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9 months ago
Salutations! Pleased to meet you all! I have a couple of questions that I hope can be answered! Firstly, what are points for? Do I need more to move up in the order? And secondly, is it possible to change the 'the reader' by my name? Thank you for your time!


9 months ago
this article answers both what points are for and how ranks work. I'll give you 1000 points if you can get banned in less than 24 hours starting now good luck.


9 months ago
He's gone, make sure you keep your promise.


9 months ago
Yo FORD, my points man and please don’t ban me again


8 months ago



8 months ago
Why are you being so rude?


8 months ago
Figuring out information from context and reading a room are valuable things you'll need to learn for basic functioning in life. There is ample information available on the issue with the OP to anyone who can read, and why white knighting him to Thara of all people is not a great way to start your forum career.


8 months ago

Are you saying this isn't a cool retard alt?

Because that would be the only explanation that makes sense.


8 months ago
Nee Zealand IP, and I don't think Cooltard understands what a proxy is.

I know, I was confused too. But I've got my eye on this scum.


8 months ago

Of course they're from the Zea.


9 months ago
Welcome to the site.

Points are for... nothing, really. They measure your general productivity such as reading, writing(lol), reviewing, etc. Following some autistic equation, points determine how heavily your ratings are weighted for a story. They are not needed to move up in your order (that would be commendations).

To change your title, you either reach the next points marker, or become influential enough to have it changed.


9 months ago
This is just Captain Cooltard again isn't it?


9 months ago
Answer: yes


9 months ago

Pretty obvious.

Would have been less obvious if he'd at least used a different email account.


9 months ago
I have such a hard time believing this kid is 15.


9 months ago



9 months ago
I'm always perplexed by the logic of noobs that think the answer to getting banned is to immediately make more accounts and then clog the forums with MORE threads, lol.

Ok CaptainCool, listen, the current strategy of making a ton of accounts with the same email is probably not gonna work out for you. If you want a chance to survive despite the hole you've dug, just keep a low profile and maybe try writing something that isn't a 300-word quiz, or swiped from a video game. Actual site contributions can go a long way, y'know.


9 months ago
I used to explain, in detail, how to ban evade to so many of these kids, and I don't think even one ever listened to me. Best of luck to you, but this will only end in disappointment. The things that get them banned in the first place always come with this singleminded determination to never do anything different.


9 months ago

Rope pls 


9 months ago
Right, the traditional belt is only for card carrying CYStians.


8 months ago

I was going to welcome him, but it seems he's been sufficiently greeted by the banhammer. 


8 months ago

Hey, I feel ya kid. I did the same thing once. Here's a clue: wait a little while. Disappear into the framework. When you come back, rate a few stories. Maybe write a review. Make yourself useful. Then, when you finally think it's safe to go back on the forums (another hint: it's gonna be longer than you think), carefully consider your first post. Don't make five thousand threads. Be actually funny. Put thoughts into what you say.

Until then, shut the fuck up


8 months ago
when are you going to be funny, hypocrite?


8 months ago

Every point is actually worth $1,000 USD, but on account of international sanctions there is currently no way to cash it in. 


8 months ago

I see this meme continues to be relevant:


Anyways, many of today's established CYStians have a dark past involving ban evasion, and if you follow the advice in this thread, it will probably work. However, site culture isn't going to change, so unless you genuinely like the environment of violent forum PVP, ask yourself if the effort is really worth it to you.


8 months ago
He skipped the first two steps.


8 months ago

Literally none of the noob creatures in historical memory who do the first two steps as their first actions on the site ever use the forums, those kind really tend to just disappear as quickly as they arrived.


8 months ago

Yes, the joke is that the first two steps are the newcomer's plan rather than what they actually do. They typically don't write 200k fantasy epics, but a large minority start to and then post exerpts from them.


8 months ago

The only one who did the first two steps was the author of your fate like clockwork. That guy was good. I even tried to find his work on Wattpad.


8 months ago
Story of my life without the "skill" bit.