EndMaster, The Grandmaster of the Dead

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7/26/2024 8:09 PM

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Immortal Marauder Exemplar



"I swear, End, you're like a little poisonous devil that sits on people's shoulders and whispers evil into their ears in an effort to cause the most drama and chaos that you can." - Axiom

"There’s a certain point where you need to stand back and realize that all you’re doing is butchering kids on a public forum" - Some kid before I butchered him

"..." - Loving daughter Green

"You are a legend." - Loving daughter Cricket

"Thank you for adopting me." - Loving daughter TCat

"I watch daddy daughter porn and imagine it's me and End." - REALLY loving daughter Thara


Location- The Outer Reaches of Your Mind

Interests- You really don't want to know

Occupation- Destroyer of Worlds

Signature- Writing: It's more fun than a barrel of Ebola ridden monkeys!

Extra Info- I'm originally from that graveyard called Infinite Story, but I came here as a conqueror because I'm a no good dirty tyrant.

Also the creator of AI Dungeon back when it was originally still good of course.

If you're interested in seeing my one "game" like story, you can click this link.

Trophies Earned

Administrative contributions and driving insane traffic our way. Won 2007 Contest Having 11 Storygame(s) Featured Having Infinite Points Posting 13691 Forum Posts Given by alexp on 06/21/2012 - For all the great work on the site. Given by BerkaZerka on 01/09/2017 - What goes around comes around~ Given by EndMaster on 06/22/2012 - Because it's my trophy! Given by Fleshnblood_78 on 08/01/2008 - Thanks for bringing quality to the site Given by Gower on 03/24/2021 - "It is perilous to study too deeply the arts of the Enemy, for good or for ill." - Tolkien Given by JJJ-thebanisher on 02/17/2008 - For excellent writing ability used in epic proportions. Congrats on Legend. Given by Killa_Robot on 12/10/2019 - The only tribute I can give, as I kind of like my soul. Place wouldn't be the same without you. Given by madglee on 03/13/2012 - Start publishing this stuff, man. Excellent. Given by MadHattersDaughter on 03/29/2021 - For the stories and contributions and well, you. But mostly for letting me dress you up in funny costumes! Given by march5th00 on 11/26/2007 - For exceptional writing ability with Necromancer and for winning the CYS 2007 Contest "March's Madness" Given by mizal on 11/11/2019 - A toast to another 1000 years of unmitigated villainy, ever expanding armies of minions, and unquestioned and absolute power. And the writing of course. Given by ninjapitka on 10/22/2022 - A humble offering to your eternal reign Given by tsmpaul on 02/25/2008 - And the award goes to... (drum roll please)... Endmaster, for hitting the top games list! Given by Will11 on 01/15/2017 - For being the best author on the site and contributions as a Moderator


A Very Special Choose Your Story

Some stories have a message...kinda...

Additional Notes:

WARNING! (The real one)

This story is pretty offensive, it can get graphic and downright ruthless at times so if you don’t like that sort of humor, don’t read this story. But if you read it anyway don’t complain if you get offended, I did warn you and keep in mind it IS only a story.

(Or read it anyway, get offended and leave a hilariously triggered comment, that's fine too.)

Also, don't bother trying to "win" either. You can't. Just heed the moral lessons you may learn.

Featured Story Alpha Wolf

Old monsters never die, they just get meaner.

Additional Notes:

There are history links for each monster (In the form of your character's memories) and while not neccessary to understand the story, they do provide deeper background. Ignore whatever you might know about various old movie monsters, you'll find that most of their histories are much different in this story.

You may find that this story has a movie feel to it which is appropriate considering the characters involved. The language (and violence) can get graphic sometimes, so if you don't like that sort of thing, you probably shouldn't read it.

Finally this isn't really a "win/lose" type story, however there are definitely good/bad/neutral endings. A few endings are even "really good" though they won't be spelled out as such.

Featured Story Death Song

One musician's tale in a dying world

Additional Notes:

If you’ve read and liked Necromancer, then this might interest you as this story takes place during the same course of events of that story. (Not a prequel, not a sequel, but an equal!)

However, this story is definitely more “story” than “game”. In fact you shouldn’t even bother reading it if you’re intent on “winning”. You can’t. That being said, there is a “true ending” to this story and you’ll probably know if you get it. If you do get it, you can consider it a “win” if you like.

There are a few points in the story where there are links that lead to “Letters to Home”. While not necessary to understand the story, they do provide a little more insight into the protagonist’s thoughts and feelings on various situations.

Featured Story Eternal




The last hope for a dying empire

Additional notes:

This story can be very long assuming you're not dying. Years pass and your surroundings will most likely change. You may very well live a life time in the story.

