You get out of your bed. "I don't want to get up." You think as you look up at the stone ceiling and see the chandileir, still lit, but very dully. "Owww," You roll over in bed, "I don't want to get out of bed." You say again.
"Well you have to."
"Ah!" You are startled and fall out of bed."What are you still doing here?"
"Well I fell asleep and decided I should be able to stay in my own bed." The woman sat up looking at him.
"Just because your my wife dosen't mean you can stay in my bedroom every night."
"Is that so, you are an odd-ball. I suppse I should have listened to mother." She looked up.
"Well to tell you the truth I just didn't want you to wake me up this early today."
"Well, you can eat here or in the dining hall, what'll it be? We haven't got all day you have to be in the air with Hacky."
"That dragon? I wanted Hoshy. But don't tell little Hacky, it hurt her feelings."
"Hoshy is sick, don't you remember?"
"Yes actualy. Well, where should I eat?"