no eyes. He could see perfectly well, and he was able to run and jump. He was eventually institutionalized for mental illness, and he died at age 38. In 1969, a baby was born with a tail, three eyes, and no nose. He could not eat, and he was eventually institutionalized for mental illness and died at age 18. In 1970, a baby was born with an extra toe on each foot. He had trouble walking, and he was eventually institutionalized for mental illness. In 1971, a baby was born with three hearts. She was able to live for a few days, but then she died. In 1974, a baby was born with an extra head mango. She had no brain, and she could not talk or walk. She was eventually institutionalized for mental illness. An American man was born with no legs, a large head, and a very long torso. He was able to swim and play baseball, and he was eventually institutionalized. An Englishman was born with no hands, but he was able to write. A woman was born with four fingers and two thumbs. A baby was born with no ears, no mouth, and no eyes. A baby was born with a very large head, but no brain. A baby was born with a third arm, no leg, and no genitals. A baby was born with six toes on each foot. A baby was born with no arms. A baby was born with no face, no nose, and no eyes. A baby was born with six toes and four fingers. A baby was born with two hearts and two sets of genitals. A baby was born with no arms and no legs. A baby was born with no tongue and no teeth. A baby was born with no penis. A baby was born with no arms. A baby was born with one eye. A baby was born with no brain. A baby was born with no arms and no legs. In 1989, a baby was born without any bones. He could not move or breathe, and he died at birth. In 1995, a baby was born without any skin.I've got the greatest, most unique idea for a story, guys! Pls do not steal, it is precious to me. Like my very own skinless, boneless widdle baby.