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EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

                       ENDMASTER'S PROMPT CONTEST


Deadline: 11:59 PM (EST) July 4th, 2022

Reward: You’ll get what you get and you’ll like it.

It’s probably about time to have another contest again, but to make it easy we’re going to have another prompt based one so you slugs can choose which topic to write about and then inevitably flake out on.

So if you’re joining, obviously pick one of the following prompts provided below and lock your post.

Joining the contest but failing to pick a prompt (Like fucking around like a retard posting in the thread saying you're "thinking about" joining the contest) will result in a random one still available being picked for you that you might not like so you probably shouldn’t do this bad thing. (And if you do, definitely don't whine like a faggot about it.)

Finally, when you’re done with your story, post a link to it in this thread.

That’s about it for now, unless I think of something else to add or change as needed.

Good luck.


1) A story where the protagonist is a devout religious missionary. (TharaApples) DONE

2) A story where the protagonist is an explorer, treasure hunter, or archaeologist exploring some recently uncovered ancient ruins, which may contain traps, treasure, or paradigm-altering discoveries. Can take place on earth or in a fictional world. (Axxius) DONE

3) A story that uses time travel or temporal mechanics as a game mechanic or major driving force. (GigglyCactus) SHAME

4) A fast-paced action-packed story about a bank heist, prison escape, or similar taking place in a fantasy, sci-fi, or historical setting. (Sherbet) DONE

5) A story where the player and narrator are separate entities. (Darius_Conwright) DONE

6) A story surrounding a violent championship sporting event. (Cyclonis) SHAME

7) A story where the narrator is a bond-esque villain. (Schmaltz) SHAME

8) A story starts with the discovery of the entrance to a hidden secret room. (hetero_malk) SHAME

9) This story’s protagonist is a con artist running a scheme where they convince people they are the chosen hero from an renowned ancient prophesy. What started as a grab for a few quick bucks is going much better than planned, and attracting a lot of unwanted attention. (RyboiTheLegend) DONE

10) A story where the protagonist is a zombie. (Fluxion) DONE

11) This story’s protagonist is an artificer, magical blacksmith, or creator of magical weapons. You can translate this prompt to a sci-fi equivalent if you want. (MrAce321) DONE

12) A story centering on an unusual mirror. (325boy) DONE

13) A sci-fi story about exploring and/or crashing onto an uncharted planet. (Nightwatch) SHAME

14) A story in a world where people exposed to a certain material develops superpowers based on their worst fear. For example, someone afraid of spiders might gain the ability to control spiders or stick to surfaces, or someone afraid of public speaking might become extremely persuasive. (EbonVasilis) SHAME Lol

15) A story about this tribal community lived a rather simple existence with the occasional war and the odd bit of cannibalism - but everything changed when the strangely dressed gods arrived in their wooden turtles from across the sea. (Heresy) SHAME

16) A story of a lunatic empress... with a fondness for horses. (stargirl) DONE

17) A story revolving around a graveyard tryst. (BenCrucifix) DONE

18) A story about a society on the verge of a Golden Age experiencing a cataclysmic disaster. (Picaro) SHAME

19) A story taking place on a terraformed Mars, Venus, Titan, Europa, or Earth's moon. Take your pick. (Abgeofriends) DONE

20) A story set during a nuclear winter on Earth (Ford) DONE

21) A story where you wake up one morning and everyone insists that you've been living for years with a certain family member, friend, or pet. Only you know for a fact you have no memory of them ever existing. What is going on here? (EvangelineV) SHAME

22) A story about an aspiring medical student traveling to a foreign land to study at a renowned hospital. The plague draws near. (Paradox_4) DONE

23) A story where a mad scientist has just created a new ... animal? species? creature? race? Whatever it is, she has an army of them, and things aren't ever going to be the same. (elad771) DONE

24) A story set in the ancient world. This means anytime before the fall of the Roman Empire. And yes, if you don't want to strictly be historical, you can fill it with Atlantean technology or whatever. (Corgi213) SHAME

25) A story set in the Wild West. And once again yes, if you don't want to strictly adhere to proper history, you can fill it with "weird west" shit. (Tim36D) DONE

26) A story involving the Vikings. Can be from the Viking perspective or whoever they’re raiding. (Yummyfood) DONE

27) A story with a kobold protagonist (Mizal) DONE

28) A PROPER story about a creepy restaurant. (WizzyCat) DONE

29) A story where world just keeps kicking you in the tender bits. Your house burns down. Your daughter dies of disease. Your spouse runs off with a soldier. Things can't seem to get worse, so you head to a tavern in downtown to drink away the last of your money before you hang yourself. Only . . .something worse happens and shit is about to get real. (Celicni) DONE

