ugilick, The Apprentice Scrivener
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11/7/2024 11:34 PM
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I'm total garbage. Look somewhere else.
"I didn't have time to write you a short letter, so I wrote a long one."
- Mark TwainI am currently here: Click
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Auspicious Dawn
Maybe someday
Debts and Lessons
Maybe someday
One Flesh
Holding this title for later.
Recent Posts
CoG Still Sucks AIDS Dick. News at 11 on 10/13/2024 2:23:11 AMThey have yet to receive a single pitch for a straight male character? Hmm.
Making my annual visit on 9/15/2024 11:29:26 AM
I remember you. Nice of your to swing by.
By Far The Most Retarded Thing Ever on 7/28/2024 3:05:22 PM
This thread hurts my eyes.
It's an Icon of imbeciles teased into an inflamed cyst.
Funny, but nothing new.
INTRODUCING on 10/26/2023 10:46:30 PM
If it were me, I would stick with brokenbanana.
Thunderdome 9: Wizzy vs Darkspawn on 10/25/2023 8:18:44 PM
With a flourish of my control hand I used the copy and paste spells on story A, bringing it into my google drive tome. Using the Search Digital Document Spell I discovered 26 instances of the word Spell. Using the google chrome calculator spell I discovered that the word spell made up 1.3% of all words in the story. Incredible to think the mage had spent two months simply trimming down the length of the incantation. I don’t see why you felt the need to rattle off names. You should show us what the magic is doing, instead of telling us these oddly modern sounding and autodescriptive names.
I think the second story has some pacing problems. For example, we don’t need all the details on the battle with the dragon. Suffice to say that many mighty heroes and beloved friends sacrificed their lives to give the wizard a desperate chance to put an end to that bestial and ancient evil.
I vote for story B.
Sentinel's ULTIMATE ANIMAL ABUSE COMPENDIUM on 3/24/2023 2:14:25 PM
I got to the dog one and now I need a break. Why did you decide to include so many similar animals?
A Rant About The Chronicles of Narnia on 3/24/2023 1:09:04 PM
The space trilogy is absolutely incredible. The Unman from Perelandra has always stood out to me as one of the best antagonists I've ever read.
I also read the bit about Tolkien failing to deliver on his end of the bargain. They had agreed that there hadn't been enough good science fiction lately.
Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are) on 3/18/2023 11:36:13 AM
I'm sorry to have come across that way. It's not my intention.
Lots of people didn't publish a story at all, and that number doesn't bother me. There was zero investment in people signing up (Except the prompt being gone). The number of story games generated during the time limit is admirable.
Many of these games are pretty good. These contests are a great tradition for the community here. They push us and prioritize finishing. Everyone's personal goal need only be outperforming your past self, or else learning and broadening your skill set. I tried something that didn't really work for me, but I learned a lot.
Prompt Contest 2 Results (Such as they are) on 3/18/2023 2:30:22 AM
Really, really impressive work by a lot of people. Congratulations to everyone.
CoG staff pissing off their base AGAIN on 3/17/2023 4:48:36 AM
Another reminder of what a haven this place has always been.