Picaro, The Reader

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7/2/2022 9:54 PM

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3 wins / 3 losses





Huh? What are ya doing here?


The Downfall's Save

Very recently in a unknown empire in a faraway land, and in a even faraway universe, Empires are coming left and right, everywhere you look, someone has their name on it. But only two or three really matter, since they're the biggest.

Uh, back on track, one is in for interesting fate, a (mostly) terrible fate. That is? You'll have to find out.

Entry for EndMaster's Prompt Contest, along as my first storygame I moped about for a month and 15 to 16 days.

Recent Posts

Surprise inside :) on 6/6/2022 1:22:49 PM

Just read the first round of the first game, and I would join; but luckily for me, schedule is locked up like a spring. So no chance of that happening. I'll watch though : )

Storygame Category for "rejected" stories. on 5/31/2022 1:24:11 PM

This one really speaks out for it's self but hear me out, it's a good way to obviously make fun of people who tried to write a story. But I shouldn't be talking like this, because there's a high chance of me appearing there once or twice, maybe alot. But aside from that, it'll be a good way for newer and less stupider noobs to learn from the older and more stupider noobs.


TD;LR: Just add taken down stories to a achrive or something.

P.S: Not gonna happen, but can you make the picture/thing a graveyard with someone getting resurrected with a worn out book or something in the "writer's" hand.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest on 5/23/2022 3:00:37 PM

I'm gonna be honest, I'm aiming for "completed entires that'll be taken down." Knowing myself, I can't trust I'll make a quality story that people will love forever.

How long will CYS stay up for anyway? on 5/23/2022 9:29:48 AM

CYS has been up for something like 20 to 21 years now, and it doesn't seem to have a sudden stopping point in it's timeline. How long do you think that CYS will be alive for? Until the founders die? Do you think it's gonna stay up even after cysid gets half of the human population to duel him? Will it keep going even after the internet ceases to exist? 

Whatever, just write down what you think about this. I still bet 5 dollars (which will carried along my bloodline and will obviously be more in the future) that it'll end somewhere around 2082.  

EndMaster's Prompt Contest on 5/19/2022 11:01:16 AM

I got a excellent idea for 18, that is if I wasn't retarded with my storytelling. I bet a person with a short-attention span would be able to read my entry perfectly, and still get bored on how uninteresting my stories are.

But I may as well, so try not to get ready for the most odd empire in the world.

Variables on 5/3/2022 10:45:44 AM
Makes sense. I just reread my post, and I made up things that can relate to this like: "How do i overthrow tyrant, when i know nothing of being a anarchist?" "How do i rob a bank, when i don't know how to steal from someone?" "How do i (really difficult thing), when i have (no knowledge of thing)." I get what everyone said, summarized like this; "You know nothing about coding? Then what are you waiting for? Learn how to code and get a degree in Computer Science!" Something like that, but in a minimalist way.

Variables on 5/3/2022 8:55:50 AM
Yeah I thought about Code.org too y'know? I might revisit to actually look at the code and how things go down.

Variables on 4/19/2022 10:44:16 AM
I'm trying to make a story game with the system with like "Dungeon Stompage" or "Delve!" and stuff like that. The only problem? I'm dumb and can't figure out how to code. The guides aren't helping ethier, and make some confusing stuff I somehow can't understand.