30) A story where you find a magic whistle. (DBNB) DONE

31) Write a story involving an established mythos/legend (Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, Arthurian, etc) and do whatever the hell you want with it. (TheChef) SHAME

32) Make story involving a race to acquire a valuable resource. This can be based on something historical like the gold rush or some sci-fi shit on a distant planet. (Mazdark) DONE

33) A story involving fairies in some way. (Matthaeus) SHAME

34) A story about colonizing a planet. (Digit) DONE

35) A story about being a war criminal. (enterpride) DONE

36) A story about being a traveling merchant. What you're trading in and the setting is up to you. (Lux_Inferni) DONE

37) A story involving dinosaurs. (Sorbet) SHAME

38) A story where an abominable horror has come to a small town and that horror is YOU. (CreeoyIce) SHAME

39) A story involving an old Oriental style setting. This can be completely historical or you can make up some fantasy shit like Jade Empire or something. (Mystic_Warrior) DONE

40) Pick a story from the Bible and do whatever the fuck you want with it. (Chris113022) DONE

41) A story with a ghostly protagonist haunting an area. This can be a house, a forest, a ship, whatever. (Wildblue) SHAME

42) A story about an underwater adventure. (Cerene) SHAME

43) A story done in a first person noir detective perspective. (Ogre11) DONE

44) A PROPER story involving a robot invasion. (poison_mara) DONE

45) A story about a forbidden romance. (MadHattersDaughter) DONE

46) A story set in a lunatic asylum. (SwiftStryker) SHAME

47) A story about becoming a famous musician. The type of music and setting can be whatever. (DarkSpawn) SHAME

48) A story involving a group of children having an adventure. Think The Goonies, Monster Squad, The Sandlot, Stranger Things, etc. as examples. You write any pedo shit, you’re banned. (At_Your_Throat) SHAME

49) A story involving the dark web or anything seedy involving the internet really. You can even take it into cyberpunk territory if you want. (TheCanary) SHAME

50) Mystery Box. Pick this one and I’ll tell you what your prompt is. (AmazingAnimal5) SHAME

51) A story involving a retarded protagonist having fun. (enfeite) SHAME

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Locking my autobiography aka 29.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Locking prompt 26

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Actually locking you, since you locked me.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

You'll lucky I'm in a good mood right now and you can stay with prompt 26 since you said prompt 5 before.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
I know this is a terrible idea, but


Gimme those kobolds.

(Let's see if I can make myself finish the last couple pages of my previous contest story first though.)

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I would like to join this contest.  My prompt selection is:

30) A story where you find a magic whistle.



EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I'll be expecting great things from you.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

OK. I'm a little scared now, but I will work hard to not embarrass myself.


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I'm in, and I'll edit this post when I pick a prompt.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Talk about not reading...

You're locked in for 28.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Now THATs funny.  Ive been laughing about 28 since I read the announcement. 


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Let's do 14. That sounds fun. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Hello It's me again, Unlike last time I will not randomly post in this thread and be entered in. I have been thinking about this for a while ( aka 3 minutes) and now that high school is almost over I would like to be writing again for fun... But like last time I will ask if I can drag either Stargirl or olivsalid10 down with me. (If that is okay with you, and if not then im screwed). So before I change my mind on a life long commitment I would like to take number 19... Thanks again for putting up with my shit!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

OOOOOOOHHHH LOCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LETS GO

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
You can get them to help with editing and ideas and whatnot, but the finished product and any potential winnings or SHAME is on you. Good luck!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Thank you, Mizal! 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

A Mystery Contestant has chosen prompt 1.


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

"Mystery contestant" 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

25 points says it's one of your daughters or Avery.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Can I pick number 5? Think this will be a short one.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Well you did now.


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Just hit me up for a random one to make it interesting I'm in.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Locked for number 2.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Time to nut up or shut up. 3 sounds like a lot of fun, so mark me down for that.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I'd like to order one number three, please.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Well someone beat you to it by a minute. You're getting the rare opportunity to pick again rather than getting something random.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


(Something weird was going on with your post and I had to edit it so the reply would work.)

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Is it possible to switch to 31?  I have a half finished story from the last contest about the Arthurian legends with time traveling merlin and shit. That's why I chose 3 initially, but 31 could work as well.

