Celicni, The Journeyman Scrivener

Member Since


Last Activity

2/6/2025 9:15 AM

EXP Points


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Storygame Count


Duel Stats

19 wins / 11 losses





Hello. I got hit by a car.

"Don't tell anyone, but I think it's kind of funny that Celicni got hit by a car." -Sherbet

"Everyone thinks that's funny." -EndMaster

"I didn't think it was funny until I talked to him more." -Mizal

"Can someone run this motherfucker over again?" -hetero_malk

Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points Earning 500 Points Earning 1,000 Points Earning 2,000 Points Winner of Endmaster's Myth and Religion contest with Slavic Pagans! Given by BerkaZerka on 09/06/2022 - To shreds you say? Given by EndMaster on 08/25/2022 - For your contributions to the site


Slavic Pagans

The wise woman said
Once you're hardened in battle there's no coming back
Fight or fall

You're about to experience that firsthand, as you and the other members of your Slavic tribe are a part of an Avar-led attack force currently heading towards Singidunum.

Don't these fools realize that they're attempting the impossible? The Byzantine fortress has not been breached in 39 years, so why do you have to do this? All you ever wanted was to learn more about gods and religion, Slavic and otherwise.

As far as you're concerned, the rest of them can go die in vain... this may just be the opportunity you were looking for, to change your life from the ground up, and learn more about the gods.


Entry for EndMaster's Myth and Religion Contest.


This is a prequel to my other game, Vincha. It is not required that you read that one first, as this game is standalone, but you will enjoy the story more, and recognize some of the characters.

Just as was the case in Vincha, consider the world this game takes place in to be quite similar to what ours was like in the early middle ages. Except, of course, with the inclusion of many fantastical and mythological creatures, as well as magic.

As with all of my stories, pay attention to the maturity level. There are many difficult subjects explored in the story.

There are some (optional) world-building and historical links here and there. They will be recognizable by the fact your character will think, recall, or consider the topic at hand. If you&'re interested in the world, Slavic mythology, or some history of the Byzantine Empire, you may want to check them out.

Any references to Swedish metal bands, obscure German browser games, Japanese light novels, American sitcoms, or anything else are completely intentional.

Finally, there are 7 different endings. As the story is much shorter than I originally intended, I heavily recommend you try reaching them all. Each one will provide you with some information not mentioned in the other endings.

Your score represents the ending you got. Deaths not marked as an ending get a score of -1, except one special death ending that gets 69.


Facing a new threat from the Byzantine empire, your small Slavic tribe is discussing how you can defend yourselves. They are overconfident, and you feel death will overcome you.

Upset, you go visit the temple of Prabog, an ancient Slavic god that you hope will protect you. Will you find glory or death?


Entry for Endmaster's Edgelord contest #2.


I recommend trying out the obviously bad choices as well. You may find the story a tad short otherwise.

You can consider the world to be similar to ours in the 7th century except with the addition of magic and magic creatures.

What a Terrible World

A great Empire, slowly falling apart due to the mysterious and deadly plague... but you don't care about that. You have your own problems.

The world just keeps kicking you in the tender bits. Your entire life has been shit, and you're not going to take it anymore. Well, you aren't going to take anything anymore, as you are going to kill yourself.


However, fate has another plan in store for you. Will you take the opportunity presented before you by a mysterious eldritch creature? And will you lose yourself along the way? Dealing with the devil never pays off... but perhaps?


Entry for Endmaster's prompt contest.


Note: The story includes a lot of dark humor, harsh language, violence, racism, rape depictions and suicide attempts. If such is not your cup of tea, stay away.

Your actions will influence the protagonist's thoughts and view of the world, as well as the actions he will automatically take, outside of your choices. Before you complain about him being a monster or a racist, consider whether you made him become so.

If you get a titled epilogue, consider that a win, even if it sucks for the protagonist. There are 5 to find. Some are rather easy to obtain, while the others can be a bit more difficult. Try to find the "good" and the "best" endings.

More than half the fucked up shit that the protagonist talks about in the beginning actually happened to the author, so you can have a fun guessing game of which is true, and which is made up.

If you believe you spotted a reference to something, be it a light novel or a totally random flash game, you did.

And remember: The higher your score, the worse person you are.

Happy Camping Trip

You go on a happy camping trip with your friends where absolutely nothing bad will ever happen!

Vincha (Original)

The original Vincha, in all of its rushed 2-day binge-writing glory.

You should probably read the updated version instead, this is just there to preserve the original.


Beset by the Byzantine empire, your small Slavic tribe is discussing how you can defend yourselves. They are overconfident, and you feel death will overcome you. Upset, you go visit the temple of Prabog, an ancient Slavic god that you hope will protect you. Will you find glory or death?

I recommend trying out the obviously bad choices as well. You may find the story a tad short otherwise.

The world is similar to ours in the 7th century except with the addition of magic and magic creatures.

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I thought everyone knew about the cannnibal incest game.

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Having said all that, I'm still first & last committed to real life and real people! If we all spent as much energy and creativity trying to fix this broken world and reaching out to people around us, just imagine how much better the world could be. I expect everyone here already does that, but looking at the size of the gaming industry, there are just a few folks out there who didn't get the memo.... ;)

Hippy convention is that way.

What Games are YOU Playing in 2025? on 2/2/2025 6:34:32 AM

Dark Souls 2 (just playing through the series for nostalgia and starting with the worst one)

Try breathing through the nose sometimes.

What Games are YOU Playing in 2025? on 1/30/2025 6:51:05 PM

I heard the sequel is filled with woke shit, are people memeing or is it true?

offensive words on 1/30/2025 10:14:56 AM

The faggotry is arguably the least bad part of "It's a boy!"

offensive words on 1/30/2025 7:58:34 AM

I knew he was a faggot. I did not know he was a homo.

offensive words on 1/30/2025 5:50:17 AM

Wait not only is MHD gay, she's also black? What the fuck?

And Darius is an actual homosexual?

Why doesn't anyone tell me these things.

offensive words on 1/30/2025 5:42:37 AM

Cel is Serbian, that's just how they say hello.

I mean... you're actually right on this one, funnily enough.

except he'll post something so breathtakingly homosexual it might get deleted again.

Censorship? On MY CYS? What the fuck did he post?

Edit: Yeah nevermind I think I got it.

What Games are YOU Playing in 2025? on 1/30/2025 5:41:00 AM

Bloons TD6. Game takes forever to 100%.

Radiant Historia: JRPG with time travel.

Metaphor Refantazio: Persona but medieval.

Yeah I'm not really playing too much these days because bloons is a time destroyer.

offensive words on 1/29/2025 6:23:40 AM

Kill yourself, niggerfaggot.