Wildblue, The Wordsmith

Member Since


Last Activity

7/21/2024 11:05 AM

EXP Points


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Storygame Count


Duel Stats

0 wins / 0 losses




I will finally finish a storygame I'm happy with in 2024 or I will kill myself.

Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points


Honor Among Thieves
You're Caelani, a member of the Thieves' Guild coming back from a job when an unexpected incident and an innocent desire to help catapults you into danger. My entry for Bucky's Year's End contest. This is my first story in a realistic fantasy setting. That seems to be the most popular here so I'll write more like this if the feedback is good.

Recent Posts

Crisis Contest Progress Thread on 7/17/2024 11:37:55 AM
Still making progress. I really like the religions I came up with for my storygame, I wish the plot had room for developing them more.

By Far The Most Retarded Thing Ever on 7/15/2024 6:52:50 PM

Hello, I'm just here to say I'm going to win the Crisis contest because all the rest of you in here are chimps deepthroating bananas and fried chicken.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses on 7/14/2024 2:20:58 PM
Ancient Radfem family heraldry.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses on 7/14/2024 2:18:27 PM
This thread makes me so glad I didn't post very much when I was an idiot teenager.

Crisis Contest Progress Thread on 7/12/2024 4:05:08 PM
I'm up to 1500 words. Considering that I've only worked on it a little last night and today during my break, if anyone is doing worse than me they should be worried.

Point-and-Click Adventure Games on 7/12/2024 10:06:36 AM
I've always thought just the name of these was silly. "Point and click". You do that in any game with a mouse.

Special Kids Shoving Beans Up Their Noses on 7/12/2024 9:59:35 AM

End Master's Crisis Contest on 7/12/2024 7:38:59 AM
I am starting with barely over two weeks to write, and in five years have never done anything notable on this site. Anyone who ends up rated below me really should be embarrassed. What I'm aiming for is a mostly a gauntlet style story with two major branches so I think progress will be quick. I'll finish one branch first just in case I run out of time on the other.

End Master's Crisis Contest on 7/9/2024 8:48:05 AM
Can I join? I know I haven't been very consistent, but there were a lot of circumstances around the previous one that sabotaged my efforts, and so I'm begging for just one more chance to finally prove myself!

Endmaster's prompt contest writing thread. on 2/5/2024 8:30:28 AM
I'm having to write on my phone, so this is very welcome news. I should even have a computer again by the time I need to paste it over to the site.