A Boy

As the son of your father, the Grand Priest of the Holy Kingdom, you've always had a lot on your plate. The moment  you could speak, your father put you in lessons of every type. At first they were purely academic, only ranging  from basic history to simple math, but as time progressed your lessons became more difficult. You were required to memorize religious texts of every manner, and you were even taught some philosophy. This routine was all there was to your life at twelve years of age. You were content with it too, until two major things happened. 

A breeze shakes the trees around you and cools your face. Your take a moment and close your eyes allowing the feeling to move across your entire body. It relaxes you, and coupled with the silence of the forest you imagine this is what Paradise must feel like. You open your eyes and are momentarily blinded by the sun. It'd been like this every day this season. Blistering hot, but with a breeze that you always make sure to thank the Creator for. Without it your training would be nearly unbearable. 

Of course, you'd much rather have to deal with your Knight training every day than have to do extra academic lessons. Maybe if you hadn't started the training to become a knight of the Holy Order you wouldn't hate lessons so much. Then again, you also wouldn't know the bliss of resting after a good workout. Besides, even if you hadn't begun your training there was always the second thing. 

Even as the thought enters the mind, the figure appears before you. Platinum blonde hair frame an angelic face that seems to hold your attention much longer than normal. You bring your eyes to her emerald ones for a moment then look away. 

“Hey Erron. Have you been waiting long?” Her voice is rich with authority and familiarity,

You turn back at the sound of your name to see a wide smile atop her face. “Yes I have. If you kept me waiting much longer, then some bird might've started using me for a nest.” You allow yourself a small smile when she rolls her eyes. 

“Are you ready for this, Alessandra?” Her name rolls off your tongue with ease. “Excuse me. I meant your Majesty.”  You bow slightly, and her smile stays for a few more moments before disappearing from her face entirely. It's replaced with an expression of apprehension. 

“I’m nervous. I don't want him to keep us from going back there.” 

She runs her fingers through her hair. The young princess was authoritative, but often times, you find her to lack a lot of confidence. Or maybe that was just with you. 

“It’s fine. He's never been mean to us before. Remember? The only thing he asked us not to do was to bring anyone else when we visit him.” You cast your thoughts back to your memories of the man…