Actually, if I expand on a story I started before, would it still qualify? If it doesn't, would it still help me climb out of the shame pit?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Can't switch out once locked in (despite a few messing about with the posts recently)

Just doing one prompt per person this time as well.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I know it's a bad idea, but it's about time that I entered a contest. I'll take 12.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

This is weird, whenever I write "locked" the reply button won't work and just dumps me back to the forum page.

(Going back and editing the word doesn't seem to have the same issue)

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Well, I wrote 860 words today. That's a start!

(It doesn't help my chances of getting a decent story in on time that I'm away from 6/25 to 7/2).

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
I might live to regret this, but what's life without a little bit of daring? I'll take number 9 please.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Malk is locked in for 8, since apparently he doesn't have time to post on the forums due to sucking AZN dick in a public bathroom.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Myess, I would like to lock in no. 22.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
put me down for prompt 13

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
locked (for whatever that's worth)

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Malk didn't post in the thread so I am more worthy of prompt 8.
I will settle for 4, though.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
in for 500. gimme prompt 20 - A story set during a nuclear winter on Earth

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Assuming you'll let me enter this contest, even if I can't be unshamed through it, I'll take prompt 11

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Fuck it, if Royal Ghost (AKA iNvrmnd) joined, might as well let you join.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Thanks, I'll do my best!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Well 21 contestants already, a bit more than I was expecting so soon actually. I figured at best it might be in the upper single digits at this point, then a couple more might trickle over the next few weeks bringing the total to the mid teens.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I'm in. Prompt 16. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Thats a good one, Your on stargirl! 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
I have such a good idea for number 15.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Number 7

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Wait it's some kind of furry...

Are furries allowed to compete?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

If they are not cats then maybe...

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Hmm... looks like there might be horns

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I'll take a number 17 to go, please.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Looks like 5 more prompts left.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Just 2 more now. Almost all 30 prompts chosen within the first few days.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I got a excellent idea for 18, that is if I wasn't retarded with my storytelling. I bet a person with a short-attention span would be able to read my entry perfectly, and still get bored on how uninteresting my stories are.

But I may as well, so try not to get ready for the most odd empire in the world.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Short attention span? Perfect for the average reader then.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Honestly still don't know why this one wasn't picked before now. It was one of the more interesting ones of Bucky's I didn't have to alter.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

You know, I've never entered an official contest here before, and I've barely even done ANY writing of stories, so I think now would be a good time since I'm fueling myself with pure defiance.

I'll take 25. I like wild west stuff.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

You're on cowboy.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Unexpected and sure to be epic. Good luck, I'm looking forward to this!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
And now you too! :D

This should be fun, but careful, I will RAGE DELETE one page every time I roll a 1.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


Did you know, I am implementing a new system where 1's are also Nat 20's now?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

2 more prompts to go, this might be the biggest turn out we've had in awhile.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Damn, these went fast. I'll take #6.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


1 left!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Well I'll take #21 if no one got it already if it's ok?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


And that's all thirty.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


(Going to have to make more prompts)

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Made five new quick prompts. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Wasn't about to enter but I'm feeling 35 man

I'm feeling it so hard, it's probably illegal of how hard I'm feeling it right now.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Going to expect great things from you as well.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

33 contestants. 

This one just beat out Bucky's second prompt contest as far as people joining.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

For those currently Triple SHAMED, potential amnesty may be a reward.

Except for Royal Ghost who is getting banned again after this contest for whining earlier and stupidly trying to sneak around his banning so soon, however IF you fuckers let Royal Ghost win the fucking contest, I'll throw ALL of you in the SHAME pit.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
It's been pointed out that this contest with its ridiculous number of entrants also marks the...21st anniversary of CYS? Or right around there somewhere. Congrats everyone, the site is now old enough to drink, unlike half its members.

So with that in mind, I guess I'll offer to buy the winner some commission art from MHD (provided she's available then) or some kind of other fabulous prize.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Fuck it, I'll take 36.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

That's the spirit, I like it.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Stupid question, does it have to be written in a CYS style or a normal story?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Yes, that is a stupid question. Of course it has to be CYS style.

Congrats, you get prompt 33 so you can write about fairies.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Any chance i can get number 40?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Not anymore.

Good luck!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Give me 40.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I'll take 39.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I'll take 34

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Trying this for the first time. Locking prompt 38

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
New prompt: Elon Musk promises a billion dollars to the first person who can discover and identify in a line up five weird things about his dick. The race is on!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

If it's okay to use a story I already started.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
el locko

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

40 contestants so far. Even if half of you flake out at this point, it'll be the biggest number of stories created for a CYS contest.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

It's the most amount of entrants ever then too, right?

