Welcome to ChooseYourStory.com!

ChooseYourStory.com is a community-driven website centered on Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style storygames. Members create their own storygames, read and comment on other members’ storygames, participate in the forum, and improve their writing ability.

ChooseYourStory.com is your source for online interactive fiction – with members all around the globe.

Top 5 Storygames in Need

These will be ranked with just a few more ratings...

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The most recently-published storygames
The Cellar
by Bonnie 24 days ago
by Joseph_Andreis 16 days ago
Mercer Gang
by NeonCatYT one month ago
Blood Barn
by ReesesPieces 2 months ago
The Affair
by penguini 2 months ago
The Sojourner's Home
by Petros 2 months ago
by Fluxion 2 months ago

Recent Posts

TSR Comics: Comics with a free game inside! by EndMaster on 03/27/2025

Alright as I mentioned the Black Barney story started off as the secondary one in the previous Buck story, but by the 4th comic, this changed up and Barney’s story was the main one and a Buck one was the secondary. So he got his own covers eventually.

The Iliad Book Club, Thread 2, Book 6 by BelladonnaTook on 03/27/2025

Greetings Homer Club.

I notice that not only is Agamemnon the one to advocate for massacre, but he's also the one to kill the solder that Menelaus nearly took pity on. Menelaus just pushed the guy over to Agamemnon, who stuck him with a spear. Hm, this is not the first time Men...

Thunderdome: Valentine's Match by MiltonManThing on 03/27/2025

Can't believe I missed this notification in all the shuffle. Congratulations Fresh! Kudos to you as well Ben :)

Thunderdome: Valentine's Match by benholman44 on 03/27/2025

Congratulations Fresh!

Interesting comments 10 by benholman44 on 03/27/2025

I'm guessing Pengbeng is a COGite

News and Updates

CYS Monthly Gazette - 10 March 2025

Posted 3/10/2025 by MiltonManThing









A Closer View for Each Page

Link to EndMaster Full Interview

Link to MiltonManThing Full Interview

Special thanks to the members of the CYS Monthly Gazette, including @fresh_out_the_oven, @Anthraxus and our anonymous Mr. Nobody. Also thanks to our guest interviewer @RKallonor and @ISentinelPenguinI for his advertisement! The editorial portion of the staff at the CYS Monthly Gazette (myself) would like to apologize for the delay in publishing this issue. Our previous drafts were stolen by Chinese wizard birds speaking French obscenities. We hope you all enjoy this issue as we enjoy creating it for your reading pleasure!

End Master's Prompt Contest 4

Posted 1/1/2025 by EndMaster

                                       END MASTER'S PROMPT CONTEST 4


Deadline: 11:59 PM (EST) May 1st, 2025

Reward: It you think you’re getting anything at this point, you haven’t been paying attention!

Alright you fuckers, it’s time for this yearly exercise in futility of pushing folks to be contributing members of the site. I’ve seen it said by faggots on more degenerate writing websites that using abusive language doesn’t motivate people, but I say it’s not really about the motivation, it’s about sending a message. Besides if I don’t verbally abuse you lot, then I won’t have any fun and that’s the important thing.

As usual there were plenty of prompts that people completely flaked on in the past so you’ll see a lot of those again (Perhaps even one YOU flaked on). I’ve also added some that an entry did get submitted for, but the person took it down because it sucked too badly to stay up for long. So the prompts in those cases are getting another chance of being done right (hopefully). There’s also some brand new ones, so there’s tons of variety for everyone.

Also as usual you have generous deadline. More than enough time to slack off and not do shit for a couple months, or you could surprise everyone and actually write during that time. Of course all that writing might cut into your praying, drinking, whoring or trolling the faggots time, but as we say around here your decisions have consequences!

(See it’s not ALL insults. I didn’t say for example “All that writing might cut into your gay furry jack off sessions.” I actually think enough of you lot to believe that you’re not complete degenerates, you're just lazy bastards.)

Also since I never expect more than half of you lot to come through anyway at this point, the main thing I’m looking for is quality. Turn anything in half assed, and I’m just throwing it out and throwing you in the fucking SHAME pit. (Or deeper in it)

But that’s enough motivation, if you’re joining the contest pick a prompt from the list below. When you’re done writing your story, be sure to link it this thread. Also unless specifically mentioned, all these prompts can be any setting.

