Avery_Moore, The Grandmaster of the Written Word
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You are ten years old when you first feel the weight of shackles around your wrists. In a matter of hours, your whole world is turned upside down as you and your brother are dragged away from your home in Greece to work as slaves in the Roman Empire. Now you must struggle for survival. Every decision you make will affect your future. Your life, the life of your brother and the lives of your friends are in your hands.
Begin your journey as a child, and make heartbreaking choices that will shape the adult you will become. But be careful. An act of kindness might come back to haunt you, and a thoughtless word could earn you some powerful enemies. A split second decision will determine who lives and who dies. Will you sell your soul to win your freedom, or sacrifice everything for the people you love? Will you even live long enough to see the sun rise?
Special thanks to all of my beta-testers: TinyOnion, Morgan R, Mewsly, Evan Dean Nathanael, Laha, Cookiemonsta, Jumo, Hannah Minger, Danielle L-S, eXwhYZee, Umbreonpanda, M.S.X.K. Laird, Likho and N1GHTMAR3.
And a really, REALLY special thanks to my patreons: Chanbot, Mizal, Ryan Esher and SpartacustheGreat.
You can also keep up to date on my games by following me on social media at:
Pokemon game for playing around with variables and stuff
Pokemon game for playing around with variables and stuff
Four mysteries in one. A man has been murdered in his stately home in the country, and you have only four suspects. Can you figure out who the killer is? It could be anyone... Literally. Because the killer is chosen at random at the beginning of every game.
Note: This game was originally made for a competition put together by Morgan R, where writers had to make the best game they could in a day. Unfortunately, I didn't get the game finished in time, so never got around to publishing it, but I stumbled across it a few years later and decided it was worth finishing. So here it is, hope you enjoy ^_^
A massive special thanks to all of my patreons:
Chanbot, Mizal, Ryan Esher, Turnip Bandit, Ninjapitka, John Oester, Pyrola and Cjjolly
All of my games are free to play, but you can support me on patreon at:
You can also keep up to date on my games by following me on social media at:
This game has lots of stuff.
A massive special thanks to all of my patreons:
Chanbot, Mizal, Ryan Esher, Turnip Bandit, Ninjapitka, John Oester, Pyrola and Cjjolly
All of my games are free to play, but you can support me on patreon at:
You can also keep up to date on my games by following me on social media at:
Recent Posts
Interesting comments 10 on 3/23/2025 5:15:11 AMWell, at least they used the soft A and not the hard R. ^_^
Don't Be a Nameless Bastard on 3/21/2025 2:47:16 PM
Don't Be No Bitch
Briar's Friendly Forest Critters on 3/20/2025 5:39:13 PM
I think Mizal requires some much needed forg related education. ^_^
width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/-koGnx7SuOw?si=by_zu32VT_Ku4wQ8" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen>
Briar's Friendly Forest Critters on 3/20/2025 5:19:43 PM
He's not warty! He's smooth and slimey. He just has froggy freckles is all.
And I an very offended by that statement! I am not a pigeon racist! I have pigeon friends!
Briar's Friendly Forest Critters on 3/20/2025 5:03:25 PM
He is, most certainly, a forg. Way too little to be a tood... And which pigeon are you referring to? There are many pigeons. Pidgey 1st was alive the last time I saw him. Pidgey 2nd unfortunately died. If you're referring to the pigeon that would eat the food out of my hand, I think he's alive. In fact I think I fed him today, but not 100% sure it's the same pigeon. They all look very similar.
Briar's Friendly Forest Critters on 3/20/2025 4:39:15 PM
We have a new friend in Briar's garden. A bit unusual since we don't have a pond, but still very welcome. I shall name him Hopper. ^_^
width="482" height="857" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/98UFgmnz9s8" title="Forg" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen>
Interesting comments 10 on 3/18/2025 4:46:53 AM
Feature worthy comment if ever I saw one. ^_^
The Iliad Book Club, Book 5 on 3/14/2025 9:12:21 AM
So, Athena taps Ares on the shoulder and says to him, "You know, we probably shouldn't get involved in the battle. Daddy Zeus might get mad at us." Ares says, "Yeah, I don't want Dad to be pissed at me. Lets sit this one out." So Ares goes to chill on Mount Olympus and Athena says, "Tehehe!" And immediately gets involved in the battle.
That Pandarus guy shoots a bloke called Diomedes. (Do we know who Diomedes is already? I can't remember.) Anyway, Diomedes whines to Athena, saying, "Ouch! That really hurt! Athena! The Trojans are picking on me!" So Athena gives him one of those Super Mario Stars, turning him invincible for about half an hour or so.
Athena tells Diomedes, "Go kill all those pesky Trojans, but if you see any Gods on the battlefield, you stay well away from them... Except for Aphrodite. You can kill that bitch!" So Diomedus bounces around the battlefield, killing all the Trojans that get in his way. Diomedus wounds a guy called Aeneas, who happens to be Aphrodite's son, so when Aphrotide appears to kiss her baby's boo-boos better, Diomedus starts poking her with his spear until she runs away. Hera and Athena say, "Ha, ha!"
Aphrodite sends Apollo to go grab Aeneas instead. Diomedus tries to attack Apollo, but misses. And... I'm a bit confused at this part... I think what happens is that Apollo rescues Aeneas, but he leaves like... A blow up doll or something in his place, to try and trick all the Trojans into thinking that Aeneas is dead, so that the Trojans will all be pissed and kill Diomedus... Because the Trojans didn't have a reason to be pissed at Diomedus already? I don't know.
Apollo whines to Ares about Diomedus attacking him, so Ares decides to fight on the side of the Trojans to teach Diomedus a lesson. Diomedus sees Ares on the battlefield and stays well away from him. Athena comes down and says, "Hey, Diomedus, why aren't you attacking Ares?" And Diomedus says, "Because you specifically told me not to!" Athena says, "Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Yeah, forget what I said earlier, kill as many Gods as you like."
So, Diomedus charges at Ares and injures him. Ares goes to Mount Olymus and whines to Zeus, "Daddy! Athena told Diomedus to attack me and now I've got an ouchie!" But Zeus tells him, "I warned you not to play with your sisters toys. Now stop bitching and go do homework or something."
Seeing the dynamics between all of the different Gods is fun. The fact that Athena specifically gave Diomedus permission to attack Aphrodite shows that she's still really pissed about Aphrodite winning the whole smexiest Goddess contest. Hera and Athena seem to be working together to get revenge on Aphrodite, which is interesting, because Athena and Hera seem to usually be at loggerheads. Especially during that whole Heracles debacle. From what I gather, the Gods are extremely fickle and are constantly making and breaking alliances with each other.
As for Zeus, he's a really shitty Dad. Athena pretty much tries to kill Ares and when Ares complains to Zeus about it, Zeus tells him off for whining. Ares complains that Athena is the golden child and that, not only does Zeus never punish her bad behavior, he actually encourages it. He asks Zeus, why he won't punish Athena for trying to kill him and Zeus literally says, "Because I hate you." ... Ares must've been the middle child.
Q: This book, we also see more from the god Ares. Homer depicts him as basically despised by everyone: gods and men. What do you think of that? Is there a sense in which he is the most "human" of the Olympians?
A: ... My guess is the poor guy has a lost of Daddy issues.
A Very Wholesome Song on 3/7/2025 12:26:32 PM
The loveliest. ^_^
A Very Wholesome Song on 3/7/2025 12:26:11 PM
That would be super cool! ^_^