The winner is literally going to have bragging rights over the entire site at this point. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Yeah it already surpassed that after 32.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
There were some really good prompts here, if I hadn't missed the first few days of this I'd have been tempted to join.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Locked for 41

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
how fun

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
give me prompt 37 if no one else took it yet. thank you.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I'm offended.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Hi Offended.

I'm Tim.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
I missed this. 44, I guess. But I am intrigued by the Proper emphasis.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
I call #50

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Well, this is interesting. Okay then, I'll alter the original mystery just for you.

Write a story with at least 50,000 words. I don't care what kind of story.

Locked for 50.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Well, I don't want to be the only active site member NOT participating in this one. I don't have much time and have never written anything like this one, but I'll take 43 and see what happens.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

46 contestants so far. Again, even if only half the slugs submit anything, that's still a lot of added stories to the site.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
lucky fuck. at least it didnt go to someone who doesnt appreciate music.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Sign me up for prompt 48!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Is #46 open?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

It's not any longer, locked.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

One more prompt to go!

Go down in history as a participant of the largest CYS contest ever!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
(Retracted, Answered My Own Question)

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I mean


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Is there any way to figure out how many words are in story without counting EVERY SINGLE WORD?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Hover your mouse over the play length and you should see your word count. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Thanks! I’m glad I don’t have to count EVERY SINGLE WORD.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

That method is actually pretty unreliable as it only gives an approximation and since it was made in the dark ages of the internet by a homosexual Canadian man it is pretty outdated and inaccurate. I'm afraid if you want to know for sure you will have to count out word by word.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
That last lonely prompt about the dark web seems like it could be easily incorporated into a cyberpunk or other sci fi thing if people just aren't feeling anything related to the real one.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
I was thinking about how you could be cheeky and write a story about a fantasy warrior being captured by spiders and being entangled in a dark web lair

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Do not bring your weird fetishes into this 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

49 is 40-mine 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

locked lol 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
And we have reached 50 entrants, folks.

Let's try for 50% on completed entries.

100% if you want to kill the judges.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Just to confirm -- did you want 25 quality stories, or just 25 completed entries that will all be taken down after the judging is over?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I'm gonna be honest, I'm aiming for "completed entires that'll be taken down." Knowing myself, I can't trust I'll make a quality story that people will love forever.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Alright, 50 contestants. That seems like a good stopping point, no need to keep adding prompts.

Good luck again everyone. Ninja's not in this contest, so it'll be a fair fight for the most part.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I was hoping he would enter this time around. I'll have to catch him in another one I guess. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
I think one of the keys to Ninja's success actually is that he just rolls out one feature worthy story after another without concerning himself with other people's personal pissing contests or anything weird like that.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Yeah I could definitely learn from him there. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Whatever happend to your short story duels

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

The idea was axed in favor of the Agreena. Which was good too. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
It'll be a long time before I join a contest, personal pissing or otherwise. And even then, my story would probably be something like Degenerate 2.0 or Sterling X, where I could sit back and relax and type a few F-bombs and maybe say cunt once or twice as sort of a palate cleanser between serious projects. The stuff I want to complete can't be fit into two months of writing, which I'm still doing by the way, waking up before 6am daily come rain or shine--thwarted only by those nasty hangovers. But yeah, I don't give a shit about writer or site feuds. I just want to read and write good stories.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Damn, missed this one.

If you add one about the afterlife, I'll give you something for the Grimdark Fantasy section, since it's a little sparse. Something I'll actually put effort in, rather than wait till the due date like usual.

If not, I'll just flesh out the idea and publish whenever.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Something about the afterlife eh? Hm, I'd say being a zombie is about the afterlife.

You're locked in for 10 and Royal Ghost is banned. (Again)


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Well that's going to throw out the idea I had, but I'll make it work.

Actually, maybe not. The plan was for you to be dead, and there was to be several mythical creatures, including zombies. Yes. I think I can do it. It will have to be a sentient zombie though, or else you won't be able to make choices. Yes, I think this can work...

Sorry for getting you banned, Royal Ghost.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

It was inevitable, keep to the quest.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Well I know how it goes around here, everyone waiting until the last minute to turn something in, so I don't actually expect most, if ANY of you have anything near completion yet.

In fact the only two people I know of who have been working pretty steadily on their prompts and that's Celicni and Paradox.

That's right, a Serbian and a CoGite.

If you lot allow the likes of those two show you up, you fucktards certainly deserve the SHAME pit.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Well shit, it'll be real awkward if I don't end up finishing the story after such "praise".

