ISentinelPenguinI, The Grandmaster Goblinologist

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Last Activity

7/26/2024 10:55 PM

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Duel Stats

175 wins / 174 losses




































One day I had a test, and the teacher farted, and then this kid bent over to pick up his pencil, and everyone was scared because they thought they heard a gunshot and there was a school shooting, but actually it was a deafeningly loud flatulence emitted from the kid who picked up his pencil, with such tremendous force and pressure that his pants had ripped open and were smoking. And everyone was laughing, but the kid was pissed.

He got up on his chair and screamed something like, "OH YOU THINK THAT'S FUCKING FUNNY DO YOU!?"

He grabbed one of the girls, and there were many gasps, "I'LL FUCKING SHOW YOU ASSHOLES FUNNY!"

He shoved the girl out of the way, and took a massive shit on her desk. The class laughed, and even applauded. For the first 2 minutes, at least, but the kid would not stop shitting. Eventually it overloaded the desk and started to drop onto the floor.  At 5 minutes, the giggles gave way to horrified screams. Worms and blood started to appear within the shit, and the oils of his eyes were diluting with lymph and starting to drip down his face.

10 minutes, and he was shitting this constant stream of worms like a faucet, they were pooling out underneath him and writhing over each other, burrowing into whatever they could find. The floor was too hard for them, but they found the girl's shoes. You could hear them chewing on everything they could find. They made little clicking noises wherever they bit on something, it was like dumping one bag of marbles into another... But then they found the girl's flesh underneath her shoes and socks, and boy howdy...

The worm hoard sort of swarmed her and started burrowing into whatever bits and bobs they could find. As they chewed, it sounded like those aforementioned marbles were being poured into a bowl of semi-hard jello. A thousand little splats in an orgy of blood and gluttony.


He just kept shitting worms and screaming about our glorious holy lord and savior Caerbog. Just sitting there. The worms turned to eyeballs all melted and grafted together, and the molten skin of his rectum slowly started dribbling down between his legs, but he just kept going. His real eyes were totally gone by this point, and actually his bare testicles were dangling out of one eyehole by their epidydimus, but what was even funnier was that a little horse fetus (Couldn't be more than two months) was desperately trying to escape from his head, but he was too big to fit through the eyeholes, so he just kept squealing and stamping impotently at the walls of his flesh prison.

Eventually, the eyes and the worms and the shit were creating this massive pool of shit that was ankle-deep over the floor of the room, and the girl being eaten by the worms was now a skeleton full of boreholes and tiny bitemarks. The class started really laughing their asses off as her jaw fell off, and one kid even fell out of his chair laughing and was devoured by worms, eyes-first.

The kid just kept on shitting. His legs had been worn down by worms into just nubs of flesh, so no one was surpised when the entire lower part of his torso burst open and started spraying eyeballs and bloody shit everywhere.

"CAERBOG PROVIDES! CAERBOG EXTRICATES! CAERBOG EXTRICAAAATES!" he screamed. More kids laughed themselves into the waist-deep pile of worms.

The teacher just stood on his desk with a look of utter disappointment on his face.

"Caerbog does not exist, you zealous religious faggot." Said the teacher, driving a knife into his belly as the holy purgative fires of Caerbog began biting into the flesh of his taint.

Long story short, the kid got a detention, and our sides fucking exploded that day. Even the fucked up skeleton whose desk he shat on was laughing. You can still hear her laughing if you put your ear to her grave. It's just underneath the floorboards of the basketball court.

It was so hilarious though. You had to be there for the full effect. He was just squatting over her desk with the same strained look on his face the whole time. I mean, while he could still squat and move his face, I guess.


tower badge




If you came to this page in hopes of learning more about me, you're boning up the wrong tree.

Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points Earning 500 Points Earning 1,000 Points Earning 2,000 Points Earning 5,000 Points Your presence alone contributes to the community. You've brightened many a days with your wit and humor, and knowledge of the inane. That last part is meant to be complimentary. Here you go, Sent Posting 10021 Forum Posts Rated 65.1% of all Stories Given by BerkaZerka on 03/27/2020 - OG Given by madglee on 02/15/2022 - For recognizing ancient lore Given by MadHattersDaughter on 12/30/2023 - To my best frenemy! (Also if you have MHD's trophy you LOVE Strawberry Pudding!)


Randomly Walk II, The epic sequel.

this is a loosely satirical and somewhat more gamey version of the game that isn't really a game. thanks to the creative juices of Bardockwest. The ORIGINAL:

A Quiz I made for the Blatant Hell of it All. *CLOSED FOR REPAIRS*

I discovered a thing that JJJ wrote. It told me all about this quiz-making shit. I followed the instructions, even though I disobeyed JJJ's opening lines by starting this WITHOUT a basic knowledge of any of that weird scripty shit he recommended. This was low-effort as all hell, don't ever use the classic editor for anything you care about.


Since some of my questions contained outdated information and I needed to make sure everything was in working order, I unpublished this thing. Since I understand this to be something that generally fucks with ratings, I'm gonna add 5 more questions so you have more of a reason to rate it again. Also, every question now has a stupid answer. These are the ones that are so blatantly wrong/non-answers that they give you negative points... Some are better hidden than others. Aside from most of the endings being revamped, there are two new endings! One is for people who're spectacularly awful at quizzes, and the other is an ending for people who go off the beaten path... By being really  bad at quizzes.