As with any of my writings, the story comes before the game. However while there isn't a complex inventory and all of that, you can technically "win" by getting one of the epilogues.

There are 13 epilogues total.

There are also several points in the story where there are links that lead to more background information on various people, places, things and events. While not completely necessary to understanding the story, they do give you more insight into it.


Carnivals aren't all fun and games.

Additional Notes:

While there is only one spot that contains extra histories for this story, it's basically the background information of all the major characters and factions. It's strongly recommended that these are read due to the fact that your character will be interacting with most of these folks in his attempts to successfully accomplish his task(s).

This story has a very factional feel to it, so choose your allegiances carefully to get one of the better endings.

Featured Story Ground Zero

If you see a bright light, duck and cover!

Additional notes:

I should point out that this story can be very long assuming you're not dying. Years pass and your surroundings will most likely change. You may very well live a life time in the story if you're lucky. You will also experience a completely different adventure depending on how you escaped the initial nuclear strike. (Assuming you do survive it.)

As with any of my writings, the "story" comes before the "game". However, this story was written in a "game like" format. So while there isn't a complex inventory and all of that, you can technically "win" by getting one of the 4 special endings. (You'll know if you get one because you'll get an epilogue)

Featured Story Imagination

This one's for the kids, no really!

Additional Notes:

This story has clear cut win/lose endings. There is nothing excessively unusual about this story, it's just a simple "children's story".

(Yes, you can still die in it)


Running the family business isn't easy!

Additional Notes:

In a few places there are links for history or certain characters. While not necessary to understand the story, they do provide further background information.

There are several endings varying in degrees of good/bad or neutral outcomes. Technically there is one very happy ending, but it isn't labeled as such.


Underneath the sickness there's love...

Additional Notes:


This story contains a lot of graphic content, if you are offended by ultra violence, explicit sexual descriptions, tons of swearing, blasphemy, inappropriate dark humor, and brutal misanthropy in general then DO NOT read this story!

Of course now that I’ve mentioned all the things it contains, you’ll probably read it anyway, you sick little monkey.

Well don’t complain if you get offended, I did warn you and keep in mind it IS only a story.

(Or read it anyway knowing it'll offend you and leave an amusingly triggered comment. That's fine too.)

This also isn't really a "win/lose" type story. While there are some endings better than others, this is basically just a tale about a very twisted man and his very twisted lifestyle.

Featured Story Necromancer


Additional Notes:

This story is definitely more "story" than "game", however there are two distinct paths that can be followed, each with their own pitfalls and additional choices. There is also "one true" ending in which can be considered a "win" (You'll know if you got it, because you'll get an epilogue)

This story can get long, and assuming you're surviving, years do pass in it and you and your environment will change. There are a few points in the story where there are links that lead to more background information on various people and things. While not completely necessary to understand the story, they do give you more insight into it. The text that accompanies some of the pics are also done for similar purposes (Your journal entries, personal thoughts, letters written to you, etc)

Featured Story Paradise Violated

Humanity never changes...

Additional Notes:

There are links leading to various background information and your character's current thoughts throughout the story. In some cases these may provide greater insight since some mysterious things can occur in this story.

There are also several endings varying in degrees of good/bad/neutral outcomes. Technically there is one ultimate "winning" ending, but it isn't labeled as such.


Emotions can be wonderful or dangerous...

Additional Notes:

This story has a few bits that are probably a bit on the disturbing side. Not many, but they are there in places. So if you don't like that sort of thing, you probably shouldn't read it.

This story in general is probably a bit odd and less verbose than most of my other stories. There are also several endings varying in degrees of good/bad/neutral outcomes. While there are some endings better than others, this is basically just the tale of a teenager who definitely has some issues.

Featured Story Rogues

From humble beginning to infamy and beyond!

Additional notes:

This story is a fully self contained one and can easily be read on its own, however it also acts as a "sequel" to Innkeeper.

As with any of my writings, the story comes before the game. However while there isn't a complex inventory and all of that, you can technically "win" by getting one of the 12 epilogues.

Featured Story Suzy's Strange Saga

Things would be so much easier if your name was Mary Sue

Additional notes:

This story is a fully self contained one and can easily be read on its own, however it also acts as:

A direct sequel to the "Good Girl" short story in Tales From The Basement.

A semi sequel to the other TFTB short stories, Repression, TRASH, Love SICK and Geek.

A semi prequel to Ground Zero.

As with any of my writings, the story comes before the game. However while there isn't a complex inventory and all of that, you can still "win" by getting one of the epilogues.