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
It's a little eerie how silent the forums get when everyone is busy actually writing. (Although I know IRL summertime stuff is a factor too, this is typically a quieter time anyhow.)

With the sheer number of stories being written for this we're going to need to put a list of the final entries all in a pinned thread and do some kind of review encouragement initiative. Not so much an issue if people staggered out earlier releases to spend some time on the New Stories list outside the last minute deluge, but we all know how that's gonna be.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Real gangsters publish a week early.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
I'm considering starting my entry today.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Well there's about 20 days left so there's more than enough time to produce something.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

First! :)
(I don't know how to do the cool linky thing)

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Embrace the glory of the RTE. It makes it incredibly easy linking shit, with a simple button click:

Here's the link to your story.

Either way just to make it easier for anybody that will make a full list of prompts => stories, his prompt was:

12) A story centering on an unusual mirror.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


Edit: Yay, I know how to do the cool linky thing now!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
He's already using the RTE.

Anyway, direct links are increasingly unnecessary since for anyone reading it's just a matter of right clicking or holding down on the URL a second.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Hello, this is just for fun? May I compete?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

You're in.

Prompt 51.


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
What to do when the storygame title is already taken? I want to call it Jungle Boy, and I have searched for the game of this title and it doesn't exist, but I am still blocked.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Pick a different one.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
The game exists, it's just unpublished. (private in the author's profile.) But you know what? Looking at it, I think you might as well have it. Just give me a few minutes.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
OK Thank you

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
The title is now free, you're welcome. And here for the historical archives, the original Jungle Boy in all its glory: Enfeite, I'll even do you one further here. If you can show up in time for the deadline with a storygame that gets a rating of at least 3.0, I'll let you have allll the points from the original author's account. That's 17 years of birthday bonuses, a point from rating one game, and 3 points from when they created this one.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
We all have very high expectations for you.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Haha, very funny. But I'll do my best.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Please do. I desperately want to see you succeed against all odds.

Create your storygame now as there's a 48 hour delay after creation before you can publish it.

Best of luck.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Wow.  Baller move entering contest first day on site with less than 2 weeks to go.

Now I must really get to work so that I dont end up in SHAME pit before some super newb who just entered.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Definitely possible for him to succeed. Cel as a noob managed to submit something in a short period of time and he placed pretty high in a contest.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I definitely believe he can, and it is admirable for him to go after it.  I wasn't intending for my statement come across like I was saying he was overreaching, but rather that it is a hardcore confident approach.  Honestly, wish I had more of that mindset with my own writing.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Here's my entry for the contest:

What a terrible world.

My prompt was 29) A story where world just keeps kicking you in the tender bits. Your house burns down. Your daughter dies of disease. Your spouse runs off with a soldier. Things can't seem to get worse, so you head to a tavern in downtown to drink away the last of your money before you hang yourself. Only . . .something worse happens and shit is about to get real.

A big thank you to anybody that has assisted me in any way with the creation of the story (usually when it comes to grammar), no matter how much or how little they did.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
you're welcome

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

The only thing you possibly could have helped me out with was increasing the desire to an hero myself.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

You lot got about 8 days left.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
The Pit of Shame Eats Well this month lol!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I'm looking forward to mizal's story most.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
I'm sure she'll start on hers soon...

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Less than a week now folks.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
It's like going to the races, just to see the pile-ups ;)

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

MHD in as the third person finished for this contest.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
That might be the most early entries ever. Of course the number in the contest might be the cause of that one.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Can we get some of those fancy stats of yours, with the expected amount of entries total, based on the previous contests?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Honestly, the numbers have moved it and moderated over time. Right now, based on all the contests since some time when I started tracking these (2015?), the average completion rate is 50.43%

So based on 50 entries, we should expect a fully 25 completed and submitted stories.

I didn't try to evaluate "quality" stories, though maybe I should have. With a contest of this size, I'd only bet on a over/under of about 22.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

"Quality" is subjective I guess, but a good stat to keep track of would have been "entries that remain on the site after being judged"/"total entries".

Aka how many people, on average, submit something only to not get shamed, rather than putting in the effort for a proper story.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Shut up.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

The Demon of Hurtgen

my prompt was - 22) A story about an aspiring medical student traveling to a foreign land to study at a renowned hospital. The plague draws near.

I fucked up....

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
You submitted something. That's at least half a step above the shame pit

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
You fucked up.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
....mercy, please.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Technically you're already getting mercy by not getting SHAMED anyway. In the past there was at least one person who didn't meet the minimum site standards and got thrown in the pit.


