corgi213, The Reader
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"And if you want to write some very strange porn involving Steve, go ahead, I'm not gonna judge ... you weirdo." - Mayana
"God dammit, Corgi." - Steve
"The only problem with Corgi's story was the lack of branching for the most part.
Didn't mind it in general" -EndMaster
"You idiot, you moron, you complete imbecile"- Mizal
"The name is not only all lowercase but includes numbers as well. A double whammy of ingenuity among usernames. The entire thing is full of awesome quotes aligned with a cool sidebar, where five years are shown to have gone by with an impressive number of points and posts to show for it. I'm sure the story games show a user with tons of time and dedication to the site.
8/8."-Your number one fan.
Trophies Earned

For End Masters 2024 Prompt Contest.
A mercenary war lord surrounded by enemies. Make your final stand.
The land of Orcin, a place where all are free to live as they wish as long as they follow the laws of the council. Years of relative peace had ensued, making sure the orcs would live as strong and as free as they had always been.
The Mannate Empire, destined to consume everything on the horizon, sets its sights on the homeland of the orcs. Annexing one kingdom, one empire after the next, finally looks to orcin for resources, troops, and land to settle, as they prepare their dreaded march.
Nolazir, a simple orc, who lives off the land as he works his farm, unknowingly would be drawn into events to come. He would come to shape the world around him, and the future of Orcin.
Fight for honor, love, peace, and prosperity. Lead with a cruel fist, or a warm heart. Challenges and tribulations lay ahead for all.
Will you save your homeland and return it from the brink? Will you let the darkness within and without consume you? What becomes of you and the world, is up to you.
The next edition will come out in a few months, filled with more varied events between time jumps including, politics, monsters, and more! Also will be adding the rest of the real story and the side branches in as well.
Special Thanks
Where to begin exactly? I'll start off with thanking Mizal, who helped me with some proof reading and structure at the start, and helping me figure out how to use variables. Also for always being willing to help with my writing, grammar, and developing characters all these years, and generally being a wonderful presence on this site :)
I would like to thank MoreCowbell for consistently proofreading and giving me feedback on my story throughout this long process. I appreciate all of your spell checking, helping keep the flow and pace, and general positivity and motivation during this whole project.
I would like to thank 3iguy for taking an interest in my story and beta reading it for me. As well as Ebon for his detailed and insightful responses to some of my threads early on.
I'd also like to thank Ogre, IAP for encouraging me and keeping me motivated during the hardest parts of the process (mostly the end point).
Also would like to thank EndMaster for letting me rip off his organization scheme for storygames.
I really couldn't have done this without you guys, and I owe a great part of finally finishing this to all of you and to CYS as a general whole.
I hope you all enjoy!
One guy on a quest...for magic crytals! Unfortunately this is the land of Cystia...and things almost never happen as expected.
What starts as a normal day turns into a mad quest for revenge, live the life of a dude turned into an evil....killer pie!
Will you find redemption? Or will you truly be evil? No one cares!
For MHD's Fairy Tale Contest
A great evil long thought vanquished stirs again. A great horn calls, and The Wall of Harmony falls. A great council is called where a group of heroes must band together to stop this evil. From the land of the strange Elichen to the Stone Mark, where the dark lord lives, enter the Other World, bind their song, and cast the great evil forever from this world and the next.
Under the silvery eye of the moon, a masquerade takes place in shades of deepest twilight. Written for Maras 2022 Halloween Jam
For End Master's Dark Fantasy Contest
The hearts of men run cold, the hour of the beast is nigh upon us.
Under starlight, the forsworn prepare for their ancient duty.
For the Pale Flame shimmers low, and the sanctity of the human form is shed.
My entry for End Master's 2022 Prompt Contest.
You are sent as a warrior of your tribe to exterminate your enemies. Your clans rivals of many generations.
Not to be confused with those weird Homo Sapiens who may or may not have done a similar thing.
No. You are an oonga boonga. Sent to eliminate your rival cavemen with extreme force.
Entry for End Dawg's Prompt Contest
You are going on the website You find this one among the horde of similar but definitely unique games. This one is the MOST inclusive. Enjoy.
Feel the suns warmth.
Breath that fresh air!
You are happy.
Your life is nice and cozy, it's a dream come true!
One day, you meet your own doppleganger.
What you do from here is up to you.
In the wild, beastly lands of Velis Brum, many are prey to the whims and cruelty of men and monster alike.
