CavusRex, The Reader

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Last Activity

3/28/2025 5:58 AM

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0 wins / 0 losses





Creator and sole developer of Songbird Editor, as well as occasional writer, programmer and ass.


Grudges must always be the first to die when a storm arrives.

After years away you return home to your dying father, but will you be able to get your brother to forgive you for leaving? And will you step up to the challenge to inherit your father's most prized possession?

Written as part of the 2023 Spring/Summer Contest: Gone Fishin' it is a game with a much bigger focus on story than gameplay, but still there is a decent amount of endings and variation for something this short.

Republished to fix a coding error in a later scene

Recent Posts

Do men hate reading? on 3/24/2025 7:38:58 PM
As a relatively young(er) male I like reading, but it does feel like an activity that's in this awkward middle ground where if I need to sit back and relax my brain I'd rather watch something instead of straining my imagination as I flip the pages, and when I want to spend time on something more stimulating a video game will do that in more ways than a book. Because of that reading is something I do when the other options aren't available, or I find a story that really peaks my interest. Also in reference to the tweet itself shelves in Target are a bad example for which gender reads more. Those sections are actually targeted at women because they're are more likely to buy a random book while shopping for other stuff. Guys usually get what they want and leave the store while girls look around more and often tend to end up with extra shit at checkout. Not saying men read as much as women. My guess is they do it less, at least based on my own friend circles, but it's probably not nearly as bad as the video makes it seem.

Don't Be a Nameless Bastard on 3/21/2025 3:57:21 PM
DBNB Brings No Bitches

The Stillness of the Wind (game recommendation) on 3/18/2025 4:36:22 PM
Can personally attest to Wrath being impressive from a writing and character standpoint. In certain aspects it even tops Baldur's Gate 3, even if it is a bit less friendly to those not familiar with table top RPGs.

End Master's Prompt Contest 4 on 3/15/2025 4:06:34 PM
A tale of an angry man brutally murdering every Mondeo driver he finds in his search for the one who hurt the thing he cares about more than most people. Bit cliche, but has potential

End Master's Prompt Contest 4 on 3/15/2025 2:31:46 PM
I ruined a rare factory wheel I can't just buy a single of and blew the airbags, but it's nothing I won't be able to fix with enough time and money. Most important thing is nobody got hurt, though if I ever manage to track down the moron who cut me off there will be a casualty.

End Master's Prompt Contest 4 on 3/15/2025 7:08:30 AM
I was kinda worried I'm not gonna make it after crashing my car ruined my entire schedule for March but if I don't manage now I might as well change my name to TheLoser27

This week's reviews on 3/11/2025 4:53:06 PM
27 is shorter and also can be a hidden reference to a meme Also good job miss 27. You're making my review efforts look lazy in comparison. I mean they are, but I'd rather not have that be obvious.

This week's reviews on 3/3/2025 12:57:26 PM
It did make me chuckle when I saw it got hyperlinked due to length instead, but that makes sense when most other comments are between a sentence and a paragraph. I actually had a lot of fun with trying to somewhat match the game's style as I wrote it to hopefully give people a better idea of what to expect inside. And yeah the 4/8 is totally arbitrary. For a bit I considered giving it a made up score of something like "a cup of frozen coffee and a bag of flour out of 8", but ultimately figured it'd be too much.

What a peculiar little corner of the Internet on 3/3/2025 3:39:00 AM
It does work and look better. Dynamic canvas scales a bit too big on my horizontal monitor, but does better on the vertical display. Still a huge jump in polish between version 1 and 2.

Hi everyone, nice to meet you! on 3/2/2025 12:31:43 PM
Welcome Sir Knight,
Making any kind of game on Tumblr is pretty much impossible since that's just a social media platform, unless you meant Twine which would make more sense. AO3 is more for non interactive stuff since all they really have is a basic text editor.
If you want to get started I'd recommend the good old RTFM. You can find multiple articles in tutorials for anything site and writing related here: Starting out with a smaller story using the basic editor is a good idea when you don't have much experience writing interactive stuff.

Either way good luck with your project.