MrAce321, The Reader

Member Since


Last Activity

3/27/2025 4:05 PM

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Storygame Count


Duel Stats

19 wins / 8 losses




Hey, I'm Ace. To do list: Escape triple shame Done: 7/5/22 Complete 25 well thought out reviews Progress: 15 Write a story with a rating above 5 Here is where I keep track of the stories I've reviewed. If I reviewed your story and you're curious as to the rating I gave it it's on there. Reviews


A City Lost

This is a story about an artificer making his way through the world. Making choices who shape who he is and who he will become. With even his motives shifting based on his choices.

Authors Note:

This is an entry for EndMaster's prompt contest.

The prompt was, "This story’s protagonist is an artificer, magical blacksmith, or creator of magical weapons. You can translate this prompt to a sci-fi equivalent if you want."

I managed to make this story into a complete product with all the content I wanted in the time given, but I didn't have time to polish the prose much. Please leave any feedback you have. And just for fun make sure to include which of the nine epilogues you got or your favorite if you read multiple.

Bound by Light

This story is about a paladin who is on a quest to investigate an unkown evil out west, joined by a lighthearted mercanary.

Authors note: This story was made in a few days for Corgi's Lords of the land 2 contest. Not really proud of it, but it is what it is. Please leave any feedback you have in the reviews because while I know time could've improved the prose, the plot seems to be lacking something that I'm not sure of.

A Tale of Freedom and Chains

Crime PG story

Placeholder for story about PG


The Candy Man
paper slingers but with kids selling candy in boarding school

Recent Posts

Things to Fund Before You Even Consider Doordash on 3/16/2025 12:53:47 AM
You know I've unronically done this... But it was shit food so point proven.

End Master's Prompt Contest 4 on 3/15/2025 1:46:26 AM
damn maybe i should start

Chrome update issue on 3/5/2025 8:14:48 AM
Just ran into this, and yeah can confirm if you just click a few buttons it'll let you keep it.

Ace's Artisanal Alcove on 2/28/2025 10:13:56 AM
Yeah, I find myself throwing filter words to speak to what the character specifically cares about sometimes, I just know I hear a lot about it being bad practice. E: I just realized I'm really dumb, I was focusing on the "he noticed" and not the actual participial phrase. When I say filter words that's what I'm referring to, and I'm aware you don't need to use them to use participial phrases.

Big Box of Books on 2/28/2025 10:08:53 AM
Thanks, it does seem really interesting. Your recommendation definitely sells me on it more. I'm definitely not afraid of big books, I mean I mostly read fantasy haha, so I think the unabridged sounds a lot better. The fact that it's seralized and less of an epic grand tale is a little big of a knock against it for me, but not too much.

Ace's Artisanal Alcove on 2/28/2025 10:06:52 AM
Goddamn it, I should've known semicolons would strike again. Really though, this is insanely useful, almost kind of want to say it should be an article. It's definitely something to reference in editing I think, as you go through a scene and try and get the flow right. I know most of the grammar stuff, I kind of think of semicolons as cordniating conjuctions without any of the added implications behind then, like how but adds context that ; doesn't. But it isn't something that'd come to mind much, so it's really good to have it all spelled out. If I was trying to do this on my own, I'd likely either change it to 2, 3, 4 or 5, though I've heard 5 is bad because it creates distance from the pov character? I'm not too sure how good or bad it is to add "filter words" like "noticed". Anyway, this is gold. Hope someone comms this, and if you wanted to expand it you could make an article around controling the flow of your prose.

Ace's Artisanal Alcove on 2/27/2025 4:43:21 AM
Today's topic: Overuse of "As". So this is a problem I find myself running into a lot as I write. When I describe character actions, obviously you don't just describe them one after another. Like you don't do, "He walks forward. She clenches her fists." That's obvious. But I find myself doing "As he walks forward, she clenches her fists." Which is fine, but I feel like I overuse it a lot and don't really have alternatives. I find it hard to articulate the specific problem itself, hopefully it's not something unique to me. And it might not be too much of a problem, I see it a decent bit in published novels, but it still feels like I should be doing something different.

Big Box of Books on 2/27/2025 1:36:19 AM
Count of Monte Cristo seems really good, do you have any more to say about your thoughts on it? Really high on my classics to read list.

Big Box of Books on 2/27/2025 1:34:31 AM
Are you my fucking 7th grade teacher? She was one of the best teachers ever, but she made us read that book and my 7th grade self fucking hated that book. She also made us read Old Man and the Sea, which I also hated. E: Lol RK mentioned Old Man and the Sea, didn't even see that before posting

Fresh the Fifth Daughter on 2/27/2025 1:33:10 AM
I wanna lol fag, can I lol fag?