Because I find you and especially this particular fuck up so amusing, you're going to avoid SHAME since you at least submitted something.

Also you were representing your ENTIRE KAE community with your entry, so by proving your incompetence you also proved the superiority of our community's way of life. I figure your own people can SHAME you (if they so desire) better than we could for doing this to them. Lol

You'll still have to endure the mockery of CYStians though. No stopping that.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

... Are you saying this is finished, or?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Well for the contest purposes, "it's finished"

But he mentioned he's going to do the branching later lol.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I was gonna say, I can't tell if wandering into an interactive fiction-type contest out of literally nowhere and then just submitting an 11,000-word normal story is the most based move I've ever seen, or actually pathological behavior. But I guess if choices are being added at some point before the deadline

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
He can't edit it until after judging now that it's published.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

3 more days folks.

Lots of damned souls heading for the SHAME pit…

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Today is a portentous day, for I select one of the intros I have and begin adding to it with 60+ hours to go.

And as we all know, I only really need four.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Here it is, Dark Night. It's a little short, but I had fun with it.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Ogre is number 5.

As much I would like to throw you all into the SHAME pit, I also wouldn't mind seeing a higher than average turn out.

This is the biggest CYS contest we've ever had so far, and there can be no greater glory than to WIN this contest by beating the chicken soup out of all your other opponents.

Remember who you are. YOU are a CYStian (except for Paradox lol), YOU are better than any CoGite or IFaggot (Yes, even Ace).

While the perpetually triggered faggots have their little contests where they all circle jerk each other based on how gay and depressed a game was, WE have our own contests BASED on pure talent. (And with blackjack and hookers)

Arise from your natural slothful status and put forth that extra effort that I KNOW you all can.

Succeed and ETERNAL life awaits you.

Fail and you shall be cast down into the SHAME pit with the sodomites.

The deadline has been extended ONE DAY more.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
A Graveyard Smash

Some might say that the "different" main endings are a contrived mess that I rushed out after realising I haven't got any free time this weekend. This is nothing but slander.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Number 6!

I was going to say whatever happens, you got yourself out of the SHAME pit, but upon checking you were already out of it from before.

So you've continued to keep yourself out of it, which is still a worthwhile endeavor.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Got plans for the next three days and no chance of getting time to write so this will have to do. The prompt was 40) pick a story from the Bible and do whatever the fuck you want with it. The Thief And The Messiah

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Chris in at number 7.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Well now I'm genuinely unsure as to the status of my entry, even with the extension. I'd prepared for staying up again tonight only to be informed about twenty minutes ago that I have to come to work in the morning. And I'm working the usual hours on Monday. Good thing I hadn't planned on actually celebrating the 4th at any point this weekend I guess.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
...or writing...

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
With the extension I probably still will manage something, once I stop being so astoundingly angry.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Ended up being in the same boat as Chris. No time to write tomorrow or on the 4th, so I ended up having to rush a bit. It was now or never.
My story fits the prompt pretty loosely, but I figured it could work. The ratio of action to non-action pages is high, it's a prison break (more of a dungeon break) and definitely fantasy.
Short one, but I had fun. Looking forward to any comments.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


A story about the best order on the site.

Thank you, Sherb.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

It's done. 

Honestly, I wanted this thing to be a little more experimental and to have a completely different feel than other things I've written. (It's sci-fi and every page is at least not a wall of words anymore.) It's kind of nice to not have an enormous project in mind and stressing over the question whether you are able to finish it on time or not. From the very beginning, I wanted this storygame to be short, breezy and be a little bit of a disjointed chaos. Well, it's done.

Our Last Talk

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
"It's kind of nice to not have an enormous project in mind and stressing over the question whether you are able to finish it on time or not."

Submits a 25k story that is the second longest story submitted so far.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Sherb and Dar just like on the entry list, come in right after each other at 8 and 9.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Man, it's a really good thing I gave that extension otherwise I'm guessing most of you might be completely fucked by now.

In any case remember you got the rest of today until 11:59 PM (EST), then it's SHAME time!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I'm looking forward to not seeing 42 new storygames published in a day!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

There will be at least one for sure

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
I waited too long, lost interest and can't cancel IRL plans on the 4th. The shame pit will be collecting me soon.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Rip Tony. 

At least we've got the kobolds to look forward to... right?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
I'll put a kobold in my story to make up for it

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I managed to get all the content I wanted for the game in there, but I didn't have time to edit the prose much. Guess it's my eternal contest curse.

