MrAce321, The Reader

Member Since


Last Activity

7/26/2024 10:28 AM

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Storygame Count


Duel Stats

19 wins / 8 losses




Hey, I'm Ace. To do list: Escape triple shame Done: 7/5/22 Complete 25 well thought out reviews Progress: 15 Write a story with a rating above 5 Here is where I keep track of the stories I've reviewed. If I reviewed your story and you're curious as to the rating I gave it it's on there. Reviews


A City Lost

This is a story about an artificer making his way through the world. Making choices who shape who he is and who he will become. With even his motives shifting based on his choices.

Authors Note:

This is an entry for EndMaster's prompt contest.

The prompt was, "This story’s protagonist is an artificer, magical blacksmith, or creator of magical weapons. You can translate this prompt to a sci-fi equivalent if you want."

I managed to make this story into a complete product with all the content I wanted in the time given, but I didn't have time to polish the prose much. Please leave any feedback you have. And just for fun make sure to include which of the nine epilogues you got or your favorite if you read multiple.

Bound by Light

This story is about a paladin who is on a quest to investigate an unkown evil out west, joined by a lighthearted mercanary.

Authors note: This story was made in a few days for Corgi's Lords of the land 2 contest. Not really proud of it, but it is what it is. Please leave any feedback you have in the reviews because while I know time could've improved the prose, the plot seems to be lacking something that I'm not sure of.

A Tale of Freedom and Chains

Crime PG story

Placeholder for story about PG


The Candy Man
paper slingers but with kids selling candy in boarding school

the mystery man
unpublished , coauthor

you play as a 69 year old (you decide their gender [their name is put with the selected gender] before the story starts) who has a mysterious visitor show up at their door at 5:29 AM every day. YOU and only YOU must find out who (or what) this mysterious visitor is or else...

Recent Posts

Weekly Review - Issue 51: Cursed on 7/19/2024 11:27:18 PM
Can confirm, it's a local delicacy. Make sure it's the bowls of ramen, the little packages are nasty.

2024 Summer Reading Comp Progress Tracker on 7/15/2024 9:30:35 PM
@benholman44 how tf have you read so many stories today?

2024 Summer Reading Comp Progress Tracker on 7/15/2024 4:35:04 PM
Yeah I do plan to, that story actually seems really interesting. A lot of stories on the site are impressive because someone here went through the effort to make them, but the premise isn't something I'd buy off a bookshelf. But Duke of Winslow is something I'd buy. Another story like that on the site that I'd like to read for the same reason is In Moonlit Waters. I'm currently learning Mandarin and am taking a gap year to study it in Taiwan for 10 months through some goverment program, so it really strikes me as something cool I'm not sure if I'll review Duke of Winslow during the contest, however, due to its length. But maybe I'll get around to it. I guess it depends on how far I go with the contest and how many games there are that interest me and are short, like one story please. As for Cell's game, I do need to read that sometime before the heat death of the universe lol. Think I promised him like 2 years ago I would.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses on 7/15/2024 7:09:05 AM
I may have these sorted, but I'm still haunted by the fact that for years I consistently wrote dialouge wrong because I learned two rules wrong, up until like 4 months ago. Those being these, "Are you restarted?" He asked. Instead of "Are you restarted?" he asked (I thought that since you used puncutation at the end of the dialouge tag instead of a comma that that meant the tag had to be capitalized.) As well as "No I'm not," he answered, "I'm actually just acoustic." Instead of "No I'm not," he answered. "I'm actually just acoustic." (I'm aware that if the sentences are fragments that are being connected by a comma you can do that, guess that's where I got the misconception from.) Anyway, hail be to lord Gower for his articles. I had read them many times through the years, but it wasn't until my latest reading that I noticed my misconceptions. E: As far as the its vs it's goes, I could see someone mixing it up because typically to make something possessive you use an apostrophe, whereas here you make it possessive without one, and the version with the apostrophe is using it as a contraction. Your explanation about it being a pronoun makes sense, I hadn't really thought about why it works that way.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses on 7/15/2024 12:59:35 AM
Yeah, I was completely joking lmao. I would've explained myself, but I didn't see you edit your message to say anything other than WRONG, so I thought you knew I was joking. As far as the other people in this thread, they're is a very real chance that there brains are shrivled up and their restarted. (god that hurts to read)

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses on 7/14/2024 4:52:01 PM
*its not your fault *it's people *its not a fault you

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses on 7/14/2024 5:25:03 AM
In addition to all the stuff that others have pointed out so far, one important note is you don’t have to respond to everything and explain yourself on every point. Your writing mitsakes have to be fixed if you want to be a good writer, that’s just what it is, but for a lot of other stuff you can just not respond. And far, far more importantly, when you do respond please for the love of god stop writing long ass posts for no reason. I’ve been guilty of it, hell I’m still sometimes sometimes guilty of it, just look at some of my posts in the Plato thread. It doesn’t matter if you think it’s well reasoned, it just makes you sound like a huge faggot. It’s far more skillful and effective to make your point in less words than to use 1000 meandoring through your stream of consciousness. You will note, this post could benefit from some brevity as well, and there’s probably many grammar mitsakes. But I am typing from an iPad at 4:20am... so please... forgive this Alien-esque post...

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses on 7/14/2024 2:29:44 AM
tysm!!! <3

2024 Summer Reading Comp Progress Tracker on 7/13/2024 7:12:18 PM
Nothin so far Currently Reviewing: One Story Please Open to story requests, I can edit this post even if you edit lock me. For this contest I would like the stories I read to have less than 3 featured comments and I'll take suggestions on which ones to rate, but can't guarrentee anything because I only plan to read things that are in my comfort zone. I fear if I force myself to read things for the sake of just writing a review, the review will turn out bland. I do plan to read your story Milton, sorry it's taken so long. I'll probally do it at some point during this contest, but if not I will for sure sometime before the diabeties takes me out. I don't typically read historical stuff, so I'm waiting for a certain mood to strike so I can ensure that I give the story the chance it deserves. And one day, at some point, I will read Cels story. But prob not during this contest since it has 3 featured reviews. E: Just realized Darius beat me to the 3rd review on that story, so I'll read Milton's story sometime after the contest.

Review of Plato's Works on 7/8/2024 1:56:34 AM
Sure, that's fair enough. I was just using it as a mode of comparison, since I read it similarly to literary fiction.