Welcome to ChooseYourStory.com!
ChooseYourStory.com is a community-driven website centered on Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style storygames. Members create their own storygames, read and comment on other members’ storygames, participate in the forum, and improve their writing ability.
ChooseYourStory.com is your source for online interactive fiction – with members all around the globe.
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A sci-fi game with mechs called titans and pilots with advanced training, seems original.
You got quite the mother there. If I were you ...
News and Updates
Sherbet's Summer's End Synergy Contest
Naturally, the reward for winning the contest is fortune, glory, and prestige.
However, to spice things up this time around, I've cooked up some bonus incentives in order to increase our numbers.
BONUS INCENTIVES! (No, they don't stack)
1. If there are at least 10 successful contest entries, the top five will receive 50 points, while all other valid participants receive 25 points.
2. If there are at least 15 successful contest entries, the top five will receive 75 points, while all other valid participants receive 50 points.
3. If there are at least 20 successful contest entries, the top five will receive 100 points and guaranteed story commendations, while all other valid participants receive 75 points.
Prompt: A recent event has caused the protagonist to go through a difficult change.
It's a pretty open-ended prompt, there are a lot of directions you could go with it. Just as long as you don't tuck any relevance of the prompt away hidden in one specific page in a sub-branch, you're going to be okay, I promise, just stop freaking out, just calm down.
I should also note that while anything above minimum site standards technically qualifies as a valid entry, any 3.01/8, 2000-word slop will be thoroughly looked down upon by my higher council, and I might just feed your points to @ISentinelPenguinI out of spite. Do yourself a favor, start early!
The deadline will be October 31st at 11:59 PM (PST), just in case the default spookiness of other deadlines isn't enough for you people.
Best of luck!
Site Updates 2024
Stuff is changing in the background. Most users will notice nothing different. If you're not on the discord server you will have no idea what is going on, but that's ok. I forgive you. Just know that you are safe here in my arms :^)
The next update will happen on 9/11 - so if nobody is able to login on that day and the site dies we'll have our own 9/11 to never forgetti.
Maybe I'll push some changes that end-users will actually notice, you never know. Also the development of a new engine has been started in earnest. Best get your dreams and wishes for the editor in front of me before I make irreversible design decisions that make your "turing complete CYS cookie clicker factory roguelike" impossible.