Player Comments on Zombie Survival in need of a name!
Nice use of variables with the jobs and all. I think it's a nice game and look forward to seeing the full thing.
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on 2/13/2014 10:56:23 AM with a score of 0
The material you're covering probably should get bumped up to a six or a seven, but that's about it...
Usage of variables has been executed very well, though I'm not sure if you want to implement some paths based on what you have in your inventory (e.g. "I have a lighter in my inventory, so the option to throw it at the fuel covered zeds will be available."), and I haven't seen the full usage of your variables yet.
Good that you didn't make it melodramatic, and you started off the story with some pretty unorthodox choices (genitalia removes all that unnecessary tension one gets when they're playing an apocalyptic CYS XD), and though I would like to have a little more backstory and SOME (maybe a sentence or two more) of description, I can't find anything wrong.
I'm pretty curious how the gender roles will play throughout the story. Are you aiming to have jobs gender-segregated (or at least, for the most part) like in the real world, or are you going to open up all job and background options for both genders?
Are you going to add any variations to background story of your characters based on genders, and will certain people act differently according to your gender?
Well, I'm pretty sure there's a lot of stuff still unaccounted for, but you're definitely on the right track here. BerkaZerka's "Dead Man Walking" was pretty complicated, but if you ask him or anyone else in the Advanced Editor Forums, you'll be able to find the help you need for variables for characters, items, choices, and so forth.
I'm looking forward to seeing a full version. ;)
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on 2/13/2014 1:24:41 AM with a score of 0
Dang it! You cut the story off as I was getting into it. Let me start by saying that I loved how you did the intro by not starting with the generic and overused "You wake up..." and actually making me want to read this. I didn't notice any serious grammar errors. The way you vividly paint each scene is good, but be careful not to overdo it. Also, if you are truly worried about people not taking the items, just put a variable restriction on the link. Overall I think this has the potential to be a great story and I am looking forward to seeing a longer and complete version.
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on 2/13/2014 1:08:25 AM with a score of 0
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