There are 16 epilogues total.

Tales From The Basement

Because Basement Dwellers are people too!

Additional Notes:

This story is three stories in one. Your first choice will lead to a separate tale of a different “basement dweller”. Each one is mostly different in tone.

Ebay Escapist is weird and random. It’s the least verbose of the three. (Or my stories in general)

Good Girl is the longest and most descriptive of the three. There is some weirdness going on here too, but is mostly kept much more in "reality". There is a cast of characters link in the beginning to help you keep up with who’s who.

Anime Addict has a lot of offensive language and humor, so if you don't like that sort of thing you shouldn’t read this one.

In all the tales there are several endings varying in degrees of good/bad/neutral outcomes. While there are some endings better than others, these are basically just tales of basement dwellers.

Featured Story Tales From The Basement 2

It's an edgelord boogaloo!

Additional Notes:

This story is three stories in one where it follows a different protagonist based on the first choice.

This story is also probably really offensive or something. Probably shouldn't read it if that's not your thing, but feel free to do so anyway and complain loudly in the comments since those are always good for a laugh.

Anyway, there's your extra warning. You can't say you weren't told.

Incel Insanity and Whining Wokie are all new tales, while Film Fanatic is a "reboot" of sorts of an older story called Exploitation Theater. Yes, it's finally here and been greatly expanded on.

As always the story is always more important than the game focus, but also as always, you definitely can get better endings than others.

Featured Story The Pure, the Vile and the Deadly

Three ladies. Three legends.


Additional notes:

This story is a fully self contained one and can easily be read on its own, however it also acts as a connection to Rogues, Eternal and Necromancer.

As with any of my writings, the story comes before the game. However there is an epilogue for each "winning" ending.


Yee Haw! It's a trailer park life for me!

Additional Notes:

This story has a ton of offensive langauge and humor so if you don't like that sort of thing, you probably shouldn't read it. Though given the setting, the language used is pretty accurate.

This also isn't really a "win/lose" type story. While there are some endings better than others, this is basically just a tale about a typical day of a degenerate that lives in a trailer park.

Articles Written

Endmaster's Map to (Im)Mature Story Writing
A guide from EndMaster on writing about mature topics.

Recent Posts

How did you find CYS? on 7/26/2024 6:47:53 PM

"I was content to be an example of a CoGite, to answer questions and defuse conflict."

Make that ONE out of three which still isn't bad since you managed to avoid the first part.

Raping advice/critique on 7/26/2024 6:10:54 PM

Well you know what they say, you either die a rapee or live long enough to see yourself become the rapist

Hatter's Sketchbook on 7/26/2024 5:58:30 PM

No more necroing for now and I put all the dead back to rest. (In some cases permanently)

By Far The Most Retarded Thing Ever on 7/26/2024 3:52:42 PM

With the NUKING of that other thread, this one is now the largest one on the site.

You've won!

Black, Female or Gay? on 7/26/2024 11:40:26 AM

Some noobs might want to answer this question of burning importance.

End Master's Crisis Contest on 7/26/2024 8:48:06 AM

Counting today, there's a week left folks and as far as I know Malk is the only one that's actually worked on anything.

I know some are forgetful around here, so here's a reminder of which one of your worlds are in the crosshairs of this cosmic abomination that's coming to murder-rape your planet, your people and YOU all the while laughing manically about it.



Challengers so far




Ford (500 pts)







Suranna (300 pts)



CavusRex (Songbird Vagabond)

PerforatedPenguin (500 pts)






By Far The Most Retarded Thing Ever on 7/25/2024 5:07:05 PM

Congrats on over 1000 shitposts.

Truely one of the threads of all time.

What don't you give? on 7/24/2024 6:31:40 PM

A Midnight Piss

A Backalley Abortion

A Crab Infested Cunt Hair

A Doomweaver's Dick

A Porn Fairy's Patootie

Hello, I have a question on 7/23/2024 11:06:10 AM

Yeah but in almost every branch you kill Cyrus, hell even in the one you don't you beat the shit out of him and his boyfriend.

Pretty short sighted of Putin if he's objecting to that!

Hello, I have a question on 7/23/2024 10:18:10 AM

Aren’t you Russian? (Hope you're not posting this from the frontlines, but if you are I salute your dedication to the site) I would have thought my based writing would be one of the few western things allowed in that country.

It appeals to a grimdark, hopeless outlook of the future that can only be moderately overcome with equally grim determination and even then you’re probably still fucked and at best you just become moderately less terrible than the system that was in charge and get hailed as a hero for it anyway.

It’s like every eastern euro book ever. Hell, it’s like every eastern euro history ever!