
Who is Lizzie?


"I have no idea who she is..."


"She's just a classmate."


"...I'll never forget Lizzie. I'll never forget the days when things were simple, almost peaceful. When the bitter winter was blown by into a warm, crisp spring. Then the clomping footsteps of summer, and it's malicious smile as it crushed every dream in sight. My brain feels so cluttered, yet light like a cloud. Each memory, whether it be good or bad, tries to float away from my grasp and be lost in the depths of my mind. And so, this story is not like any other story. This is not about me, or not all about me. It's not about Lizzie, either. As a younger version of myself, I found it quite challenging to grasp the idea of family, and a refuge. Who could have guessed that a twelve year girl, my peer, could have taught me that lesson? A lesson that would more or less change the rest of a young girl's existence to include more battles where blood was (figuratively) spilled, and a family to run home to after I was done? Not even Lizzie knew how she had changed my life, and she carried that lack of knowledge right on home with her."


You will decide how much impact Lizzie had on me. Will you be happy with your choice?