A small village resides in the caves Manchor Vanit, it is here you have been born. Taught to remain close to the caves all of your life, you never caught a glimpse of what was beyond the mountains, and when you did it was often cruel and unsettling.
Your mostly quiet existence would end when Baglich would come to take your homeland, with their scum and barbarian fiends.
Gather family, allies, old foes, and create an empire suitable to standing up to this terror of the land.
A dispute, a broken promise. The envy of one will break a kingdom.
The half man, half dragon sorcerer Tarragon threatens your king, your home, your very way of life.
How far will you go to make sure justice is brought to this foul madman?
Chose between to very different characters to embark on this epic quest, slay the dragon, save the princess, and restore honor to your kingdom.
Dunno, title sounded cool
Evil Grannies Galore!
Come, rest your weary feet.
Sit by the campfire, warm those hands. You must be tired.
Oh, you like stories do you?
Hmm, here's a story for you. One that goes way back, to a time when the night ruled, and the howling of beasts would make any man tremble. Relax, it's going to be a long one.
An orc named Tumble, young, wild, and free.
Life is great in a village nestled in between the mountains, the birth place of the great Orc race. But for the past century a series of brutal crusades have left them divided and broken.
The Mannate Empire threatens to swallow them whole, just as it has done with everyone else in its path. But then one day an even bigger threat to the land rises out of the fires of fate, undeterred by the ravages of time.
They call him Scourge. His forces threaten the very land, and all of life as it stands now.
Will Tumble play the role fate has dealt him and stop the evil Scourge?
Or will he abandon the world before him and find his own way?
For End Masters Dark Fantasy Contest.
In the land of Arren Gul, a Spire sits, its true nature hidden from those who would draw its power.
A man in the guise of a restless spirit ventures toward it to bring his enemies to justice.
An exercise in seeing how fast I can crank one of these out.
Recent Posts
Do men hate reading? on 3/24/2025 9:55:01 AMAlways with the desolation and murdered villages the kid didn't know that well with this one smh
Do men hate reading? on 3/24/2025 9:53:06 AM
This seems a bit bloated in prose in my opinion, which throws the pace off which makes it feel like a slog. There's elements that could work but this is just all too dramatic, which yes it's supposed to be but it doesn't come off in a way that rolls off the tongue well.
You'll get out of your edgy phase eventually.
Thunderdome: Valentine's Match on 2/19/2025 3:11:03 PM
Happy Valentine's Day! on 2/17/2025 2:46:03 AM
I spent Valentines Day killing old people with farts. Ogre would be proud.
Happy Valentine's Day! on 2/16/2025 2:45:07 PM
Did you try chatting with him and getting to know him like a regular person. Might want to stow the convoluted schemes for now lol
offensive words on 2/1/2025 11:51:06 AM
THUNDERDOME on 2/1/2025 11:46:17 AM
Darius could totally own you in the CYSTIAN WRESTLING ENTERTAINMENT CYSFAG DIVISION in a dreaded bout known as the Freak Off Match, but you're so much of a faggot, Ben, that even Darius dick would disintegrate.
You are officially diagnosed as gay and depressed. Now leave Darius alone
offensive words on 1/28/2025 10:52:30 PM
The French need to grow tighter skin. If it was as hard and crusty as your baguettes there wouldnt be a problem
The Iliad Book Club - Book 1 on 1/13/2025 1:28:12 AM
Id say in my opnion that Nestor is the best of the greeks. Having been a hero of untold renown in his day and ruled for three generations. It shows hes got a wide variety of skills and knows when to use them. I feel like anyone staying in such a position that long in a pretty war filled and perilous time is no one to joke with.
As far as the Olympians I cant be sure. Because we see them often considering the matters of mortals and taking petitions and all. But I could see there would be a bit of carelessness too since...well, they're gods. I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle, and probably depends on the god in question. Some are probably more concerned than others, some are probably closer to being outright negligent.
I dont know for sure, but for me it seemed like maybe the remark was sort of just reminding them of the place and the time. Like theres a time to decide the matters of mortals and a time for bickering and fighting and a time for chilling and eating. Although I dont know what the Olympians schedules are like.
Im gonna assume though the ones in the middle probably tend to err more on thier own matters and whims most of the time would make sense.
The Iliad Book Club on 1/13/2025 1:07:00 AM
I like that interpretation, I could see Nestor still using that to make a commentary on the degredation of society/heroes relative to his time, but that sort of thing seems like it would definitely be likely to inspire the guys present to act a little more worthy of such things.