TemporDestroyer, The Contributor

Member Since


Last Activity

3/26/2025 3:03 AM

EXP Points


Post Count


Storygame Count


Duel Stats

9 wins / 7 losses




Hello. Now you can go read the other storygames.

Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points


Battle Test
This will never be published

Erny! You kill him or you save him or...

Escape from here... (OG)
Nothing, archived and never to be touched again.

The Rand'o Quiz

A "quiz" full of questions without a nailed-down theme. Test your ability to pass this (and only this) alone here. (WARNING: AGE AND DIFFICULTY RATINGS INACCURATE-ISH)

If you can beat this quiz, you'll get a pr- Just kidding. You can just rate it... If you ignore the button that makes you do it instantly, which is not recommended. There is no tutorial, I wish you knew what THIS QUIZ is. Also, don't take anything seriously.

Now with that Marquee, you'll have to do the quiz yourself. It's true. If you don't know this, you'll know by losing the game.

> .Styletext { color: #CD201F; font-size: 20px; }

Articles Written

How To Earn Points
You can earn points by rating, creating, duels, writing articles, and getting commended. There are other ways too!

Recent Posts

Can you make a story without characters? on 2/11/2025 7:29:54 PM
Depends on what is a character and what is a story.

I found an AI generated turtle wearing sunglasses on 12/21/2024 1:07:13 AM
Finally, a thread!

A Fun Little Poem for Halloween.. on 9/30/2024 8:51:20 PM
Now that's nice. Now you can make another, hope it's still sweet.

New Here on 9/30/2024 8:22:37 PM
You're now banned. Goodbye.

Minimum number of pages? on 9/15/2024 8:16:30 PM
I tested it by making a temporary storygame and spamming new pages until the page count was no longer "too low to be published". Seems like ten is the right guess, as it just says ten is "way below average" and reducing it down to nine makes it "too low to be published". So if someone wants to publish their storygame that might as well be pure unpolished garbage that's better in the dirty draft trash can, they need to make at least ten pages above all the other requirements.

Minimum number of pages? on 9/15/2024 7:57:16 PM
For all I know, ten pages are needed to publish a full storygame to prevent demos with only a few pages or linear stories with one page and that's it.

I'm new ig on 8/19/2024 1:07:13 AM
If you're asking me just read any story you want. Even the terrible 2-rated stories or 3-rated stories that still stand because they're old and people were nicer when rating back then.

I'm new ig on 8/18/2024 12:41:11 AM
Hello there, welcome to CYS—a great website for choose-your-own-stories. You should check out the stories available. There are some masterpieces here. Since you're new here, I suggest reading the help & info section because that's kinda useful for learning stuff like how to write decent storygames and code here. Also helps with just interacting the website.

This place seems cool!! on 8/15/2024 4:19:23 AM
Yep, this place is cool. You can see great storygames here like the masterpiece Eternal, which will take forever to read but is still a somewhat worthwhile journey if you do read. I recommend this site.

Describe This Photo... on 8/1/2024 9:00:00 PM
A circle platform made of solid bricks hovering on a somewhat cloudy and dark sky that can represent another dimension, illuminated by large torches that lighten up the area.