Your CLACC journey begins

For the past 4 months Constituent Lobby Against Climate Change has been working to set up a briefing with the House of Commons Standing committee on Natural Resources (RNNR). You just found out that the efforts of you and colleagues across the country have been fruitful, and CLACC has a chance to share a briefing with the RNNR committee. Your specific role is to team up with another CLACC member and prepare for the event, which will happen in exactly one months time.

Your a member of one CLACC chapter

There are a total of 11 members in the committee, plus an additional 100 associate members.  Each representative is being assigned a 2-person team from Constituent Lobby Against Climate Change who will be seeking to specifically engage that representative.  You saw no one had signed up to connect with MP Tuyen Dinh so you take the spot and look for your teammate.  Its not too long that Bob Morgan a veteran from many CLACC campaigns contacts you and volunteers to team up with you.  Bob is a native of Thornhill, and seems to be a great fit given that Dinh's constituency is in Thornhill.

At this event you and CLACC allies will be working to help the caucus to find their own reasons & motivations to commit to the platform agenda presented by policy experts at CLACC.


CLACC's briefing just concluded.  You and Bob have a short lunch break and take a moment to review your strategy for getting Dinh onboard with CLACC's agenda. What was your strategy for working with MP Dinh?