TheCanary, The Reader
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The Canary
Submission for Mizal's "Welcome to the Jungle" noob contest.
A story about having a second chance at existence. With some twists.
[Writers note: Though this is a CYS game, this is a lot more linear than most CYS games tend to be. There are still some different routes to explore, though!]
Another placeholder for a potential future story
Villain-protagonist based story where your reign of terror will take place in a time that is dependent upon your choices. Action-adventure, slight comedy, some gore.
Entry for Bucky's Year's End Contest
Yet to be described part 2, electric boogaloo
Recent Posts
By Far The Most Retarded Thing Ever on 7/15/2024 8:05:13 PMWhat watching 12 hours of anime a day does to a mfer
WWE Tier List on 4/28/2024 8:36:23 PM
Cody, still. Easy choice!
WWE Tier List on 4/27/2024 2:34:39 PM
Cody Rhodes number 1
Everyone else beneath him
hope this helped!
Endmaster's prompt contest writing thread. on 1/25/2024 6:58:15 AM
Sounds like you have plenty of time to write if you dont have to work or go to school cause you're sick!
End Master’s Prompt Contest 3 on 1/22/2024 9:02:04 PM
Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!) on 1/14/2024 4:28:58 PM
You are 100x more of a fag than I am and I'm openly gay, stfu
Gay Nazi Slapfight (Now with Femboys!) on 1/14/2024 1:44:03 PM
my school crush on 1/9/2024 2:56:12 AM
❅ Secret Santa ❅ on 1/8/2024 10:59:12 PM
It's certainly a peculiar style!
End Master’s Prompt Contest 3 on 1/8/2024 6:20:09 PM
LOCKED, good luck!