I wrote it in exactly two weeks. I wrote pretty consistently for those 14 days, only having 4-5 of them (if you count the 200 word day) be zero days. And all of them, with the exception of one, were on the tail of a 3k writing day.

All in all writing this taught me a ton about my writing process and it has been kind of a surreal experience working on a writing project for an entire two weeks and not shitting something out at the last second. I think the process of writing a 10k+ story has really given me the confidence to tackle bigger projects in the future.

Anyway, good luck to everyone not already done. Hope this contest can reach at least Ogre's average of 25 entrants.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Ace in at ten.

I expect the flood to be happening soon.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I'm not happy with this. But I have exams so I can't continue to work on this. The deadline is today anyways.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Number 11.

Clock keeps ticking.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Here's my entry, short and retarded: The Misfortunes of a Traveling Merchant. June was a shitty month and I thought about flaking. But EndMaster's motivational post inspired and cured my depression enough to finish something. Even though hate it. Glory to our benevolent lord and savior EndMaster and to CYStia!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Lux in at 12!

Just remember, after the contest you can always take it down and work on it at your own pace or even not at all!

It's regular CYStian tradition!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Might rewrite it. Might repurpose it to play with scripting and variables. It'll depend on my mood after the contest is over, but I prefer writing more serious stories.

Oh, if anyone is actually interested, the poison is pretty much mercury(II) chloride.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

For what it's worth, I enjoyed your story.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Here's my entry:

It's very late here, so I'm probably going to log off now. Best of luck to all the other participants!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Mystic in at Number 13 and a shitload of words apparently.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Well here is my entry.

Blow My Whistle Baby

It is nowhere near what I originally intended.  June was a crazy month and my laziness got the better of me, so I had to cut much of what I wanted to do.  I really need to get better organized.

But hey.  It's at least something.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Congrats. You just completed a story idea that was suggested to Chris over a decade ago.

You also did what Ford promised and predictably failed to do on a few occasions.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
I published, but I am so boomer that I dont know how to put a link. Red mirror is my game

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Thanks for the helping hands

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

14 and 15.

Ten more and we get at least half of the entries for this contest.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago'till-you-make-it

It is done. I also don't think this link works. My brain is small.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

It works.

Ryboi in at 16 and another lengthly story entry.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

The Fables of Namesake boom finished, only posted to save my ass

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

You wouldn't be the only one.

Number 17

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I messed up the first page, the story used to be called lost and found, i forgot to delete and change the name on the first page. so don't mind that...

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Here's my entry

This definitly wasn't my best quality writing, but here it is. 


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

In at 18.

Glad you made it, would have seemed weird if Ab submitted something and you didn't. I'm used to you both being paired up for everything now.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Next time then right stargirl?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Next time what? Co-authoring? I don't know if we would be allowed to do that again. If we are though then sure. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Wow, on a diet of instant ramen and locked into a home that is 90 degrees and without AC, and you still submitted an entry?

This is actually incredible. 


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
She'll need to make an appearance at the spectator portion of the pit to heap extra scorn on the unworthy.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

This is what I've got.

Not too proud that it's half-finished, and there might even be some proofreading mistakes in there, but I need to get to sleep.

Thank you for having me.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Tim at number 19!

He kept himself in hell the entire time and has now been released for his hard work.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Well... Here it is…


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Yummyfood at 20.

Still got time left, but you better hurry.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

As we get closer to the finish line, let's analyze some of the folks that haven't turned in anything yet.

Now I have information that Maz, Mizal, Enter and our Mystery Contestant are still going to turn something in, so I expect we'll see something.

Wizzy seems to be struggling, but who knows, maybe he'll make it.

Corgi, Swift, Dark, AYT, Digit, Ford, Canary, Chef - Well to be honest out of all of them I figured the only one who might come through would be Chef since he essentially got an opportunity to get out of Triple SHAME, but looks like he likes being a loser. Ford has always been a bit of a wild card, so he might turn something in. Probably won't be good, but he might make it.

Flux and Ebon have both been absent since they joined the contest so I'm going to guess they both flaked as usual. Of course they've also both suddenly arrived at the last minute too.

Wildblue and Cerene I'm actually hoping show up since Wild has done a good contest story in the past and Cerene seemed like she already had hers finished a week ago, so it would be a bit tragic if she got thrown in the pit for slacking off when she was already ahead.

Axxius - I see him lurking about. I don't know if he's got something going or he's just waiting for his inevitable doom. I guess we'll see.