That’s about it for now, unless I think of something else to change as needed.

Good luck and who knows maybe I’ll be surprised with competence for a change.

The Prompts

1) A story involving a dangerous hunting competition. Dour
2) A story involving inheriting something valuable from a dead relative. Mystery Contestant
3) A story involving dinosaurs. Xanax
4) A story about an underwater adventure. Soy_No_More
5) A story set in a lunatic asylum. CavusRex (Songbird Vagabond)
6) A story where the protagonist has a dangerous addiction or obsession. LamarisDiamondEye
7) A story about returning to your childhood home and stumbling across a terrible secret. TrueParanormal
8) A story written in the epistolary style (Told through journal entries or letters). MadHattersDaughter
9) A story heavily driven by a love/hate relationship with the antagonist. fresh_out_the_oven (Pulling Yummyfood up one level out of the SHAME pit)
10) A story that starts with receiving a letter or call from someone you thought was dead. Kezmark
11) A story about naval warfare. Fabrikant
12) A story involving trying to survive some sort of disaster while also protecting/saving at least one loved one. Darius_Conwright
13) A story about a pacifist protagonist. FoolishSparrow
14) A story involving a major festival within the fairy world. Wildblue
15) A story involving playing as a bigoted superhero. Vail
16) A story involving court intrigue while attempting to seduce one (or more!) of your relatives. Suranna
17) A story about becoming a famous musician. Petros
18) A story where you are the survivor of a failed dungeon expedition. goodnight_a
19) A story about a siege. This can be from the attackers or defenders (or both) point of view. DAVID_CT
20) A story set on a planet with a harsh environment. (Ice world, barren desert, toxic air, etc) Fluxion
21) A story where you travel back in time to set wrong what once went right. Orange
22) A story involving a literally retarded protagonist. Prithvish96
23) A story where you’re the last of your kind (Doesn’t need to be human). Cat2002116
24) A story about being a cartographer hired to map out an unexplored area. Marte
25) A story about being a collector of very rare exotic things and/or unique things (Of any kind). Secret Contestant
26) A story about being the leader of a post apocalyptic gang. DBNB
27) A story involving a space station. Anthraxus
28) A story involving an underground society. benholman44 (500 point bet)
29) A story about a homemaker protagonist while their significant other leaves for battle for extended periods of time (Soldier, raider, merc, etc). LeoScales7 (140 point bet)
30) A story about founding a new religion.
31) A story involving a war between two galactic super powers fighting over planet Earth (Humans are the “primitives” caught in the middle) poison_mara
32) A story involving a retired villain (Not looking for redemption, just trying to enjoy retirement or at least semi-retirement) mazdark
33) A story about being a traveling merchant. hetero_malk
34) A story about an abominable horror has come to a small town and that horror is YOU. Siyu
35) A story about rebuilding after a war. PerforatedPenguin (500 point bet)
36) A story about a race to acquire a valuable resource.
37) A story involving an established myth/legend (Greek, Norse, Egyptian, Arthurian, etc) and do whatever you want with it. MiltonManThing
38) A story involving tales from the Bible and do whatever you want with it. (Do not simply use the Book of Mormon for this fanfic) born2die
39) A story about redemption of past misdeeds. (As if it needs to be said, you can’t redeem a pedo) MrAce321 (Hoping for CYS Discord entry if he wins)
40) A story set during a nuclear winter on Earth. WizzyCat
41) A story about joining a cult.
42) A story involving a summoning spell gone wrong. Sherbet
43) A story set during a holiday (Any of them) TypewriterCat
44) A story set in a strange isolated motel. ItzSugar
45) A story with a based centaur protagonist.
46) A story involving a cooking contest. (Not specifically cats or dogs) Mizal (Pulling Derp one level from the SHAME Pit)
47) A story involving being an assassin. Clayfinger
48) A story involving sports of some kind. (Real or fictional and in any capacity: Player, coach, ref, mascot, cheerleader, etc) RKrallonor (300 point bet)
49) A story involving an uncharted planet (Colonizing it, exploring it, crashing into it, etc) Papa_John95
50) A story about having cancer and trying to check off a bucket list before you die. Also make this into a game with a scoring system. (It’s cancer, just have fun with it!) kidred