No, I will not add a thing at the end that shows your score. If you want to know your score, you have to dick-measure in the comments yourself. Drill Sergeant Nasty has always been an accurate barometer for how well you did, in my eyes.


In a strange world where World War I hasn't even happened yet, Law and order is the only accepted form of justice. Until NOW.

Enter Mild-Mannered Clifford T. Boot, 2nd class passenger on the world-famous vessel, the Titanic. Haunted by the shadows of his war-torn past, Clifford bought a ticket to the United States of America looking for a new life. But trouble always finds Clifford, and when an innocent widow and her child are kidnapped by a cult dedicated to resurrecting Napoleon, he has no choice but to return to his old ways and save them... Because for some motherfuckers, mass tragedy doesn't come soon enough.

Articles Written

A Tutorial for Teachers
Exasperated but optimistic advice for those who would like to assign storygames as school projects or for any other school purposes.

Recent Posts

Hatter's Sketchbook on 7/26/2024 6:11:37 PM

Never thought I'd live to see the day I became the last surviving Bruce Campbell reference on these forums

By Far The Most Retarded Thing Ever on 7/26/2024 12:40:24 AM

I decided to try loading this thread on my phone. It became frighteningly, fingertip-stingingly warm under the protective cover thing. I got it like last year this isn't supposed to be happening.

The Brainrot Thread Awards Ceremony on 7/25/2024 9:44:30 PM

Oh my goodness! It's all happening so fast, I didn't have anything prepared!

I'm so humbled by this, truly verklempt, I just don't have the words to express what this means to me.

Ever since I was a wee penguinoid, before I ever chokeslammed my first rabies-infested goblin into the pavement, I dreamed of making it big as a shitposter. I spent many long hours and sleepless nights posting shit all these years, and you guys have really shown me what this art form truly means. I'd like to thank Allah, the Utterly Just, who gives me peace. I'd like to thank the Shitposters' Academy. I'd like to thank that chronic wanker with the fullmetal alchemist profile picture, without whom this text wall truly wouldn't have been possible. I'd like to thank myself, for voting for myself. Oh shit they're playing me off I gotta cut this short. Have a good night, everybody!

By Far The Most Retarded Thing Ever on 7/21/2024 4:38:15 PM

I read this thing like 3 times trying to figure out how to respond before realizing that I wasn't actually having a stroke. This is a truly incoherent cumbrain response, you just repeated yourself AND ME as if this changes what I was saying. Man has truly deepfried his synapses with pixelated ass.

By Far The Most Retarded Thing Ever on 7/20/2024 6:21:36 PM

Wait hold on THAT'S what this part of the thread was about!? I never actually read this post because I stopped reading Ben's posts some time ago, but to think "content creator" is some kind of porn euphemism reveals a side to this whole thought process that I'm not sure the rest of us have really grasped. "Content" is basically just corporate shorthand for any internet media that draws someone to a site, whether it's videos or creative writing, forum posts, images, or articles. The thing people were ribbing her about, if anything, was that "minecraft content creator" is simultaneously a silly thing to be and also a useless descriptor of what somebody would actually be doing. You have to intuit it through context clues based on what you've seen other people with the same job description do.

Someone could say "I want to be a minecraft artist" for example, and I would intuit that they'd like to draw textures and artwork for the game minecraft, even though, by that same extremely non-specific token, they could be building stuff in minecraft, or making music for or about minecraft, etc. I heard her say "I want to be a minecraft content creator" and even though that could mean many things, I was able to use my past experiences with the term to intuit that she wanted to be a twitch streamer that molests children.

I mean that's like a basic fuckin industry term that's all over the internet, how the hell has your main exposure to it been through Onlyfans?? How many hours a day do you spend reading your BM's community updates compared to any of the normal sun-touching websites? Or even sunless neckbeard wastes like Reddit? Surely there are places you can go there where things like content are not used to just describe pornography? I don't even think people dwelled on it very long back when this thread was new because End immediately asked for clarification, people immediately started ribbing her over other shit, how the fuck did you even manage to tell on yourself like this and everybody who wasn't Daji dropped the ball this hard

By Far The Most Retarded Thing Ever on 7/20/2024 2:59:02 PM

I'd never publically admit to such a thing!

By Far The Most Retarded Thing Ever on 7/20/2024 2:10:35 PM

whoops sorry the edit button won't work, mysteriously.

By Far The Most Retarded Thing Ever on 7/20/2024 2:09:55 PM

something like that?*

By Far The Most Retarded Thing Ever on 7/20/2024 2:09:39 PM

who would ever do

Weekly Review - Issue 51: Cursed on 7/20/2024 1:35:06 AM

I would not want to record easily repeatable behavior on this forum knowing that there's like twelvies (and mental twelvies like raven) milling about getting their finger smudges on things and sponging up every weird crusty thought they come across in their pure, untouched brains. It just seems like dangerous behavior from a legal liability standpoint to publish the ingredients and process of making Sp*nglemundy here, in public, where they could get ahold of it. I know that it's not exactly made with household ingredients, and it's very unlikely that your average sheltered suburban child will be able to get ahold of a hotdog machine and 3 gallons of mid-hatched frogspawn, but there are common substitutes for some of these ingredients, and, much like fishstick cake, Sp*nglemundy is not something that any human should consume. Or make. Or look at with naked eyes. It's a very particular substance used for very particular purposes and none of them are really good. You need to be a licensed professional to handle it. The packaged stuff comes with one of those red yellow and blue hazard warnings for a reason, people!