30 May 1588: Lisbon, Spain

Your name is Martin Bertendona and you are one of the Spanish Navy's most experienced and renowned sailors.

It is unsurprising that in the summer of 1588 when the King of Spain conceived a plan to invade his hated rival England by sea, he would choose you to play a major role in the venture. From the beginning you were involved in the planning and organizing of the vast 130 ship fleet carrying some 25,000 men. The plan is for you all to sail from Spain, pick up a Spanish army of 30,000 additional men in Flanders and use them to invade England.

The Spanish Armada, as your enemies call it, is under the overall leadership of the Duke of Medina Sidonia, a high-born nobleman, and divided into ten squadrons, of which you command the ten-ship Squadron of Levant from your mighty flagship the 30-gun La Regazona, actually the largest ship in the fleet. After two years of planning everything is now ready to initiate the plan with which you intend to destroy Spain’s greatest enemy.

One warm summer’s day you order your ship to raise it’s sails and lead your Squadron out of the port of Lisbon (like the rest of Portugal under Spanish control since it’s conquest eight years ago) to join the rest of the Armada. United the Armada begins its journey towards Flanders and England, with only the inferior English Navy barring your way by sea it seems to you all that nothing can stop Spain’s latest and greatest conquest.

A List of Officers of the Spanish Armada Cast List