Malk - He already said he was fucked a week ago. His SHAME awaits. Same with Nightwatch, who mentioned it today.

As for the rest, well they're all relative noobs or background players so chances are a lot of them joined and then wandered off. It'll just be a surprise if any of them show up. We did get a few of the background players to stand up and turn in something already though so that was good.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
It's getting really close now. How many more are we really expecting? 4 tops?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Hopefully at least 4 more since that will be at least half that entered.

Already beat the record for most entries turned in for a contest.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Make that 3 more than. Very cool. It's no surprise this is a record breaking turn out. It's a testament to the health of the site compared to yesteryears.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Ideally Maz, Mizal, and Mystery Contestant will be the 3 since I know they're working on stuff.

I see Fluxion lurking about so maybe he's got something.

Digit and Ford MIGHT come through, but they're more long shots.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Out of curiosity would you know the record for the highest number of SHAMED in a contest?

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I'd have to check, though I know one had 12 SHAMED, 2 of which were double SHAMED and another 2 that had been triple SHAMED. And there was one guy who kept making alts and getting banned.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
General Butt Naked

Just like I am and Im feeling it

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Well the Dutch did eat one of their prime ministers once so you got that in common with Mr. Naked. (Or is it Mr. Butt?)

Number 21

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Link: Alpha Centauri. Eh. I wish I'd done more with it. I might un-publish to add more. Or I could just write a longer sequel. Either way, I'm happy I at least have something to show for this contest and have avoided shame. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Ah good, you managed to make it at 22.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Wizzy made it at 23.

Might have even been easier for him had he actually picked a prompt he wanted rather than failing to read and getting randomly assigned one.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

You live and you live laugh love. Right? I think that's the saying. Anyway, no reflection from me because this was just me being a retard and writing something to avoid shame. I guess it worked, but I could've done better. At the same time, could've done worse, so not all is lost.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

In at 24.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Commended by EndMaster on 7/4/2022 10:59:59 PM

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Love the drawing btw!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

A Tale of a White Lie

There's my entry. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

And to everyone's surprise the Mystery Contestant comes in at number 25!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

I wanted to do the supplemental, world/lore-building links that you do, but I ran out of time. I didn’t want to try fumbling with keys at the very last second and overshoot the deadline.

So maybe I'll take it down and edit this. Because it’s kind of just Foolish Princess 2.0! I tried to make the protagonist more deserving of a villain protagonist tag, though.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Less than an hour left folks.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Well, I actually did attempt the story I had in mind, and worked out a very large flow chart. But, the zombie stipulation really threw me for a loop, and I wasted three weeks trying to figure out how to fit it in the original plot. So, you'll still get the Grimdark Fantasy story I promised, but unfortunately not today.

Instead, I'll offer instead The Shameful Dead, a short storygame I started yesterday focusing on the question of what would it be like for zombies to be fully aware, but also have no control over the actions their undead corpse does. It's a pretty dark premise, but I did have fun with it.

Of course it's trash, probably filled with spelling and grammatical errors, but at least this time the story has several different endings. The one thing I've been criticized the most over is very linear storygames. This one has six different endings. Actually different endings, as opposed to my usual trick of the two endings with slightly different wording.

Anyway, hopefully this protects me from SHAME.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

It does and with your entry at 26, we now have more than 50% of the contestants turning in something.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

In at 27

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Less than 20 minutes to go.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Less than 10 minutes!


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

1.1k, 1 hour of work. ez.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Ford in at 28. (Surprisingly at all)

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

11:59 PM

I suggest a certain person HURRY

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

And you're in at 29

(Took you long enough)

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
It's gotten to the point where if I ever did differently, it'd ruin the meme.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago


EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

This contest has set the new record for highest number of entries at 29.

This contest has also set the new record for highest number of SHAMED at 22.

So it was a completely successful contest all around.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Indeed, 29 entries is the most by far for any contest here and will be tough to beat.

With 29/50 entries, that's 58%, certainly above the historical average of 50.4%. Nicely done, everyone!

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Glory to all the ones that finished, SHAME to all the ones that failed. Now to await the results.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Who are the judges for this one, just End? I skimmed over the main post, but didn't see anything about it.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Oh young one, the judges are numerous, and unknown. Anybody you see could be the judge.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
Young one? Who do you think I am? I'm old dude.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Dunno, it's a figure of speech... or something.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago
That it may be... or something. lol

EndMaster's Prompt Contest

2 years ago

Here's the link to a collection of all of these in one convenient place:

Click me!!!