Anthraxus, The Wordsmith
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I have been on the site for awhile now. I tend to prefer to write modern/near future horror, but the contests provide a nice avenue to encourage me to dip into other genre's or styles. I enjoy making storygames with randomized elements and explicit game features such as adjustable stats and equipment systems and randomized combat.
If you would like to know more about me, please check out my interview in the January 2025 CYS Monthly Newsletter
Trophies Earned

A retelling of a short story written by myself for an old Horror fanzine. That story focuses on a particularly eventful evening in the life of freelance photographer Pamela Grey in the world of the Dark Conspiracy RPG. In this story game you take the place of Pamela.
The world you live in is much like today's, only a little worse. The rich are richer, the poor are poorer, and the gap between is so much wider. So much is controlled by the mega-corporations and rich interests that large swatches of the ever expanding urban sprawl are marked as "Outlaw Territory, Enter At Own Risk" - where even the police don't go, either for fear or lack of resources. The middle class has mostly disappeared except for the lowest echelon of corporate execs, and legislative changes have allowed many that would have previously been on the public dole to instead sell their vote to corporate interests in exchange for support. Crime is up, as are disappearances, theft, and violence. Even as bad as the world has become, there are persistent rumors that even worse things lurk in the shadows. Many neighborhoods have abandoned houses that everyone knows better than to enter, and even in the outlaw where the police fear to tread there are rumors of entire blocks that no one but the mad or the most desperate are willing to risk going into after dark.
You and Susan, your significant other, are doing ok. Her job with Aprico has afforded the two of you a small place in a small gated community owned by the company. A prized place in the vanishing middle class. Your home is close enough to the gates that you can still easily indulge in your favorite hobby, walking through Chicago with your trusty camera in hand, particularly at night. The sale of these photos as art pieces to the ultrawealthy, facilitated by Susan's contacts, has helped with sporadic lump sums of money. Susan pays the bills, but your money pays for luxuries and splurges.
In the twilight one often finds isolated moments of beauty and mystery that would never been seen in the daylight, and you work to capture these moments in the perfect clarity of your lens. You know the risks of being out alone at night outside the gates, but even Susan has had to admit that the last couple of pictures you sold would not have been possible if you hadn't been out there. To help comfort her (and yourself to be completely honest), you recently bought a large knife to carry with you, just in case.
So, come explore the night and see what waits for you in the dark.
An entry for MHD's Fairytale contest, this is a retelling of the old Appalachian Fairy Tale "The Little Princess of the Forest".
Come listen to the telling of one of the wildest fairy tales I've ever heard. This story was originally told by Marshall Ward for a fairy tale collection, and has stuck with me ever since I first heard it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. Grab a seat and listen up, as it starts like this...
You have made your way through the city, state, regional, national, planetary, sector, parsec, arm, 64th-, 32nd-, 16th-, octo-, quarter- and semi-finals to arrive with a guaranteed spot in the Finals of the 169th cycle IntraGalactic Culinary Challenge brought to you by Mag King and Gal-actic Robotics held on RecStation 420 in the Lagoon Nebula. When those magnetronics need to sing, 🎶🎶 Call on Mag King 🎶🎶! Do you need a handy robot pal? Everybody wants a Gal!
You face a varied array of challengers and an even more diverse panel of judges to win over in the three round Final. Before each round, you will have time to plan your dish and explore the features of the station. Who knows, you might even find something to help in the contest! Judges are randomly selected with every read-through, and finding things is done by a random function of your stats, so every new read is a fresh game.
This is a storygame conversion of the Minion Hunter Board Game (and Minion Nation expansion) by GDW, based on the Dark Conspiracy TTRPG by GDW and Dynasty Presentations, with some modernization updates by myself, and is set in the same world as my "A Night in Chicago" storygame.
This is a simulation of a complex boardgame and while I have done my best to add some narrative to the events, it does not have a standard ending that you are working towards. Every movement is a "round" in the game, and while you are developing your own stats and equipment, the forces of the Dark influences are advancing their plots. The story ends when one of the main Dark Minion races (ETs, Fae, Morlocks, or Nukids) gains 20 plot points, or you defeat enough plots to run out the plot deck.
Full rules are detailed within. Give it a try and see if you can save Dark America from the corrupting influence of the Dark Minions.
It was just supposed to be a quick run down to the bodega. Ten minutes, tops. Then you saw something in the alley, and now everything has been turned upside down.
This is incomplete. Sorry, I just ran out time.
Entry for Sherbet's Summer's End Synergy Contest
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The wizened asian summoner considered the despondant father for a long moment as the orc rambled on about his obviously enslaved fairy. That was a legal embroglio that he wanted nothing to do with. It would be best to wrap this up as quicly as possible before magi-cops and magi-civil-rights-lawyers showed up to bust up the place. He nodded, as much to himself as to anyone, and began another complex series of movements and contortions.
This one involved lots of somersaults and leaps, each jump slightly higher than the last. Finally he reached a pinnacle, rolling into a jump that launched him dozens of feet above the heads of the gathered crowd. At the peak of the jump, his single extended finger left a small tear in the sky. As he dropped back to earth, he was accompanied by a torrent of icy winds and a shower of royal blue sands. After just a moment two massive hands, calloused and brown but still vaguely human-like gripped the edges of the tear, ripping it wider. A massive orange furred ape, royal blue sand stuck in its fur dropped through the tear in the sky and landed next to the old asian man. The tear closed behind it, with a final burst of royal blue sand and icy wind.
The old summoner and the massive ape performed a complex and lengthy handshake that involved both hands and at least one playful face slap for each of them. Smiling and showing his red and yellow stained teeth, the asiatic summoner said, "Bartholomew, I am willing to lend you the services of my great friend Haldus, the Faithful Gigantophiticus From the swirling blue dunes of Saturn! He is highly empathic and capable of deep understanding of complex psychological issues, having been studying in isolated meditation for decades. He will faithfully accompany your daughter and help her learn to useful techniques for ignoring or accepting the terrible affliction that she is dealing with."
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