ThE iNtroDucTioN

The Ass Kickin

Dylen is in school with a couple of kids.The kids chose to bother the hell out of him! A couple of kids from this gang called the Cryptled Crypts Beat the shit out of him! He cant do shit cause its a 1 on 10! He comes home with a broken arm,swollen eye,broken nut, and a dent head!

What the hell is he to do??

10 years come by....His eye is still the same.He choses to go to the club to find a girl! He c's a good lookin good girl and walks over to her. She tell's him to get his fagget ass away from her! He says why. She says "look at that Fuckin eye! You think you gonna get this chick with that fucked up eye!" She starts to laugh and kicks his "weener". He thinks back on how he got that fucked up eye. 


he comes up with a plan that he is goin to do to that gang!

You choose the damn plan!