DBNB, The Apprentice Scrivener
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“Writer’s block is a fancy term made up by whiners so they can have an excuse to drink alcohol.”—Steve Martin
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Samson, the biblical hero of great strength, seemingly had much going for him. He was strong, had women, and could even kill 1000 men with only the jawbone of a donkey for a weapon. However, in the biblical account, Samson is betrayed by Delilah, and ends up blind and imprisoned before his heroic death. Could he have chosen a different path? Or was the path he chose the best one available. You get to choose.
This storygame was created as an entry for EndMaster's Myth & Religion Contest
The end of the world is nigh - or at least the end of your world. Rebellion has been stirring in the Middle Kingdom, which is nothing new. But now, the Empress' book of power is missing. This book contains the secret words of power by which she created and set the foundations of her kingdom. In the wrong hands, they could undo everything, including you. You play as Artem, the Empress' top champion as you seek to retrieve the book and keep the kingdom in status quo.
Created as an entry for EndMaster's Crisis Contest
You play as Peter, a young high school student attending a Halloween Party. But remember, things, and people are not always what they seem.
An entry for Mizal's Damned and the Shamed Contest 2023.
A certain story
Recent Posts
What should I do for a prequel? on 3/25/2025 11:12:17 AMDude, you must be way stupider than even I am giving you credit for.
What should I do for a prequel? on 3/25/2025 11:04:52 AM
If you are looking for advice, I would not recommend having the community choose. Most of us are really not interested in having you type prompts based upon what we say into an AI and then tell us what it says. Additionally, weren't you the one all worried that folks would steal all your brilliant story ideas? So why would you try to get all the ideas from us? You are a persistantly retarded newb.
I’m so fucking stressed 😩 on 3/21/2025 10:32:38 AM
I’m so fucking stressed 😩 on 3/20/2025 5:33:49 PM
Agreed, my username is stupid, but I never asked to not be judged because of it. However the story of how it came about is interesting, suspenseful, and quite possibly the greatest story ever told by a living author. So I will satisfy your curiousity.
Well before I even considered entering the forum, I wanted to save my place in a game which required an account. Usernames required at least 4 letters so I typed some in. By the time I decided to join forum discussion I had already rated a bunch of games and I didn't want to start from scratch so I was stuck with it. I was not brilliant enough to actually pick a username that meant anything.
The Iliad Book Club, Book 5 on 3/20/2025 1:00:25 PM
No, that was not implied at all. You inferring that from his statement simply demonstrates your complete lack of understanding regarding the discussion and Malk's response to the previous post by Gower.
Gower made a point specifically regarding the humanity of Ares, to which Malk responded. Not every post or point needs to reference every single character involved.
I’m so fucking stressed 😩 on 3/20/2025 10:09:13 AM
Since we have all taken the time to answer your question and list activities to help de-stress, it seems there should be some response to the second part of your post.
I believe it would be extremely remiss of us to not judge you for your stupid choices, especially that of your username. Please know that we DO judge you harshly. Asking folks to not do that is inviting judgment and criticism. Your username is too long and retarded.and you definitely should regret it. The fact that it is not easily shortened to something usable when others wish to refer to you will probably ensure that you will be referred to as "that retarded noob" until you do something worthwhile.
I’m so fucking stressed 😩 on 3/19/2025 11:58:51 PM
What is a good word count for my first story game on 3/19/2025 9:26:38 AM
Since this is not an article or assignment that is word count specific, you should aim to use enough words to properly develop and tell your story. There are plenty of stories here that have lower word counts with well written and developed characters and plots. It would not be beneficial to your story to pick a word count and then pad your sentences and paragraphs with unnecessary words simply to hit that goal. Focus on producing quality writing and the word count will take care of itself.
Can you boil rice? on 3/14/2025 10:13:57 AM
Well, I guess we can rule out Fresh as being the one you are in a cooking competition with.
I've been kidnapped and now I'm here?? on 3/13/2025 5:56:08 PM
Welcome to the site.
In addition to Ogre's recommendations, one should also always read Love SICK. A timeless classic and literary masterpiece.