TheCanary, The Reader

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2/7/2025 5:53 PM

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0 wins / 2 losses





The Canary


I Don't Need Air to Breathe

Submission for Mizal's "Welcome to the Jungle" noob contest.

A story about having a second chance at existence. With some twists. 

[Writers note: Though this is a CYS game, this is a lot more linear than most CYS games tend to be. There are still some different routes to explore, though!]

Another placeholder - just in case

Another placeholder for a potential future story


Villain-protagonist based story where your reign of terror will take place in a time that is dependent upon your choices. Action-adventure, slight comedy, some gore.

Entry for Bucky's Year's End Contest

Yet to be named: The Sequel

Yet to be described part 2, electric boogaloo

Recent Posts

Can you boil rice? on 11/13/2024 10:56:19 PM

Sherbet only photoshopped this because he was mad I beat him in a video game!

Can you boil rice? on 11/13/2024 9:30:26 PM

Yeah nice try PAL, I know how that ends. 

Can you boil rice? on 11/13/2024 9:26:45 PM

Look, if you want to kill yourself, be my guest and go right ahead! Just don't burn down the house with you. 

Can you boil rice? on 11/13/2024 7:47:45 PM

Would say I am a solid 6-7. I've been cooking for myself since I was a kid, I can competently cook most things, just need a recipe. I could always use some improvement and I am certainly no gourmet chef. Plus I would say I am better at baking than cooking, but I just enjoy doing that more. 

Rice is one of the easiest things you can make, though I also grew up in a Mexican family so I watched my mom make spanish rice all the time as spanish rice and slow cooked beans are a staple of every Mexican dinner. 

I dont tend to usually eat rice often though, not because it's bad - as others have correctly pointed out, it has no strong taste of it's own - but I just tend to prefer allotting my carbs to other things depending on what kind of dish it is. Like a good lo mein or glass noodle dish >>>  

If I had to give any advice I'd say, learn the basic safety rules on whatever stove you have access to, then find some recipes. Watch videos on how to make it, nothing wrong with mimicking someone else until you have it down yourself, no one was born knowing how to cook. Get an idea of what you want to make, find a well-rated recipe on it, and just take a bit of time to go make it. Trust me, it's easier than it looks and soon you will be customizing it to your own liking. 

Also, I know it seems cutesy to be a 22 year old who eats frozen mac and cheese and chicken tendies every day and is proud that they don't know how to cook, but it's really not. Expand your taste, eat and try things you wouldn't normally try. Learn to cook, no one should ever be below a 4/8 here. Cooking basic dishes (even some scrambled eggs or basic pasta) is one of the easiest things you can do. Bragging about not being able to work a stove is like bragging about not being able to do your own laundry, it's a life skill everyone should have down!

By Far The Most Retarded Thing Ever on 7/15/2024 8:05:13 PM

What watching 12 hours of anime a day does to a mfer

WWE Tier List on 4/28/2024 8:36:23 PM

Cody, still. Easy choice!

WWE Tier List on 4/27/2024 2:34:39 PM

Cody Rhodes number 1 

Everyone else beneath him

hope this helped! 

Endmaster's prompt contest writing thread. on 1/25/2024 6:58:15 AM

Sounds like you have plenty of time to write if you dont have to work or go to school cause you're sick!

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3 on 1/22/2024 9:02:04 PM


Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!) on 1/14/2024 4:28:58 PM

You are 100x more of a fag than I am and I'm openly gay, stfu